A One Point Pick-me-up
Okay, after the sweet indulgences of the holiday season, I know I am not the only one who has a few pounds to shed. Here is my latest somewhat-sweet, hot and creamy homemade drink. It will not only save you calories, but money!
Skinny Mocha
One cup fresh brewed coffee (or instant, if you prefer)
4 T. fat free half and half (I use Kroger brand or Land O’ Lakes)
1 T. Hershey’s Lite Chocolate Syrup
Whip cream (if you’d like!)
It has a total of only ONE Weight Watcher Point and 65 calories. Mmmmmmmm…
Happy Sweet-Sipping Blessings,
Just wanted to report that I sat down this afternoon with a Karen Kingsbury book and indulged with some Skinny Mocha – DELICIOUS!!!!! Finally….I gave it a try. What a yummy treat!
Hope you’re having a great day!
Thank you for sharing the recipe. It sounds fabulous!
It’s not as much of an indulgence, but I love celestial seasons “Gingerbread Spice” tea. It’s herbal and no caffeine! You have to buy it around Christmas when it’s in the store. Absolutely no calories, but very yummy. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
Sounds absolutely yummy! Can’t wait to give it a try!
Thanks for sharing!
Hey Karen….
This post has me thinking that I should ask you something…..
I have heard your story on how you lost weight and all the things that led upto it. My question… how did you do it being a SAHM on a budget? I did WW before and I did it well. I lost 40lbs in 4 months. Then I had a kid…. and started staying home. I lost a whopping 11 lbs in like 3 months….
It was so much easier when I worked. I could only eat what I brought with me. At home I can eat, well, whatever is here. I also had more money to spend on healthier foods.
I know I have to do something…. some of the things you described about you before are me now. I am scared, I hide it from my husband and I worry all the time I wont get to see all the things I should as a mom (and I am only 29 about to round that 30 corner). Yet, I feel I have failed before I have started…. I am a considered a leader and a strong women by others but I feel so weak and ugh about this situation.
Okay… long, I know, I guess I just know I have to do something.
Thank you so much for the sweet recipe. I am a lifetime member of weight watchers (as of Aug 2008) and I love that program. I know I gained over Christmas but hey that is okay. Now back on track and looking for yummy things that have small points!!
Have a great week!
Tricia in KY
Thanks for the recipe. I too have a few pounds to lose from the holiday season. I have the “muffin top” on top of my jeans going on. Not good. :)