A Good Lesson on Good Friday
“Are you sure you don’t want to get him a gift card to WalMart or Game Stop?” I asked my eleven-year-old son Spencer.
“Nope. I’m sure. Now will you take it off the wall so I can wrap it up and give it to him?”
“It” is Spencer’s prized possession; his autographed picture of his favorite singer, Christian musician TobyMac. I was able to secure some back stage passes over a year ago through an event I was speaking at in Illinois. TobyMac was giving a concert at a nearby university and the radio station I had contact with through my weekly radio spot was kind enough to let my boys have a chance to go backstage and hang with Toby before the concert began.
It was Spencer’s thrill of a lifetime.
So imagine my surprise when he was invited to a birthday slumber party this weekend for a friend from his homeschool academy and he announced he was giving the birthday boy that signed picture of his favorite star. I tried to talk him out of it. He wouldn’t listen. He assured me that this boy would probably never get to go backstage and obtain an audience with TobyMac, even though he was his favorite singer too.
” Mom,” he pleaded. “I have met the real him. Seth hasn’t. I really want to give him this. It will make him so happy.”
And, he reasoned, when God needed to send a saviour to earth, He sent his prize possession, his only Son Jesus not “some dumb ole’ gift card.”
I guess this mom just needed a visual reminder of a Good Friday lesson.
I’m off to wrap up some sacrificial love.
Happy Resurrection weekend everyone.
Easter Blessings,
And a child will lead them… How awesome to see that heart in your son. Faith in action.
This story has touched and blessed my heart. A beautiful illustration of scarificial giving.
Lisa’s comments above have also spoken deeply. So thankful I know the “real Him”.
Because He Lives,
I’ve never even been on someone’s blog before but THE LORD led me here to yours today.
What impressed me with Seth’s story is that he said “I have met the real Him”. So often we think we know THE LORD because we might know so much ABOUT HIM, but do we really KNOW HIM personally, in our heart. Have we surrendered everything to HIM__our husband, our children, our businesses, our ministries, our lives? For me, it is only thru difficult times like we are living in right now that I so vividly know that I truly do KNOW my LORD. I have to surrender each of my loved ones to HIM, and though very difficult, allow THE LORD to teach me and my loved ones the treasures we learn only from HIM as we walk thru these difficult valleys.
Wow! I pray that my sons will have that same giving spirit! I know how hard it can be for boys to give up their prize possessions. Thank you for this great reminder!
WOW, Spencer! I am impressed by your generosity and selflessness! YOU will be blessed because you are giving this special gift of yourself to your friend. Kudos, Karen for teaching your son so well that now he is teaching you! :-)
Hearing about the special gift Spencer is giving his friend blessed my heart, and I know the gift will bless his friend.
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter.