Watch for the 12 Days of CHRISTmas Giveaway…

 Are you getting in to the holiday mood? Or is it the holiday rush? Perhaps the word panic could even be used to describe what we women face when we enter the next six weeks or so. Gotta have that perfect Thanksgiving with all of the trimmin’s looking as if a magazine photographer is ready to point and shoot. And the house…don’t forget the house. It must also be picture perfect. Ahem…and clean. You know, wIth kids cooperating instead of demolishing your straightening efforts. What about the relatives? Ahh…. the relatives. Again we want perfection. No arguing. No back-handed comments about your homemade pumpkin pie. No dysfunction. Right?

What a set up for disappointment!!!! Let’s pinky swear sistas, that we will strive this holiday season for progress, not perfection. Yes, we want to make memories and perform our womanly tasks as efficiently as possible, but we’d also like a little sanity to boot!!

Well, I’d like to do my part. So, beginning next Monday, December 1st, I’ll be hosting a 12 Days of CHRISTmas giveaway right here on my little ole’ blog. Each day December 1-12, in addition to giving you some of my most requested yuletide ideas and easy recipes, I’ll also be featuring one of my fellow Proverbs 31 speakers in a short profile and asking them a holiday question. Then, you answer the same question by leaving a comment and you will be entered into the giveaway. Each day will have a different present for you; a helpful book, an inspirational cd, a fooffy-girly gift or giftcard for a Starbucks. The purpose is to give you ideas and a small cyber-break from the hustle and bustle at your house.

Be sure to hop on over!!! 

I’ll be waiting, with fruitcake in hand!!

Blessing-not-stressing affection,



  1. Karen, I love your site and amazed by what you do. I could see you started in this direction while at the “Arbor” :) Thanks for the reminders to enjoy the season and not stress about the little things. Hugs to you and know that you encourage me.

  2. I was just kidding about the dinner. But that soup in a jar looked yummy and I just imagine you are a one homemakin’ momma in the kitchen. I’ve been eatin’ Lean Cuisines all weekend and enjoying not having to cook or clean dishes for days!


  3. Thanks so much for your sweet comments and prayers!! I read your note to JJ and it meant a bunch to both of us that you and your family are praying for ours. We need ’em so please keep it coming!

    Wish you were here to keep me company and cook me dinner :-).

  4. Can’t wait! I could use a book, cd, Starbucks. or a girly gift (I am the only girl in my house). But more than that I am looking forward to your ideas! I am thinking this year we are taking hospitality on the road and delivering some cookies to some not so often thought of places! Looking forward to next week!

  5. That’s so nice, Karen! Yes, it gets crazy this time of year, but I’m REALLY trying to enjoy it rather than think about how much work there is to do! I look forward to the give-aways and holiday tips and EASY recipes!! :)



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