Give Away with Wendy Blight

*Give Away has Ended*

Ever feel like your week holds more “to do” items than you have hours in the day? It is that kind of week for us.

Mackenzie graduated this past Saturday and we will hold her open house this coming Friday. So, my week holds many activities: cleaning, cooking, organizing picture collages and childhood mementos, decorating tables, setting up chairs, and, most of all, trying to keep my sanity!!!

I don’t know about your neck of the woods and the church you attend, but in these here parts and at my sweet church….these shin digs are HUGE!!!!! Hundreds of people show up. AND they expect a hot meal. YIKES!!!! Time to hit the kitchen….. (Oh, and prayers for the weather AND my sanity would be greatly appreciated!!!)

But first, I want to introduce you to my sweet friend and fellow Proverbs 31 speaker and first-time author Wendy Blight.

Wendy is an amazing woman with an incredible story to tell. It is a story of terror, tragedy and fear. But also one, ultimately, of hope. Her experience has shaped her into someone who is passionate about God, His word and His plan for good in the lives of women. Read on to hear about her amazing story and this week’s give away.


Tell us a little bit about yourself, Wendy.

Well,our family lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.  We moved here in 1998 from Dallas, Texas.  I was born in Texas and will always be a Texas girl at heart but now call Charlotte home.  A few years ago, I accepted a part time job at Proverbs 31 Ministries and have been there ever since.  It is a wonderful place to work.

My passion is to teach God’s Word.  For the last few years I have taught two Bible studies in Charlotte, and my greatest joy comes in preparing for and teaching these studies.  God has blessed me with a speaking ministry to share this great passion with other women and to share my story of healing.  Last year, I joined the Proverbs 31 Speaker Team and can’t imagine life without my my Proverbs 31 sisters.

In February of this year, Moody Publishing released my first book, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner:  The Transforming Power of God’s Story.  Below I will share with you the story behind the book.

Tell us what life is like at the Blight house these days.

Wow, Karen, every day is different as I coordinate my family’s schedule, which includes my husband (Monty), my daughter (Lauren, 15), and my son (Bo, 11).  Like all moms, I am running children to practice, appointments, games, and social events. With a 15-year-old driver, my footprint is permanently embedded in the driver’s side floorboard, despite my daughter’s exasperating comment, “there is no break there, Mom!!”  In between, I try to accomplish all my mom stuff like shopping, cooking, cleaning, and working.  Since my book was released in February, I squeeze in interviews and speaking engagements.  But it is great, and I love my life!

You have recently written a book that stems from something that happened in your life. What is it about and what lead you to write it?

Just a few days after my college graduation, I was raped by a masked stranger hiding in my apartment.  I spent many years angry at God, questioning God, wondering how He could have looked down from His throne in heaven and allowed what this man did to me.  I finally came to a place where counseling, prescription drugs, and self-help books all failed me.  In a cry of desperation, I turned to my Bible.  I asked God to show me why He allowed this man to rape me.  After many years of living paralyzed by fear and being SO angry with God, I began amazing journey through God’s Word…a journey that brought me to where I am today.

My hope and healing came from one place and one place only….God’s life-changing, life-transforming Word.  My journey to healing and wholeness took about 20 years.  But I have wonderful markers along the way where God showed me so clearly that He was right with me…teaching me, encouraging me, convicting me, and most of all loving me.  My book, Hidden Joy, shares my story of healing.

What do you find hardest about getting past awful things that happened in the past?

The hardest part was getting past FEAR!  It paralyzed my life for over a decade.  It was only with God’s help that I overcame this stronghold in my life.  I dedicate an entire chapter of my book to this part of my journey.

What verse or verses have become meaningful to you because of your situation?

Romans 8:28 for sure because my life is a living testimony to the Truth of this verse. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Also Psalm 40:1-3 because it is my journey!!  “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the LORD.”

Any advice for those women who feel hopeless?

Yes.  If you do not know God or if you are doubting God in the midst of your trial, open your Bible and get to know Him.  Tell Him the cry of your heart, pour out your anger and your questions to Him.  He is waiting!!!

That is what I did, and through His Word, the Bible, God healed me, restored me, and gave me my life back.  But He did not just give me my life back, He gave me so much more as He has filled it to overflowing with His Love, His Peace, His Purpose, and His Passion.

You are offering a giveaway to the readers this week, what is it?


Karen, I am giving away two copies of my book, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner:  The Transforming Power of God’s Story I am giving it away for women to use as a resource.  After my rape, I felt I had nowhere to turn, no guidance as to how to get out of my pit.  I promised God that I would be a voice for Him when I came out the other side.  That is what this book is…a way for God to speak through His Storybook, the Bible, through my story, to bring His Hope and healing to hurting women.

Beginning on Wednesday June 17th I will be hosting an on-line Bible study with Hidden Joy, using the study guide located in the back of the book.  We already have 26 women on board, so I invite your bloggy friends to join us at

Thanks so much, Wendy, for visiting with us and sharing your story.

What an awesome resource this book will be for many struggling women. If you would like a chance to win one of the copies of Wendy’s book, please leave a comment on this post. You can tell us why you’d like to have the book for yourself or for someone else. Or simply say, “I’m in.” and you will be entered.

May we all learn to find hidden joy in dark corners……


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  1. Hey I stumbled upon your site by mistake when i was searching Bing for this topic, I need to express your site is definitely helpful I also like the style, it is good!

  2. Sounds like a great testimony – my sister was raped publicly – the whole family is effected – 30 years ago. Christian sisters help a lot and of course having such a wonderful Savior to get us through.

  3. Yea! I picked up the book in the P31 office last week and am ready to join Wendy! Thanks for sharing her story with us!
    Praying for your weekend. Enjoy this very special day,

  4. I heard you on the The Light this morning and as they say God is always on time! I have 2 special women I know would be greatly blessed by your book.
    Thank you so much for your testimony and allowing God to take the bad that happened in your life and turn it for the good in so many other womens lives. God Bless your ministry.

  5. I just heard Wendy on WMIT Christian radio and was very touched. I would love to win a copy of the book. Thanks for the give-away!

  6. I’m in! Thanks for the oppurtunity, it sounds like this book would be very helpful to alot of women who are struggling with abuse & rape. My prayer is that Wendy’s book reaches those who need it most. God bless!

  7. I’m in! – This would be such a wonderful resource for my daughter who is struggling with issues relating to abuse.

  8. I’m in!!!

    I am a pastor’s wife and I know quite a few women who would like to read this book. I know it will impact many women, Wendy. Thank you for writing your story, and God bless you! Thank you, Karen, for hosting this interview!!!


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