An Annual Tradition..
Yesterday, my daughter Mackenzie and I grabbed Grandma and headed off to our 10th annual three generational Christmas shopping trip. We started doing this when Kenz was in third grade and we look forward to it every year.
We hit the outlet malls and discount stores and looked for stocking stuffers for the boys. Although my holiday cheer had to be tempered by the very real fact that my husband is a General Motors employee with only 11 years seniority (will you pray, please? It isn’t looking very good for him when the layoffs come in January…..) we still had fun. And I even learned a trick from my daughter. When ordering French fries at a restaurant, ask for them with no salt. That way they will make a fresh batch. My mommy tip for the day to all of you who have fry-loving offspring….
Sweet and Salty Blessings,