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Memorial Day Weekend Grilling Recipes

Memorial Day Weekend Grilling Recipes at karenehman.com.

Hi all! While I know the real meaning of Memorial Day and have worked hard to teach our children the importance of honoring our fallen heroes, I also know this weekend means doing some mean grillin’! Here are a few of our family’s favorites. Fire up that grill!

Pork Chop Packets

8 boneless pork chops, trimmed of fat

1 onion, 1 green pepper, and 1 red pepper, sliced

2 cans cream of mushroom soup

a bottle of soy sauce

tin foil

Take a large square of foil and spray it generously with cooking spray. Place one pork chop in the middle. Moisten it with two or three shakes of the soy sauce. Spoon on two heaping tablespoons of the soup. Top with a few slices each of the onion and peppers. Bring the four sides of the foil up and seal, making a tent. Cook over medium heat on the grill until no longer pink–about 20-25 minutes. The thinner the chop the quicker it cooks.  If they are real thick, it may take longer. Enjoy!!!

Herbed Potatoes

Red potatoes

Olive oil

Fresh (or dried) basil and oregano

Fresh or powdered garlic

Salt and pepper

tin foil

Take a large piece of the foil and bring up the edges, forming a tray with corners. Spray generously with cooking spray. Cut the potatoes into bite sized chunks and place inside. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with spices. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until tender–about 20-25 minutes. Drizzle with additional oil if needed to keep it from drying out.

Grilled Fruit

This is any easy one as goes great with any meat. Simply take either a 1/2 inch slice of fresh pineapple or a canned or fresh peach half. Drizzle it with a little pure maple syrup to cover.  (No, imitation syrup doesn’t work. It tastes NOTHING like the real deal!) Next, sprinkle on some ground cinnamon. Carefully transfer to a grill and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, just to warm. Yum!!!

Sweet Grillin’ Blessings!

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