Back Home and Announcing the Winners…..
Whew!! What a fun and somewhat frazzled last few days. After a quick trip to the Chicago area to speak to the wonderful moms at First Baptist of Geneva on Thursday morning, I grabbed my friend Jeanne, who was in the area dropping a car off to her daughter at college, and we headed home, chatting all the way! Then it was off to the Hearts at Home Great Lakes Conference where I got to spend time with some of my favorite people including her and her and her and her and her and her and him but most of all, my daughter Mackenzie. Best of all, I was able to introduce more women to Proverbs 31 Ministries and what we offer to women who are trying to live godly lives in the midst of today’s busy and mixed up world. And boy, were you ladies hungry to learn more!! I took what I thought were plenty of free back issues of our monthly magazine to hand out as samples and ran out before the day was even half finished! If you want to check out our magazine, click here. And for those of you who didn’t find time to stop by the table and sign up for our free online devotional, you can still do so by visiting here. Then you’ll have little bit of our ministry visiting you every Monday-Friday via the inbox of your email!
Now it is back to my crazy, daily life with hubby and kiddos. My husband is laid off from General Motors this week. It is a good news/bad news thing. Less money—but more dad for the next few days. He is headed off to a nearby retreat center today to spend some much-needed alone time to connect with God. Then the rest of the week, he’ll get to go to the kids’ sports, since he works the late afternoon/night shift and can’t usually attend.
I will be trying to practice what I preach and get back into the routine of life. Things go out the window when I have a speaking weekend. Even thought the boys were left with food while we girls were gone, now not only is my cupboard bare, but I have no fridge!!! We just sold our fridge because it was too large and overpowering. It was one of those French door with the freezer on bottom. Stainless steel and beautiful, but it drove us nuts!! Our kitchen wasn’t large enough for it and it kind of stood out like a sore thumb—in a huge, silver, god-of-the-eatery sort of way. Also, the set up bugged us. The icemaker took up a lot of space in the fridge and there was almost no space in the doors. The egg flip-up thingy was too small for a carton of eggs and the fingerprints left on the exterior completely drove us nuts!!!
But I digress. We’ll find another one soon and life will normalize. But today it is school and unpacking and entering credit card orders and going to the bank and grocery store and performing my assigned parental job for the boys’ homeschool basketball teams this winter which is making up the work schedule for the parents taking admissions and concessions. YIKES!!!! Being the computer-challenged mom I am, they just may get a photocopy of a handwritten schedule scratched out on a legal pad!
Thanks to all of you who left comments last week on the movie Fireproof and Cindy Dagnan’s great book on marriage. After a very random and scientific selection process, the two winners of her book Chocolate Kisses for Couples are:…….can you here the drum rolling?………Kathy and Amy V.
You two gals, email Cindy at to claim your prize and give here your mailing address.
The rest of you, have a great Monday!!!!
Back-to-normal-life blessings,
It was great to see you at the HOH conference this weekend. I went to your “24 Hours” workshop. You gave some great ideas. It is so reassuring to be able to attend and hear how everyone is going through similar experiences. It was a very refreshing weekend. You talked about a retreat center in Lansing that you go to. I live in Lansing and was wondering if you would share the name of it with me. Maybe you could email me? Thanks so much!