Exciting News…..and a Heartfelt Thanks

First of all, I want to thank all of you who have prayed for our family since my husband received his layoff notice from General Motors on Christmas Eve. We have been blown away by the emails, comments, prayers, and well wishes that came to us through cyberspace and humbled by the handwritten notes, store and gas gift cards and anonymous money that we sent into Proverbs 31 Ministries to be forwarded to us. Your prayers and tangible gifts have gotten us through the past three and a half months and have blessed our hearts deeply.

Now….so you can see that God indeed answers prayer. Let me tell you what my handsome hubby did this morning.

Put on a uniform, packed a lunch and headed out the door at 5:00 a.m.

Yep. He got called back to work!!!!

We received a certified letter in the mail a week ago Friday letting us know he was to report back. Seems twice the number of people they expected decided to take a buyout (a new car and roughly $12,000 cash after taxes) to leave GM or retire early. That meant that Todd’s name bumped up the line enough that he is needed back at work.

Now, he just called and has already been told he may only work 2-3 weeks at a time and then be laid off for 1-2 weeks, but he is on the rolls again!!! And, to top it all off, since the economy is so slow, they are only running one shift, so for nearly the first time in 12 years, he will work days. Yipppeee!! We can eat supper as a family like the rest of the world! And Todd will be able to go to the boys’ baseball games too!!!!

We are thrilled!!!

Thanks again to all of you for your care. You mean soooooo much to our family!!

Now, I’m off to start some homemade spaghetti sauce simmering on the stove; Todd’s favorite supper.

He’ll be tired after a full day’s work.

Thank you Jesus!

Sweet Factory-Father Blessings,


  1. Just getting caught up on some blog reading now. Rejoicing in the news of your husbands return to work.

    Thanking the Lord with you,

  2. Wonderful news!! We have an AWESOME God. It’s things like this that help me remember when I get caught up in my own “hole.”

  3. This is awesome news for your family! I know that the “waiting time” can be the hardest! I’m trying to learn what God wants to teach me in the midst of the waiting time.

  4. That is fantastic! I just started reading your blog so I didn’t know about your husband’s job but am still glad to hear it. My husband (Todd!) works for Delphi and we have gone through this three times since December!! It is scary but the time together as a family has been amazing.

  5. Awesome news!! Now… if only my husband would get a call back, I’ll be even happier. He’s been out of work since November and at the end of the month, I don’t know what we’ll do for money. *sigh*

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