Quality Time with Our Taxes and a Question….
Well friends….I would love to have something profound or funny to post today but alas, our taxes still call. I was interrupted too many times to count yesterday and only managed to get all of the receipts sorted and added. Today I will get the data entered into the computer.
I hope.
Also, I have a question out there to my blogging friends in cyberspace. I have had a request to speak at a MOPS group in the western suburbs of Chicago next year on both a first and a third Thursday of the month. The month is yet to be determined. However, I am looking for other churches in the general area who have women’s groups that meet on the first or third Thursday evening or first or third Friday morning so I can make my trip more worthwhile and so the groups can split the mileage between them. Anyone out there know of such a group? Leave a comment and let me know.
Back to the books….
P.S…….Keep checking back to my site for an organizational “Hop and Swap” I’ll be hosting next week in conjunction with my friend Lysa TerKeurst president of Proverbs 31 Ministries. It will be designed to help each other tackle those areas of our home that are in need of a desperate organizational overhaul. And yes…there will be a prize too! Details coming soon…
Ours is such a church!!! We are in Bolingbrook…we don’t have a regular evening meeting, but I would LOVE to set one up…it helps being the pastor’s wife to get something like this arranged!…our ladies would be blessed to have you. Just email me!