What A Wife Needs From Her Husband Giveaway With Melanie Chitwood

Hi all–

Sorry this post is up a bit later than usual. I started coming down with a case of the creeping crud last night—fever, chills, some sinus junk. I felt I’d better not set the alarm and just wake up when my body wanted. My body wanted some serious sleep!

I wanted someone to take care of me.

It really doesn’t matter that normally I am mom/nurse/caregiver/encourager/chicken noodle soup maker/medicine dispenser for three kids. When I am sick, I want to be pampered. Normally, I think of myself as very low-maintenance (overheard my hubby telling a buddy that one day. I considered it a huge compliment. Todd has a severe aversion to high-maintenance women and tells tales of many guys at the shop complaining about their own high-maintenance wives. Now…. I didn’t care to hear what ‘non-strengths’ he thinks I have. I know for certain I have many!!!)

However, when I am sick, I get a little high-maintenance myself. And I love me a little TLC.

So, this morning, there was my dear husband, who is off on Fridays, getting me garlic oil pills and a dose of Airborne and a tall glass of water, wanting to know what else I needed.

He is a gem.

What else do I need?


Let’s talk bigger picture here for a minute.

What do wives in general need from their husbands?

So glad you asked.

My friend and Proverbs 31 sister Melanie Chitwood has just released a new book all about that. You could win her helpful book, along with a $10 Starbucks card. Read on……

First, here is a short interview with Melanie.

Melanie– Your new book is called What a Wife Needs From Her Husband. What prompted you to write it?

I believe most married men really do want to please their wives, want to know how to meet their wives needs, but they are just often at a loss for what that would be and what to do.  This books gives them some surefire and easy ideas for meeting their wives’ needs.  Plus, I had already written What a Husband Needs for His Wife and really wanted to be able to offer a counterpart to my first book.

Why do you think men might need to read such a book? After all, shouldn’t they just instinctively know what their wife desires from them in marriage?

It’s often a wife’s nature to want her husband to read her mind.  In return, it’s often a husband’s nature not to get hints or not to receive suggestions in a positive manner. This book eliminates these factors.  What a Wife Needs from Her Husband is like a window into his wife’s mind and heart.  When a husband read this book, he’ll learn how to respond to his wife’s needs – without his wife saying a word…

How do you and your husband Scott, in the midst of raising a busy family, make communicating about each other’s desires and needs a priority?

We are only one year into owning a new business; plus, we have two active sons, plus my writing and speaking.  Our lives are “rich and full,” as are most couples.’  We have a once per week time where we get out our calendars and look at the week ahead.  We schedule in  time with each other, whether that’s a quick dinner together or just sitting on the couch talking.  We find that if we don’t make time for each other, then stuff accumulates.  Without some touch-base time, I tend to have a tipping point where unsaid things have built up and eventually explode in some unhealthy communication.  We try very hard not to get to that explosion time!

What do you hope men will recognize from reading this book?

My hope is that men will realize that small investments in their marriage can have huge results.  I think sometimes men take the “all or nothing” approach.  A husband might do something grand for his wife, such as save up for a beautiful piece of jewelry for his wife’s birthday, but then he doesn’t do much the whole rest of the year.  While this is certainly sweet, the truth is that most women are not looking for grand gestures.  What matters most to a woman is the daily, small acts of investing in the marriage.  I card for no particular reason, saying “I love you.” Watching the kids for an hour when he gets home from work so his wife can have some time to herself.  These are the small gestures that mean the world to a woman.

Okay ladies….now for the giveaway; a signed copy of the book and a $10 Starbucks card so hubby and the wife can go on a coffee date! :-)

This book is meant to be read by men. Most of you reading this are women. You can leave a comment and try to win this for your husband, son, father, Uncle Louie or other male. To get him to actually read it, do what our P31 president Lysa says to do. Remove all other reading material from the bathroom. He’ll pick it up out of plain boredom and may just get hooked!

Now, for those of you who can coerce a man into reading this blog and leaving a comment themselves….well that comment will be entered in the drawing twice! Let’s see how many men are out there lurking who might be brave enough to leave a comment on a girly blog site. What a show of love that will be!

For you women, the comment can be anything– who you’d give the book to or even a simple “I’m in!”

For you men, you too can just say “I’m in” but all of us gals out here in cyber-dom would be thrilled if you said one thing you appreciate about your wife.


You’d be like “romantic Valentine guy of the year.” or something.

Chicks dig guys like that, ya know! ;-)

Okay everyone….this has been a fun week of giveaways. And there are two more coming next week. One Monday on Presidents Day and one on Fat Tuesday when many of us P31 gals are holding a non-worldly carnival of giveaways.Be sure to click in.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember….you can comment on ALL 5 posts from this week until Sunday at midnight EST so take time this weekend to get caught up on reading, if you’d like.

Well..my fever’s gone and I’m feeling a bit better this morning.

I wish I could say I’m off to relax on the couch and sip tea all day…but, alas, I have one little boy, 10 fish, 3 monkeys, one general and 12 military cadets waiting for me at Homeschool Performing Arts practice. (I’m choreographing for Suessical the Musical :-))

Weekend Blessings,


  1. I’m in! I rarely take the time for pampering myself and funds I get for my birthday is usually saved so I can buy Christmas for my family. I’d love the ‘treatment!’

  2. If I won this book, I would give it to my husband. He is good about reading books about parenting provided that I buy them and hand them over, so I suspect he would read this if I asked him to. Fourteen years ago on Valentine’s Day, he presented me with a surprise engagement ring at a very fancy restaurant. The kind with a coat room, but nobody watching the coats. He left the ring in his coat pocket, and before dessert came he excused himself to go get it. Once I knew this I thought he was lucky it had not been stolen, but he was so relaxed – the thought of anyone taking his coat never crossed his mind. And that trend continues today. He is still the relaxed, easy going guy who doesn’t worry about much – a wonderful counterpart to my high anxiety self. We both knew what we were getting, and we both knew we needed each other’s strengths to balance our own weaknesses.
    Karen – I am glad you are feeling better. Was so glad to hear that you’re involved with a musical and that you really do not have all those animals to take care of at your house! :)

  3. Can’t let this posting go by without letting you know what Karen is really like. She is just like the person she portrays herself to be online. She is my cheerleader as she is for many of you. Also, she brings life to most any moment that is blah and lifeless. She is always wanting the best in our relationship, never settling for a second rate marriage.

  4. We’re in. If we get this book, he says he’ll read it “eventually”. He’s set to graduate from nursing school in June which has consumed most of his time. We’ll all be celebrating when June rolls around!

  5. With Valentine’s Day upon us and it was the day I got engaged 12 yrs ago and we are still married 11 1/2 yrs later. We are doing ok. Marriage is just something that both partners need to be willing to work for the good.

  6. I’m in!! I would love to be able to send this book to my husband who is stationed overseas! He is studying to be a marriage counselor! Thank you

  7. Hi, this is Todd. Just thought I’d share some thoughts. My wife is GREAT!! Let me tell you why. We’ve been married for almost 17 years through thick and thin. She married me at the lowest point in my life, I was 23 years young and waiting for a kidney transplant, very ill, and not able to work. With no family nearby, she was the only one to keep me head strong and to help me hope for a better future. 2-1/2 years later in ’95 I got the transplant I needed. My health and spirits were up. In 2001 she gave me a very healthy son that we enjoy very much. I couldn’t ask for a better person to be my soul mate. Thank you!

  8. Karen, I just wanted to drop a note praying you feel much better soon! Hopefully you have some sweet friends that can surprise you with some TLC!

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