Update and Not Uptight!!!
Hi all!
Just hopping on for a quick update to let you know that it may be quiet here for another week or so. The carpet finally went in the basement!!!! Yippeee!!!!
Now, we are moving the second half of our things into Kenz and Mitch’s bedrooms and setting up the family room and school/homework area too. Oh, and tagging LOTS of items for our big “we downsized our life” garage sale. In the midst of all of this, I have my only speaking engagement of the summer this Thursday at New Castle Bible Church in Mackinaw, Illinois. Kenz and I are so excited to go. Once we pack our suitcases, I finish ordering books for school, haul some more boxes and pieces of furniture into the basement…..oh, and FIND MY NOTES FOR MY TALKS!!!!! (Yes, this from the gal who writes and speaks on organization. No clever comments needed!!!)
I’ll be back as soon I can fit blogging back into my priority line up. Right now, I’m still playing catch up!!!!
Sweet Blessings,
Thanks for your kind words Sonya!!! I will stop by!
Hi Karen,
I have recently finished reading your book, “A Life that says WELCOME”. I LOVED IT! It has changed my life and my ability to minister to others. Thank you for writing this book. I am posting a blog post tomorrow that features your book. I hope you have a chance to come by and read how much this book has transformed my life.