My Monday List
I have a potpourri of things to do on my Monday list:
- Get the house back in order after Mitchell’s 15th birthday weekend. It included bowling, pizza and Boston Grahams dessert (no one in my house ever asks for cake on their birthday but me!) Boy parties are such a breeze. Our 18-year-old daughter’s were more like seven-course affairs with elaborate themes, matching decor and clever party favors (won by playing the complicated theme-based games!!) Yep…I love me some good ‘ole boy parties!!! Here are a few pics of Mitch from a proud momma:

- Next, tackle a day of catch up since our boys were given the day off of school by the principal (dad!). You see, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, all of their public school and private school friends have the day off. So they lobbied to have it off too. The teacher (me) wanted to have school in honor of MLK Jr. Yes, “I have a dream!” just like he did. My dream included getting a boat-load of school done today so I could have Wednesday afternoon all to myself. That is when my oldest will be at his three high school co-op classes. Instead, I’ll be hammering away at school with my youngest then, as he scurries to finish all of his coursework before heading off to his four classes at the homeschool academy on Thursday. Drat! Oh well, I’ll spend time today doing other tasks like:
- Reading through a manuscript by my Proverbs 31 sister Shari Braendel entitled Good Girls Don’t Have to Dress Bad. It is due out in July. Can’t WAIT to finish and endorse this fabulous book!!! Watch for an interview here with Shari when it comes out.
- Sort and rearrange our storage room in the basement. I never properly put the Christmas items away, didn’t weed out old school books and binders in August like I normally do and that room is starting to become a catch-all of stuff with no place to go. Time to spend an hour or so doing some pile busting and shuffling so everything is on shelves and nothing is on the floor!
- Find time to listen to my Proverbs 31 sister Wendy Blight on Family Life Today. She will be on Monday-Wednesday of this week. The interviews center on her book released in February 2009, Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God’s Story. In it she chronicles the story of being sexually assaulted just after college and the healing journey God has lead her on since. Click here to find out how you can listen online or in your area.
- And finally, I’ll hop on over to my new cyber-friend Cheryl’s site at Moms in Need of Mercy. She hosting an interview with me this week and I’ll see how the conversation is going over there. Join us if you’d like by clicking here.
- Oh yeah….and at some point I will need to stop and feed my brood and Spencer’s friend who spent the night. Are pizza places open on MLK Jr day? In my dream, they are!
What is on your Monday list?
Sweet Blessings,
Karen – if you accomplish everything on your to-do list, then I would love to get some pointers! I always seem to put way more on my list than I will ever get done. Then I end the day frustrated!
Thank you for including my interview with Family Life Today in your post today. Praying the Lord will bring the women who need to hear His story of hope and healing!!