Hug Your Mom

Hi all! Not a lot of time to chat today. I am taking my sweet mother out to lunch and on a shopping trip for her birthday. then back home for her favorite- homemade blackberry crisp.

She is 76 years young today.

Those of you other ’40 somethings’ (or older) who are fortunate enough to have your parents still living–do not take them for granted.

Call your father.

Write a letter to your mom.

Tell them how much you appreciate everything they did for you over the years.

Isn’t is amazing how when we are young, it is easy to pick out our parents’ “non-strengths” and find fault with them? I was just sure my mom was the most old-fashioned, strict, stick-in-the-mud sometimes. The older I get, the more I see only her strengths and marvel at what an amazing job she did raising two kids as a single mom.

She is my hero…..

Hug your hero today, even if from afar……

Sweet Blessings,


  1. AMEN! My mom is only 16 years older than me – daddy says he raised us together. I have two sisters and a brother – but my Mom and and I are more like friends – sometimes I want to say ” don’t tell me anymore, please! TMI!” – but I also tell her everything – she’s been my friend, mom, mentor, adviser, encourager and supporter of all my dreams! I do love her!
    And really should hug her more!

  2. I can speak as one who has lost both her parents and whole heartedly support this. Tell them you love them, hug them, write them, appreciate them now, before it’s too late! Miss them both terribly.

  3. Have a WONDERFUL day with your mom. I am lucky that my mom is now my best friend. We take a girls weekend every year the first weekend in December. It’s so nice to have that one on one time with her. My dad is pretty special too but he get’s his time about once a month when he comes to stay with me for a week.

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