One Last Summer Get-away
Hello from Central Illinois!!!! I just had the honor of speaking to a wonderful group of gals of all ages at New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, Illinois. I was able to meet the gracious and beautiful Connie, the event’s contact gal, in person and all of the members of the wonderful committee. What an organized and on-purpose group of gals!!!! EVERYTHING about the event was fantastic and my to top it off, my accountability partner Mary lives a half hour from here and was able to come work my book table and spend a little time with us.
It was a nearly 6-hour drive to get here, but worth every “he’s-crowding-my-space-and-her-music-is-too-loud-and-when-are-we-going-to-be-there” minute. Yep, the whole clan came down. Our last end-of-summer get-away and the FIRST get-away for dear hubby who has been working like a madman getting the basement painting fininshed.
Mackenzie performed a song in sign language at the end of my first talk and the boys got to hang out with dad at the hotel swimming and at the church’s teen center playing pool and basketball. Then later, Kenzie scooted over to my friend Jill Savage’s house (she came to help too) to spend the night with her daughter Erica. Kenz and Erica have known about each other for years but just last spring spent time together. They hit it off right away and are like twins separated at birth!!
Later this morning, we’ll pick Kenz up, head home to Michigan and hope to stop off to see Todd’s mom in the process. Then it is home to keep unpacking and getting ready for school to begin next week.
But for now, I am enjoying the last few quiet moments in the hotel and thanking God for the many sweet women I was able to meet last night, many of whom shared what God is doing in their lives to change their hearts to be more like Him. I LOVE seeing God work first hand as He challenges us to embrace our lot in life, however little it may seem.
And by the way… many of the gals last night wanted to know what song it was that Mackenzie signed to. It was Broken Things sung by our friend Sylvia Lange. Her website address is
Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!!!!!!
Sweet Blessings,
Hi Karen,
My name is Renee Motley and I’ve heard you speak at She Speaks and I love your blog!
I read what you wrote in For the Write Reason and had a question about how you started your own newsletter for stay-at-home moms. Can you give me a few tips if you have time? I know you are probably a busy lady but if you get a minute that would be awesome. I’m a stay-at-home mom and love to write and am very interested in learning this.
Renee Motley
[email protected]