Is There Really Sex After Kids? Giveaway with Jill Savage
PRAYER PLEASE: As I was preparing this post about Jill Savage on Monday night, I got an email telling me that she had been admitted to the hospital with chest pains and stroke-like symptoms. It turns out she has blood clots on her lungs and will need to be put on blood thinners and observed for a few days. Please pray for her and her family! Thanks so much.
Well moms….does your “To Do” list look somewhat like this?
- Get kids up and ready for school
- pack lunches
- check homework
- change baby
- do three loads of laundry
- mop floor (again!)
- feed dog
- get groceries and go to post office
- referee siblings squabble
- scour sinks and tubs
- give baths and locate pj’s
- scrub baked-on grease off of supper pans
- turn into sex goddess in 6 seconds flat and make hubby happy with a little horizontal fellowship
- collapse in bed
- get up the next day and do it all again….
Whew!!! I am tired just reading that list!
Well, cyber sisters, my dear, nearly decades-long friend Jill Savage knows all too well the demands placed on a busy mom. Demands of motherhood and demands of marriage. She penned a book just for such women that answers the question Is There Really Sex After Kids? (Don’t worry dads….the answer is a resounding yes!)
Here is a little bit about her straight-shooting and practical book:
What’s happened to our sex life now that we have kids? Many moms may not ask this question aloud, but Jill Savage knows from years of leading Hearts at Home conferences that no workshop subject will more quickly fill a room. Having children in the home alters the sexual dynamic between husband and wife. Going from making meatloaf to making love, from practical mommy to passionate lover, all in one crowded evening has its own set of unique challenges.
Is There Really Sex After Kids? is written by a mom, for moms, and is filled with practical ideas. This is not a clinical book on sexual technique, though readers will find some creative suggestions. It isn’t a counselor’s text, though it contains the sage wisdom of a mentor and friend. It is a woman-to-woman discussion—a true insider’s look—at what works to build intimacy outside the bedroom and improve intimacy inside the bedroom.
This practical guide helps women rise above frustrations and disappointments to restore intimacy, pleasure, spontaneity, and passion in their marriage.
Today Jill has graciously agreed to offer a signed copy of this book to one of you who leaves a comment. And since she talks about the struggle moms face going from making meatloaf to making love, I’ll throw in a cute, heart-decorated oven mitt (for the meatloaf part) and some Bath and Body Works P.S. I Love You Spring Fling Lotion (for the making love part!)
Simply leave a comment today telling us where you and your hubby went on your honeymoon. Drawing will be random. Oh, and you may leave a comment on any or all of this week’s Valentines posts until Sunday at midnight EST. All of the winners will be announced on Monday.
I’ll start us off with today’s comment.
Todd took me on a tour of many Bed & Breakfast Inn’s in Michigan’s northern lower peninsula and then across the Mackinac Bridge to the upper peninsula. Then we took a ferry to charming Mackinac Island (a quaint, frozen-in-time island, famous for fudge and where the only transportation methods are horse-drawn carriages and bicycles!) We stayed in the Grand Hotel (where the movie Somewhere in Time was filmed) and then crossed into Canada to take a color train tour.
We always planned to replicate the trip on our 25th anniversary, but that is only 1 1/2 years away in June 2011 and instead, we’ll probably be knee-deep in college bills and both boys’ baseball seasons! Hmmmm…well, maybe for our 30th….
Now, where did you and your hubby go on your honeymoon? (besides to bed, I mean ;-))
Horizontal Fellowship Blessings,
How is Jill doing? Please pass along that we are praying for her!
My husband and I had started new jobs, so we had a weekend resort honeymoon in St. Petersburg, FL nearby our then hometown of Tampa. We eventually went to the Bahamas. My husband was in the Navy and loves to travel, so each trip we take is always exciting, like another honeymoon–Maui, Mexico, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Paris, London. We had our son later than most couples, and he has been a delight, now 19, and it seems we allowed ourselves to cut back on the traveling part. My husband still loves to travel, and I imagine we will do something very special for our 35th yr. anniversary this year.
My husband and I didn’t go on a “honeymoon”. We just went to a resort close to our house for a couple days. It was 4th of July weekend and there was too much traffic for us to get into town so we ended up eating lunch at a Walmart cafeteria! Now every anniversary we joke that we need to go to Walmart for dinner!
We took a short honeymoon to Branson, MO. It was a fun filled 3 days! We are planning on taking a “second honeymoon” on our 10th anniversary to TN to stay in a cabin and enjoy the mountains!
My husband and I went camping for a week. It was wonderful.
We were thinking of skiing in South America or visiting Europe, but decided to be more economical and stay closer to home instead…we ended up splitting our honeymoon between two places; Niagara Falls and Bermuda … highlights included dining in a hungarian restaurant with violinists, and swimming in a cave!
My husband and I went to Estes Park, CO for our honeymoon. My mom’s cousin has a house there that she let us use for a week. It was great. We hiked a lot and enjoyed our trip. We haven’t been back since but would love to take or kids there some day!
Hello girls! Thank you so much for your prayers. I’m home from the hospital and doing well today!
Mark and I camped for our honeymoon. We went to Estes Park, Colorado and the Grand Canyon. It was a fun trip…but I honestly don’t know what we were thinking concerning the camping part!
We spent our honeymoon in Hawaii. We visited 4 of the islands. Absolutely lovely. It is now 19 years and 5 kids later (the last one is still hatching :)). I have spent considerable energy balancing the mother and wife thing. Staying lovers has been very important to my husband and I.
My husband and I went to San Antonio, Texas! My husband doesn’t like to travel so this was pretty good for us being as it takes us around 7 hours to get there! :) I know this wasn’t anything spectacular or anything but it was special to us. We got lost for an hour trying to find our hotel room (it was 1 block over) so we were afraid to get out after dark. We visited the Riverwalk. It was steaming hot in July but we still had a good time. We spent one entire day in our hotel room, watching movies and just enjoying spending time with one another. On the last day, we stopped by Sea World. (not the first place you would think of for a honeymoon, huh?) We had a blast! We decided then that one of these days we would go back once we had kids and they were old enough to enjoy it. We now have a 4 year old little boy and a 1 year old little girl. Thank you Lord for your many blessings!
We went to Maui, Hawaii for our honeymoon. It was amazing. I cried when we had to come back home. I wanted to stay there forever.
Great giveaway! Praying for health for her. :O)
Initially, we had not planned on a honeymoon. However, I surfed the net and found this quaint little bed and breakfast in North Alabama that I thought would be a charming place to go. I didn’t tell my fiance. We never even talked about it. Well, we get married and the next morning he tells me he has a surprise for me. We were going on a honeymoon to a bed and breakfast in North Alabama. Guess what? It was the same one that I had checked out! Needless to say, we had a wonderfully romantic time together. God was definitely our honeymoon planner!!! We’ve been married 11 years this upcoming March.
We were married 4 months ago & took our honeymoon to Myrtle Beach, SC. This was a 2nd marriage for both us & between us we now have 6 children. My 2 children are grown & on their own. His 2 youngest are 11 & 15 & will probably be living with us full-time in a few months so this book could be extremely helpful. I’m not used to having children around full-time & this will be quite a change for both of us.
My husband and I went to Las Vegas! It was a blast, but unfortunately we were using a new digital camera that we weren’t familiar with, and lost all of the pictures!
My husband and I were 20 when we got married, so funds were extremely low! His grandmother owned a timeshare and paid for us to use it for a week in Branson, Mo. so that’s where we celebrated our union. It was fun, though. We went to several of the attractions, took in a few shows, went shopping, and went for a dinner cruise on the Branson Belle. Since then, we have returned several times to Branson and always have a good time – only now it includes our 4 children.
We didn’t get a honeymoon right away because my husband is in the Marine Corps and duty called, but close to our 5-year anniversary, we went on a fabulous trip to Oahu and Kauai. We’ve been to Maui and the Big Island since then but I have fond memories of the first “honeymoon” trip.
Karen, if you do take your trip again, I can recommend a FANTASTIC B&B in Ludington MI. My parents bought it a few years ago and have been having a great adventure as innkeepers.
My hubby and I went to an all-inclusive Sandals resort in Jamaica. I would totally recommend it. You don’t have to worry about money because everything is pre-paid. It was wonderful. We dressed up every night and went to the fancy (and free!) restaurants and ordered things that we could never afford to try at home. Then we would go the 24 hour hamburger hut so some “real” food because we were still hungry from trying the “fancy” food. Great memories! We now have a 1 and 3 year old and could greatly use this book!
We went to Colorado through New Mexico. We went to Santa Fe, Purgitory, and Indian ruins in Southwest Colorado, and then up through Coloardo Springs. It was a fun adventure with lots of interesting sights along the way. I have not traveled much, so it was wonderful to form those memories and see those sights with my new hubby!!!!!!
My husband (of 10 1/2 years now) and I were fresh out of college when we got married. He had just started his new job and I had to wait until August as I was a teacher, so we had very little “extra” money. So, we drove up to Wisconsin Dells (from Northern IL), meandered across to Lake Michigan, checked out Door County a little, and then rode the S.S. Badger across the lake to Michigan. Saw a couple of lighthouses, and eventually drove south around the lake back home! It wasn’t much according to others’ standards, but we had a very relaxing and enjoyable trip together. This past summer to celebrate our 10th anniversary, we actually recreated our trip, only camping and with our three young boys! :-) People thought we were crazy, but we had so much fun finding some of our previous stops and sharing them with our kids! They loved riding the Badger!! :-)
My husband and I flew to Anchorage, Alaska; rented a car, and drove all over the place for two weeks. We were married in mid-September, so our Alaska vacation began the first day of their low season. We only had a reservation for the night of our arrival, and after that we just stopped wherever. We always had great service and great prices. We did the same things that typical honeymooners do – took a couple of day cruises on small boats for up close wildlife viewing; walked on the beach (it was a balmy 50 degrees!); hiked in the mountains; and ate wonderful food (I gained TEN pounds on clam chowder). The odd parts included me getting “hit on” if my husband left our table to use the restroom; having a close encounter with an angry Mama Moose; and I had a reaction to allergy medication which resulted in my sleeping for the first three days of our honeymoon! Thankfully, our return flight airplane broke down, thus giving us three extra days in Alaska on the airline’s dollar. Oh yeah, and as circumstance would have it, the person assigned to the seat next to my husband on our flight from Detroit to Seattle was one of his former girlfriends. Can you say “awkward?” Many people commented that Alaska is a strange place for a honeymoon, but we LOVED it!
We had a wonderful honeymoon in Maui. Then we drove from Southern California to Miami stopping along the way. We had a long distance dating relationship so the drive was moving me across country.
I am very interested in this book since we just had a baby girl 10 weeks ago and I am already wondering how to keep the intimacy in our marriage.
We went to northern MI and on into Canada.
When we married, we didn’t have a honeymoon. But for our 3 year anniversary, my mother-in-law blessed us with a two night stay at a great place in PA.
Big Cedar Lodge in MO!