Don’t Worry ‘Bout Nothin’

I had an exhausting weekend.

Hurting friends who needed to stop by to talk and pray with us for a few hours.

Extended family battling illnesses and me trying to figure out how best to help from both nearby and, for one, from a distance.

Fretting over some future decisions that will affect our family.

One of my sons’ favorite friends losing his grandma last week whom he was so very close to and, as a result, him wanting to hang out with us over the weekend to help him in his grief. Oh and….“Could you also make fried chicken and peanut-butter apple crisp for dinner Mom E.? I’d really like that.”

Of course I cancelled the frozen pizza plans and happily obliged.

In the midst of the emotional energy it took to get through about the last five days, I have gotten very little accomplished and gotten even littler sleep.

While driving the mancub to his golf match, he wanted to play some music through the car’s stereo from his new smartphone (that he bought, by the way. If our kids want a smart phone they have to be smart and earn money for it. Otherwise their dad and I think an old flip-phone from a yard sale is more than adequate to communicate with us!)

Now, you must know that the mancub likes listening to country music. I mean cryin-on-the-front-porch-coon-dog-riding-in-my-truckbed-fishin-hole-on-Saturdays-and-Sunday-go-to-church-meeting country music.

I sighed and said “Okay”, even though I would have preferred blessed silence to the blaring twang.

Am I ever glad I did for THIS was the song that came out of the speakers, seeming to also be straight outta Philippians 4:6.

I hope it makes you let it go and pray like it did for me.

Well, and it might just make you tap your toe a little too. I myself may or may not have been spotted with my window down crooning the chorus at the top of my lungs while headed north on US 27. (I like embarrassing the mancub that way.)

Yep. The song is right.

Don’t worry ’bout nothin’. Pray about everything.

NOTE: The winners of Lil’ Light O’ Mine’s scripture cards are:

Joyce C and Missy Birkhead. Please mail your home address along with what it is that you won too [email protected]


  1. I am so glad i saved this until i had time to read it. Karen you are always such a blessing to my heart. I love the song and it is so right on, don’t worry ’bout nothin’ and pray about everything, I also liked what Mary T shared about, “Good morning! This is God! I will be handling your problems today. I will not need your help, so relax and have a great day!”. I am going to put that up in my apartment in a few choice eye catching reminder to myself that God is in charge. Thanks Karen and Mary T.!

  2. Got so busy this past week…fell behind in my reading and participating in the SLL OBS and A Confident Heart OBS…so much going on with family, my students, and meetings…had to take a family member to the hospital for testing and this is what I saw…”Good morning! This is God! I will be handling your problems today. I will not need your help. So, relax and have a great day!” I have been reminded by this and your post to continue to leave my worries at the foot of the cross and pray about everything! This song is absolutely about the truth and also a great “tune”! Bless you!

  3. I had never heard that song, but I really needed it! I am in the midst of the Stressed-Less Living Bible study and this fits in just perfectly! I am also in the midst of end-of-year testing at school. I have found myself praying more and worrying less and I have been able to enjoy this whole testing thing….(if that is possible).

    Thank you so much for posting the song and sharing your life with us.

  4. Awww Karen, thanks so much for sharing this. What a great mom you are for letting your son listen to his music! Isn’t it wonderful how God speaks to us through our children? I hadn’t heard this song before but I love it. You may spot me crooning the chorus as I cruise down the highway! :) Thanks for sharing this.
    P.S. Praying your life slows down – remember – don’t worry bout nothin!

  5. Thanks Karen! I needed that! Some times I get so caught up with what is going on in my own little world, that i feel like I don’t take time to look around to see who is in need of my help. This got my attention! You are blessing so many lives! May God bless you for taking time to help heal others!!

  6. Thank you! I am so glad for your post. I can relate to your weekend in so many ways. I printed out Philipians 4:16 as a memory verse to hide in my heart.

  7. Love the song and the artist! Praise God for parents like you who are teaching values to their children! I know it takes effort, but God is pleased with what you are doing (and your children will thank you one day!). Love and Blessings from Mississippi!

  8. Thank you! I needed this! Prayer is all that helped me get thru a very trying weekend! My new favorite song!!

  9. You know,with all that is on my mind, I have found such a peace in knowing that I do not worry about anything and I pray about it all. There is really no sense in worrying. What will that get me? Older, grey hair–not that I have my fair share already! But it says in the Bible that worrying is a sin and it totally takes our minds off God and on the situation we have been set before us. I have made a promise to myself that I will not worry about anything and I will pray about it all. Especially with Warren’s job. I could be on a rail way line worrying about this and then not seeing God at work. With me not doing the worrying, I am going to see God work in many different ways. Amen. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Thank you! This is my son’s life verse (he’s 10). He’ll occasionally say, “Now what does that verse say, Mom?” He has it written on numerous index cards. I just posted the link to this song on his facebook wall.

  11. Love the song, Karen! It goes right along with your book, “Let it Go”, which I love, by the way. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Just love it…I hope I had half the generous servant-hearted attitude you have when I was in the thick of raising my kids. I know it’s not too late when my kids come home for a visit (yep…3 out of 4 are on their own). You always bring a smile to my heart and a blessing to my spirit. Thank you!!

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