Driving Reflections Winners….
Hi all. I am busy helping Spencer study for his homeschool academy medieval history exam….Joan of Arc, Frederick II, John Wycliffe, Dante’, Chaucer, St. Francis of Assisi, the Ming Dynasty, the Hundred Years War…..I don’t think I learned about these events and people until college!!!!
Needless to say….my brain is numb. But, I do have time to hop on and announce the winners of this week’s giveaway. If you are a winner, contact me at [email protected] to give me your mailing address (and t-shirt size if you won the t-shirt).
The winners are:
Caroline: timestamp:
April 20, 2009 at 11:42 am
You win the Biblical Variety Pack!
Wendi timestamp:
April 21, 2009 at 9:04 am
You win the Inspirational Variety Pack!
Jill timestamp:
April 21, 2009 at 12:25 pm
You win the t-shirt!!!
Congrats ladies!!!!
Don’t forget for the rest of you that Jane from Get It In Your Soul is offering free shipping for my blog readers until June 15th. Enter the discount code karen at check out.
Back to the books now for me…..
Sweet Thursday Blessings,
I pray that all goes well with Spencer’s Exam.
Karen, I am COMPLETELY thrilled to have won the variety pack…I have a smile from ear to ear. Let me know where I need to send you my address and information.
Blessings and much gratitude,
Caroline :)
Wow! I am so excited. I know my friend who drives to Houston for chemo will be so blessed with these. Thanks!!!