Beauty and the Best

***NOTE: Don’t forget to check back in Monday for a special “Spring Has Sprung” giveaway.

Tonight is my daughter’s senior prom.

She has attended the same homeschool academy since fourth grade with a fabulous staff and a fantastic group of friends. Tonight they will don their best suits and finest dresses and spend a night filled with fanciness and fun. 


A dance. No, not a traditional high school dance like I oft attended with the low lights, somewhat questionable music and much-too-much touching going on between the young folks. This is traditional in a different sense of the word. Traditional as in ballroom dancing; with an instructor; and classical music. Yesiree, this dance will be the kind where young men and women will learn the proper way to dance.

Then comes the all-nighter, complete with swimming and skating and rock climbing and tons of munchies.

What fun they will have.

This afternoon, all of the girls will be bustling about getting their pedicures, manicures and fancy up-dos. They will be making every effort to be beautiful. 

On the outside.

No better day than today to talk about real beauty. The more-than-skin-deep kind. The kind that shines because of who someone is and what they can offer, not simply because of what they look like.

I, along with millions of other people around the world, have stumbled onto such a person. She made me burst with joy and cry my eyes out at the same time.

Why, even the stoic Simon Cowell was visibly moved by her. PLEASE, if you haven’t seen this clip on You Tube of singing wannabe Susan Boyle, take a moment now to watch it. Then pop back over here to read the rest of this post. To watch it, click HERE now.

Are you back? Are you in shock as I was at the angelic voice of this woman? I could not believe what a pure and professional voice she had. In an instant, this plain looking, middle aged woman turned into the picture of beauty on my laptop screen. But then, I have always been a root-for-the-underdog type of gal. I thought she was beautiful because she dared to go on that stage and live her dream at the age of 47.

Then I found out what she has been doing for the past 47 years.

That is when, in my eyes, she went from beautiful straight to pageant queen status. I have not been able to stop thinking about it since I saw her. I have so wanted to put these feelings into words. Someone  at the Scotland Herald already has, and very eloquently, I might add. Please pop over and read this short piece and then return here once more. For the link, click HERE.

The calibre of her character.

May all of Eve’s daughters, prom-going-teens included, strive to make the most beautiful thing about us the calibre of our character.

God bless you Susan Doyle. You epitomize true beauty.

“Your adornment must not be merely external–braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” I Peter 3:2-4

Sweet True-Beauty Blessings,


  1. I’m so deeply touched by this, on a variety of levels! Thank you so much, Karen, for sharing this. I’m a mom of three little ones who lives under a rock. I probably wouldn’t have come across this, if it weren’t for your blog, especially the article written in response. What a beautiful story worth passing on! Man certainly looks at the outward appearance; how grateful I am that God looks at our hearts!

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