Our Christmas Letter and a give Away
*Give Away has Ended*
Hi all!!! First of all, I wanted to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas. Please click here to read our family’s Christmas letter.
Secondly, we are snowed in!!!! Whoo hoo!!! Several inches on the ground and a total of over a foot more expected by nightfall. Mitch is out snow-blowing our driveway and a few of the neighbors. Then, after he takes his Science and American History exams–(no snowday for that homeschooled eighth grader!!) We are going to make some hot chocolate—the old-fashioned way with milk and cocoa powder on the stove top–and then finish making fudge and candy and wrap some presents. The boys are supposed to have basketball games tonight but we figure they will be canceled.
Well, in the meantime, I want to host one more give away for Christmas. I will be giving away a Christmas goodie box to one of you on Monday. It includes a grab bag of lotion from Bath and Body Works, some yummy smelling candles from At Home America and a copy of Point of Grace’s Christmas cd along with some delicious Ghiradelli dark chocolate.
Here is how to enter: It will be simple. Just leave a quick comment telling us what you will be doing this weekend. That’s it!!! We are all busy with final Christmas prep and don’t have lots of time to be frittering away on the computer. So let us know what are you doing and also, where you live. It is fun to see where we all reside.
I’ll go first.
Here in Saint Johns, Michigan I am wrapping, menu planning for Christmas Day and then it is off to my sister-in-love’s Thais’ for the Ehman Christmas get-together where I am asigned to bring homemade Parker House rolls….uh, um….blue ribbon award winning rolls from the 1998 Clinton County Fair—(patting myself on the back as I type!), Native American Corn Pudding and fresh Cranberry-Mandarin Orange-Jalepeno sauce.
How about you????? Where are you and what will you be doing this weekend?
Sweet Give Away Blessings,
It might be too late, but we are here in a little TOO sunny Florida playing and enjoying all the blessings God gave us this Christmas. Thanks for keeping us updated on here – I love reading your blog and am bookmarking it!
Here in Mickey World (Orlando) it is always a gorgeous day… well, almost always. This weekend was no exception: mid 70s with very few clouds. Good time to wrap the presents with towels blowing in the breeze on the lines and just enjoy the Christmas music.
Sorry first chance to get on the computer this weekend. We celebrated Christmas with my parents and siblings and families (we spend Christmas day at home). We also made Christmas cards for disabled soldier with our small group (children make very creative cards). My husband loves to plan the Christmas meals which he did today (I’m also thankful that he enjoys preparing them as well).
God Bless and enjoy the snow! We also had no school on Friday which meant 2 of my 3 missed their school Christmas party. They enjoyed sledding in our yard with friends though.
Hello! I’m in WI and boy oh boy did we ever get snow! My daughter had off school Friday and was thrilled to be able to play in the snow!!!! we got about 13 inches!!
This Sunday is my mom’s birthday so we are spending time with my parents at their house. We are not only celebrating her birthday but we are also making our traditional Christmas cookies!
On a side note…..as fun as this time is, well…..I’ve been putting off making the cookies. As soon as I plopped the dough on the cutting board and dusted flour on the rolling pin I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer. They just started coming. I knew this would happen. You see, my sweet, sweet, precious grandma passed away 3 months ago and making these cookies was such a wonderful tradition. After a hug from my hubby, I gathered myself enough to continue on. This is what she would have wanted.
Amy V.
Merry Christmas! I am in North Carolina right outside of Charlotte. We are now home from church and heading out in a bit for our Sunday School Family Happy Birthday to Jesus party. My boys are 5 and 3 so are super excited about the celebration.
There are lots of photographs on my blog from what we did yesterday if you would like to peak. We ventured uptown and saw some singing bears (not real bears), spoke to Santa and visited a wonderful children’s library/museum. The blessed is that all of the activities were free of charge. We make an effort to research fun, kid friendly activities that are also free.
One of the best ones we did this season was the Christmas event at the Billy Graham Library, but was was early…not this weekend. It has a live nativity and complimentary horse drawn carriage rides. It was beautiful!
Blessings to you and continuing to pray about your hubbies job come January. I am so pleased to have found your blog and find it a restful place to visit.
Merry Christmas,
Hi, Karen! We are getting hammered over here in Grand Rapids (MI), and I think my plans are going to be canceled. My two girlfriends and I were going to go to Naked Plates and paint some pottery, and then go to dinner. I am going to miss girl time this weekend, but will be just as happy to spend the day snowed in with my hubby Mike and our hyper pooch Cami. Hope you have a terrific weekend!