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Having a Martha Home the Mary Way {GIVEAWAY!!!}

Got housework? Yeah you do.

But you also have a soul that needs tending to. If you’ve struggled under the weight of all there is to do and be as a woman who makes a home, I want to tell you about a place to discover refreshment and relief for your weary, overwhelmed soul. Oh….and a ton of cleaning hints and strategies.

If your homemaking habits—or lack there of—could use a little boost, and you also long to have a clean heart too, check out the new book by my friend Sarah Mae called Having a Martha Home the Mary Way. {If you’ve not heard of the sisters Mary and Martha from the Bible, one was a cleaner and one clung to Jesus. This book helps you clean like Martha and cling to Jesus like Mary.}

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way by Sarah Mae

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way is for those of us who are still drowning a bit in housework, but who need to know that our identity is not in the work or the expectations put on us. At the heart, this book is about love, loving ourselves and others through a home that offers rest and peace and welcome. It is a move towards gentle homemaking, where we accept our limitations with grace, and offer that same grace to those who come under our roofs and into our care.

Having a Martha Home the Mary Way will help you…

  • Learn the art of gentle homemaking – being gentle with yourself and others
  • Learn the beautiful balance between being a “Mary” and a “Martha” – We need both!
  • Finally release the guilt that you have to be a certain type of homemaker to be a “good” one
  • Be inspired to clean! Yes, really! And it can be fun!

If you would like to be entered to win a copy of Having a Martha Home the Mary Way, leave a comment with your least favorite cleaning chore. Winner announced Wednesday. In the mean time, head over to Sarah’s blog for a fun post on cleaning for the domestically challenged.

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  1. I am not a good housekeeper at all. My most least favorite would be vacuuming the house. I am thankful that both of my daughters are wonderful housekeepers and they have spouses who are supportive and aid in keeping things organized and clean, along with teaching their children responsibilities to the family (chores).

  2. I love organizing and love a clean & tidy home, but I really procrastinate on mopping and cleaning windows! Ugh! I need to remember to be thankful I have those things to clean!

  3. With six children, the youngest being two-year old twins, my least favorite chore is laundry. No matter what “method” we’ve tried, I’m still drowning in it. My hubby, bless his soul, helps out tremendously but it seems we never get caught up! I detest laundry and often find myself a little perturbed with Adam and Eve for causing the whole now we must wear clothes dilemma….. :-)

  4. As a new wife, I’m struggling to keep everything clean! We are busy and we are opposites, so I’m the one trying to make the time to keep things clean. It’s exhausting! But now that I live with a man, cleaning the toilet is my least favorite!

  5. My least favorite cleaning chore? I have two – the bathroom and the refrigerator. Ugh.

    Encouragement would be so appreciated. I have more mess in my life right now than just the bathrooms and the fridge. Today is kind of a struggle and I’d guess my Mary/Martha balance is out of wack. Thanks for offering the book.

  6. From a physical standpoint, the floors would be my choice…leaves me in pain. I don’t hate housework…just wish the results would be visible for longer. :)

  7. When my long hair clogs up the drains and vacuum roller. Nothing like a hairball attached various other…items!

  8. washing windows is the worst, although dusting is close. thank for sharing this very practical-looking book giveaway!

  9. Based on many of the other comments posted I know that I am not alone with this least favorite chore…cleaning the bathroom. Just the thought of cleaning it makes me want to run in the opposite direction. Seriously.

  10. Any deep cleaning. Meaning like things that aren’t a daily task. Something I have to block off a Saturday for. ?

  11. I love the balance thought of Mary and Martha. Balance! What a “hard” word! Washing windows is what I put off – do not enjoy that job.

  12. This s an intriguing list. Do I have to pick one? I see many people share my distaste for dusting, sorting, ironing…. Probably the worst would have to be cleaning out the shower drain. With almost floor-length hair, the rat-like, slimy mass I pull out seems to be connected to the yard outside. Gag!

  13. My least favorite chore is mopping!!! I have all laminate floors on the bottom level so it takes a lot of work! It wasn’t SO bad until my steam mop broke ?

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