Growing Grateful Kids with Susie Larson (and a giveaway!)

Hi all! Oh….I am excited to introduce you to a friend of mine.

We have been speaking at Hearts at Home conferences together for years (and I get to see her at the national conference this coming weekend. YEAH!)

Author and speaker Susie Larson is a gem. She has a passion for God and compassion for people. Her messages and books have helped countless women to “do life” and do it well.

Susie’s new book Growing Grateful Kids has just released and I’ve invited her to share a little bit about this great resource. And I am inviting you to leave a comment today. You may just win a copy of this insightful and helpful book!

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your family.

My husband and I have been married 25 years and have three grown sons (all in their early twenties). Our oldest son Jake works on the business side of the Christian music industry. Our middle son Luke is married to his beautiful wife Kristen; he works full time at a bank and part time as a worship pastor. Our youngest son Jordan is studying to become a surgical nurse. My husband Kevin is a commercial construction manager by day and manages my ministry by night (and weekends). Bless his heart. ? I am an author, speaker, and an on-call radio host for Christian talk radio. Together, Kevin and I serve as advocates for justice on behalf of modern day slaves and human trafficking victims.

Tell us about your new book, Growing Grateful Kids: Teaching Them to Appreciate an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Places.

Even when economic times are tight, our children enjoy an abundance of material possessions. Yet, amidst all this wealth, discontentment and competition seem to be on the rise. Instead of teaching children virtues such as gratefulness and patience, many parents are bending over backwards to get their children the latest and greatest item – or feeling guilty when they can’t. In spite of the currents of materialism and entitlement that flow so strong, it is possible to raise children who are simply grateful. Though teaching perspective and gratitude to our children is critical, it is not difficult.

Why did you want to write this book?

To be completely honest, I never wanted to write a book on parenting. I wanted to protect my kids’ privacy and give them time and space to become the men God wants them to be. But in the last few years, I have been especially burdened with the level of selfishness, entitlement and disrespect I see among children today. Furthermore, moms seem more stressed than ever. When I asked my sons their thoughts on writing this book, without pausing they all said, “Do it, mom; that book needs to be written!” I think I wrote a book that not only equips young moms to raise humble, grateful world-changers, but also one that nourishes the soul of the reader and encourages her personally.

Throughout the book you remind the reader that we cannot impart what we do not possess. Can you explain?

If we never deal with our own fears, insecurities, and hang ups, but we try to teach our children to believe in their divine value, over time, our words will not ring true to them. First God wants to do His work in us before He does it through us. They say that lessons are more often caught than taught. If we parent from a place of conviction and real freedom, our children will be affected by what we teach them.

One of your chapters is titled, “Take Time to Play.” How does taking time to play teach our kids to be grateful?

To me, taking time to play says a lot about the level of faith we possess.

If our children hear us confess that we love and serve a BIG God and yet they see us striving and straining through life, they will come to believe that more is on our shoulders than on God’s. If we can trust God enough to step away from our busy-important lives, to make a fort in the basement, or play a game with our children – even in the most desperate of economic situations – we will give our children a sense of much needed security and that all is well in their world.

What do you want readers to take away from this book?

To answer this question (I hope you don’t mind), I would like to share an endorsement from one of my sample readers. She expressed my deepest desire for my reader:

“Growing Grateful Kids is such a great source of conviction, encouragement, and inspiration to spur me on to finishing this parenting race well and not sputter out along the way. This book compels me to submit my own character to the refining of the Holy Spirit that I may be equipped to impart those lessons onto my children. Thank you, Susie, for taking the time, for submitting in obedience, and writing this down for a generation in desperate need of this kind of parenting book!” –Gail Miller

This is a Hearts at Home book. What is Hearts at Home?

Hearts at Home is an organization that encourages, educates, and equips women in the profession of motherhood. Hearts at Home encourages moms through annual conferences, our extensive website (, a free bi-weekly electronic newsletter, a radio program, and an entire line of books designed to meet the needs of moms all over the world!

Any closing thoughts?

I am very excited about the message in this book. It is my prayer that every one who reads it will be nourished, encouraged, and equipped to parent from a place of fullness, conviction, and confidence. Raising grateful, confident kids will be one of the most heroic, important things you do in your lifetime. God’s blessings to you!

Now for the giveaway…

If you would like to win a copy of Susie’s new book, leave a comment today on any aspect of gratefulness. Is it hard for you to be grateful? Your kids? Why is greed easier than gratefulness?When has someone’s thankfulness (or lack thereof) stood out to you? Why would you like this book?

Do tell…..

The post will be left up until Wednesday when the winner will be announced.

Grateful for YOU!!!!!


  1. I caught part of Focus on the Family and found what Susie was saying to be something that touched me. I agree with everything that was said. My husband and I have been struggling with our children and their expectations of what life should be in their eyes since their closest friends are treated to their every wish. My kids think I’m mean and depriving them. Sometimes I find myself giving in to my kids because of this. I want this book so I can become stronger in my decisions and know that I am doing the right thing for my children. Since my children are young, I also want to read about what’s ahead and gain Christian wisdom on how I can handle situations better than I might on my own. I am so thankful for hearing the broadcast today! Thank you!!

  2. I been listening to focus on the family for the last 2 days. I am interest in this book; I am a first time mom and my husband is first time daddy who loves to play with his son. We ask each day for God’s will in his life and for wisdom to help raise him. We grew up with morales and vaules which we would want to past to him. But in our world today there are a lot of changelles we face as parents. We feel very Blessed to have our son in our life. We can not wait to read your book. God Bless you

  3. I heard about Susie’s book on focus on the family tonight driving home from work. She spoke to me, especially since I am presently trying to recover from Lyme for the 3rd time in 2-3 year time. Am anxious to read and send to the mothers of my grandchildren. That even when health,finaces,our life seems to be falling apart, we must say out loud our blessings each day. To help afirm our Faith in Jesus, He will get us through the valleys and someday we can continue to be just as thankful when things are brighter. That we can overlook our own frailities in life and just be thankful for each day we have and how we can help and enrich others lives along the way. I had two sons who I did raise in Christian home but it wasn’t easy due to their father and I divorced and he caused havoc in our lives most of time. Did remarry wonderful man when kids 8/10 who has made me feel very blessed.

  4. The part about play time struck a cord with me. I’m a stay-at-home mom and SHOULD have plenty of time for all my responsibilities. Yet, I seldom take the time to play with my 5-year old daughter (an only child). Yes, we will sit and read books, color, paint, build puzzles, play games, take long walks, bike, run errands and do chores together but I rarely PLAY with her….pretend or image silly things……thanks for reminding me that it’s o.k. to let loose and really play!

  5. My sister recommended this book to me today! We were discussing the trials and tribulations of parenting ;) and she mentioned that her battle right now is teaching her teenage and pre-teen kids how to be thankful and how to be content… My kids are a lot younger, only 3 and 5, but she told me that if I can teach them how to be truly thankful now, I’ll avoid larger battles in the future. I look forward to reading your book, Ms. Larson! Thank you!

  6. As a mother of 4 (ages 11, 8, 5, 4 mo.) I want to instill the characteristic of gratefulness in them. They are blessed (with material goods and other things they wouldn’t consider blessings, like 2 parents in the home, health, etc.) They are precious, and I want others to think they’re precious, but most of all I want to have a family that pleases God.

    I was just asking a friend the other day about how to teach children to be grateful for what they have and to not complain about the things the don’t have or can’t do. I’ve found that my husband and I are being compared to other parents and what other kids are allowed to do. My goal is to have grateful children that can inspire others to be grateful also.

  7. I wish so much I had done this with my children when they were growing up. But, I can now do it with my grandchildren. I love the idea of giving them dinner on their special plate to reward them for displaying the love of Christ! I plan on telling my children about it too so they can incorporate it into their family time.

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