No More Teachers…..No More Books…..

It is a bittersweet day at our house today.

Our youngest, Spencer, will give his Medieval History oral report this afternoon at his homeschool academy. He’s taken three classes there this year and the rest at home. He’s made new friends, learned new things and had waaaay too much fun in study hall. (Ahem……where you are supposed to STUDY, not play nerf basketball and cards!!)

His report is on knights. He’s going armed with a period costume, real chain mail and some sweet replica weapons. Then, at the end of the day, when I pick him up, he’ll be finished with fifth grade. Our school year will officially come to a close.

It just hit me last night that another thing will come to a close for me: teaching elementary school. Our oldest graduates from the same homeschool academy on Saturday, thus finishing high school. Mitch is ending his eighth grade year this year, wrapping up middle school and Spence is saying good bye to elementary. This means that, after beginning on a sunny fall September day in 1996, I end thirteen years of teaching my kids in elementary school.

I am thrilled!! But, also a bit sad. Next year, I’ll be down to two students, both boys. One starting high school and one starting middle school.

No more elementary art projects with scissors and glue. No more whacky science experiments. No one taking penmanship. And fewer fun field trips.

It is bitter sweet. But I love seeing my kids grow older, spread their wings and fly. In just seven short years….they will all be gone. I’ll cry a little……and then…….


Okay….enough of that. I want to let you know the winners of the two books by Susanne Scheppmann. They are:

Divine Prayers for Despairing Parents:    Bobbey    timestamp: May 19, 2009 at 8:18 am

Birds in my Mustard Tree:    Chris  timestamp: May 20, 2009 at 1:37 pm

Congrats ladies! Send me your mailing address at [email protected].

To the rest of you, have a wonderful Thursday.

Gotta go help the knight get his shining armor on!

Schools Out Blessings,

One Comment

  1. We are looking forward to school being out also. My oldest will leave the elementary school after this year also. So we are off to the middle school. I can’t believe it. It makes me a bit sad too!

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