What a Husband Needs From His Wife Giveaway with Melanie Chitwood
IMPORTANT NOTE: Those of you Weight Loss Wednesday gals who want to either participate in the girlfriends conference call tomorrow night or go back later and listen to it online, I need to have you email me at [email protected] BEFORE 9:00 pm tonight EST. I will email you back with the call-in instructions. There is no cost for this other than the phone call itself (and many of you have free nights on your cell phone, so have it all charged up and ready to go!) PLEASE put WLW Phone Call in the subject line or I might miss your message. Oh, I can’t wait to chat with you all!
ALSO NOTE: The winner of the couples basket-in a box from my Mismatched Candlesticks marriage post is: Margaret; Timestamp: February 4, 2010 at 6:06 pm Congrats! Email me your home address at [email protected] so I can mail you your prize.
Now for our regular post……
Love is in the air…….and roses…..and chocolate….and fancy dinners out. It is Valentines Week!
I have always adored Valentines Day; elementary school class parties with endless homemade, paper Valentines; high school dances (and a special singing Valentine delivered to me during fifth hour once by a barbershop quartet) and most of all many February 14th’s with my college sweetheart-turned-hubby whom I am celebrating with for the 27th year in a row.
My posts this week will be short and sweet (pun intended). I simply want to introduce you to four wonderful books on marriage written by some friends of mine. One book, along with some other goodies, will be given away each day (except for Weight Loss Wednesday when I’ll offer a different, fun giveaway) The featured books will be by her, and her and him.
At the end of each post, I’ll ask you all a simple question. Click on the comment form and leave a short answer to the question and you’ll be entered in the random drawing. This will be fun! Here we go:
We’ll start (and end) the week with my friend, Proverbs 31 speaking team sister, and Kenz’s current “other mother” Melanie Chitwood. Kenz began her year living in Charlotte with my P31 sister Wendy Blight, but due to Wendy’s daughter having major surgery and a great deal going on in their home, requiring their bonus room back, (Kenz’s home-away-from-home) she was taken in by Melanie, her hubby Scott and their two boys–who are the exact same ages as Kenz’s biological brothers!
Today, Melanie is giving away a signed copy of her book, What A Husband Needs from His Wife. I’ll throw in a $5.00 Starbucks card so the winner can steal away for a mug of something hot and delicious to sip on while she reads.
What do men really need from their wives? And what is the best way for wives to meet those needs? This engaging and thoroughly biblical guide demonstrates that a woman meets her husband’s needs most effectively by maintaining her own vibrant personal relationship with Christ. Filled with useful tools that will help women understand their husbands better, this enlightening resource includes…
Readers will also find useful tools for understanding their husbands better, including
– Ideas for dealing with addictions, infidelity, and financial challenges
– Explanations of personality types and love languages
– Resources that offer help for the helper
Each chapter ends with a list of focus points that summarize the chapter’s most important thoughts in an easy to remember format, as well as a concluding prayer that provides readers an opportunity to interact with God about what they have learned. A study guide at the end of the book makes this a perfect tool for individual or small group use.
Trust me ladies…..this is a wonderful, honest, and helpful book. Just like the gal who wrote it!
Now, to be entered in today’s giveaway, leave a comment answering this simple Valentines Day question:
What is your favorite candy (current or retro)? Peanut Butter Cups? Sweet-tarts? Mary Janes? Pixie Stix? Zagnut bars? Sprees? Plain milk chocolate? Hard, sour candies like Jolly Ranchers?
Mine is anything with coconut and dark chocolate combined; from a simple grocery store Mounds Bar to a fancy handmade, dark-chocolate dipped macaroon. Or, a retro favorite (one I remember riding to the Quik Pik corner store to get—-on my purple Schwinn bike with the banana seat and white, flowered basket of course) is Charms Sweet and Sour swirl pops.
How about you?
Candy-coated blessings,
Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I eat all the way around the outside then the middle and it is really good with a coke. I also love Dark Chocolate which I try to eat instead.
Two words — Dark Chocolate! (Bonus if there is caramel mixed in!) :)
I love sweet tarts and hot tamales!
My favorite candy is Mike and Ike…I love anything chewy and fruity or sour!
Mmmm! My favorite is Snickers or Turtles. Anything with chocolate, caramel, and nuts!
My moto is “I will eat anything that doesn’t eat me first” this is especially true of chocolate. I LOVE it all. Not to crazy about sweet and sour but chocolate. Oh mama!!!! Chewy crunchy goey melting freezing. It doesn’t matter!!! Happy valentines day!
Let’s see…lately, anything with dark chocolate, or covered in dark chocolate…when I was a teenager I favored snickers bars and gummi bears, and growing up I liked pixie stix and candy cigarettes! My favorite that has remained constant is strawberry licorice–I love it with popcorn watching a movie:)
Anything chocolate, especially dark chocolate. My long time favorite is still a Snickers Bar.
Oh yes peanut butter cups for sure. Anything with peanut butter is my pick.
Thanks God Bless
Wow! This is the wrong question to ask a girl like me! I love candy! I love chocolate (who doesn’t?), I love gummy candy, I love suckers…. OK, like I said, I love candy but you wanted to know what my favorite candy was….. my all time favorite candy is Russell Stover’s Marshmallow and Caramel Heart! Yummy! Do you know what the best thing about that is? They have one shaped like Santa at Christmas-time too! Thanks for letting me share. I hope you all have a very blessed Valentine’s Day!
My home-made pralines!
Twix are the best! But I pretty much love all chocolate as long as it doesn’t have any nuts in it!