Home. Sweet. Home. (and Winner Announced)
Home. Sweet. Home.
When my plane touched down last night, I was tired and ready to be home.
It was a good, satisfying tired. And I came home to my good, satisfying home.
The boys were just hanging out and quickly caught me up on Mitchell’s first time driving Saturday in Driver’s Ed. I heard about the ‘fantabulous’ sausage pizza dad made just like he used to when he worked at Glenlord Pizzeria back in college. Spencer excitedly told me about the impromptu football party his friend Brett through together on a rare, sunny, 72 degree November Sunday afternoon. And I discovered pale, peach roses in our bedroom with a sweet card from my even sweeter husband telling me what a great job I did on planning the details of our wedding 23 1/2 years ago, which included pale, peach roses. (Now, whether he actually remembers, they were peach or whether he looked at the wedding photo in or living room to find out makes no difference to me.)
Home. Sweet. Home.
Now, before I desperately try to play catch up on life, let me post a few pictures of sweet Hearts at Home. I was able to meet many new friends- around 2,000 to be exact– and hang out with several old ones too. Here they are on some random pictures snapped on my cell phone.
The attendees loved hearing from the keynotes: Hearts founder Jill Savage, Dr. Kevin Lehman and comedian Sally Baucke.
Some Hearts Staff taking a quick break from their busy duties.: (back) Lisa Sink, Erika Ross and (front) Janae Bledsoe and Trisha Hufnagel. Trisha is one of my friends from here in my town and is was her last conference as director of speakers. Hearts will miss her BIG time!
I was able to hang with fellow Proverbs 31 speaker and dear friend Marybeth and her husband Curt. (You may recognize her from our interview last week on Weight Loss Wednesdays)
Me with my friend, personal masseuse and Hearts at Home Board of Directors member Marlo Huffington.
Also, I got to spend lots of time with my close friend and accountability partner Mary Steinke who graciously worked my book table. That was wonderful! There were also sweet times with many others like chatting with the attendees in my two workshops, visiting the many vendors that were present during sessions (and bartering books for t-shirts and fantastic smelling candles!), and catching up with other fellow speakers I only see a few times a year like Julie Barnhill, Shari Braendel and Bill and Pam Farrel.
Oh, and there was silliness. Lots of silliness.
Here again are those distinguished keynotes as I saw them:
Fun times.
Now, before announcing the winner of last week’s Thanksgiving basket-in-a-box, let me tell you about an upcoming feature here on this little ‘ole blog.
I can tell from the comments left on the last post that you gals love to win goodies. So, mark your calendars for November 30th-December 11th when I’ll be holding my second annual 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway. Each day I will interview a fellow Proverbs 31 speaker about an aspect of Christmas and each day they will be giving away a great prize. I can’t wait!
Okay…..drum roll please…..the winner of the Thanksgiving basket in a box is:
EaglesWings; comment left on November 6th at 2:46 p.m.
Congrats! Contact me at [email protected] to give me your mailing address.
Have a great week everyone and don’t forget Weight Loss Wednesdays. You can join us any time!
Sweet Blessings,