She Speaks Conference Scholarship Giveaway

Okay—here is the dealio:

We at Proverbs 31 are hosting a tour of blogs today where you will have a chance to win a free scholarship to the She Speaks Conference.

Cec Murphey, known as “The Man Behind The Words” is an author and mentor. He has had 108 books published, 17 of them fiction, and written 700 articles. His first book came off the press in 1975 and he now publishes three or four books a year. He is a wonderful supporter of Proverbs 31 and has graciously donated several scholarships to She Speaks. One gal will be chosen to receive a scholarship as a result of today’s tour of P31 blogs.

Since we have had a few contests lately for writers, this one will be for a speaker or want-to-be speaker or woman in ministry. (Hey….ya gotta know how to speak if you are in ministry, right?)

Simply visit any (or all) of the P31 websites listed in my sidebar and leave a comment. Here are the rules:

  • This is for women who have never attended She Speaks.
  • And, it is for women who would otherwise not be able to attend. If you can afford the conference – please do not enter to win a scholarship.
  • Comment should briefly tell us what winning would mean to you in answering God’s call to speak.

We will randomly select a winner from the blog comments. So the more blogs you comment on, the greater your chance of winning. You have until Friday at midnight to leave your comment.

Okay…..comments please. I hope to see you there!!!!!

Sweet Blessings,


  1. This scholarship would afford me the opportunity to fulfill the call to speak that the Lord placed on my life many years ago. I believe I am entering a season of equipping for what God has for me in the future and this conference would be a much needed training for me!

  2. Hi,
    Over the past few months the Lord has put on my heart to speak to teen girls my age. (i am 13) When i had heard of She Speaks i had been praying that God would make his way clear and show me the next step. as soon as i said that my mom walked in and said “i sent you a link go read it” it was the link to She speaks. as soon as a read the information i wanted to attend. I have started writing but i dont feel like writing can show the emotion you want, since its just words on paper. there is no way i can attend with out gods intervention i would have to get two tickets one for me one for an adult to attend with me. that would be almost $900. thank you for this opportunity!
    Audrey Beers

  3. I am one of those few that actually didn’t shudder when a public speaking assignment came from the mouth of our high school teacher. In fact I was the “weirdo” who looked forward to it.

    So speaking has come naturally to me. It is something that I really get into. To me, writing and speaking go hand in hand. Telling the words that I have on paper is pretty much the same. The only difference is that there is an audience. And when there is an audience, I come alive! I enjoy getting responses from people whether it be crying at a sad tale or a laugh from a funny time in a story. It makes me feel fulfilled to know that I have an audience and I have lead them on a journey through my story. Taking ladies to places where God touches a nerve is truly a desire of my heart.

    I cannot afford to go to the conference this year. It would take a move of God for me to get there. I have a desire to go be it for the writing or the speaking. If not this year then I will go one year to be determined by God.

    It would mean so much to me to be a part of She Speaks. I have wanted to go since I learned about it last year. It would mean that God wants me to have a ministry in speaking or writing – the areas that He has gifted me in. Not to be bragging – I’ve just recently been able to say that God has gifted me! If these are the areas that He can use then I want to give Him the opprotunity to do so.

    I, like you, love everything that P31 stands for. I have enjoyed getting to know the ladies of P31 better by visiting blogs and I hope to get to more conferences in the future. I would love an opprotunity to attend She Speaks. I have entered every contest that has come my way. This would be an awesome way to kick up a speaking ministry. Whatever God has in store, I am waiting and willing and ready!

  4. Karen,
    I have longed to attend the She Speaks Conference for the past 2 years but have not been able to due to lack of funding and/or ability to take time off from my job. However, I feel this is the year the Lord has said “yes” and that He will provide for me to attend. I am a pastor’s wife and would like to hone my speaking skills. I also lead the women’s ministry here (and teach Sunday School, lead worship with the Praise Team, teach VBS crafts, etc.) and I am sure any encouragement you can give me would be a help to our ministry here.
    Thank you for all of your encouragement to those of us who struggle with our weight and our “image”.

    Michele Zampogna
    [email protected]

  5. Lysa your testimony and books has been such a blessing and an inspiration in my life and spiritual walk. I was seriously contemplating a divorce and I received an email from a friend and the topic you were speaking on happened to be on marriage, GOD was truly speaking to me. Since that day which was less than a month ago I purchased What Happens When Women say Yes to GOD, read it and it truly ministered to my soul, Next I purchased Being more than a good bible study girl–Truly Awesome!! My husband bought me What Happens When Women Walk in Faith on yesterday, I am loving it already. I am called to ministry and I know this conference is for me. My grandmother always tell me that I should have been a counselor she also prophesied to me saying GOD was going to use me for his Glory and to minister to other young woman. I know that GOD has a calling on my life and I just want to do his will only. I came into contact with Proverbs 31 ministry by divine order and I know that through your ministry GOD is going to help me to help others. Be Blessed!! Love Ya!! Oh I also purchased a NIV study BIBLe I have a Bible but this one teaches the word more understandable.

  6. Winning the She Speaks Conference means the Lord is bringing me one step closer to the desire of my heart – to Speak to all about what He has done for me and what He can do for all who call upon His name. I know the conference will equip me with the skills I need to go forth into his great creation.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

    Colleen M. Geyer
    [email protected]

  7. I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart to attend She Speaks while attending a Ladies Retreat where Lysa spoke. I am trying to follow His leading, but because I left my job to finish school to enter ministry as I knew God was calling me to, there are no funds available in our budget. I have started to try and raise the money for a scholarship and the Lord has provided the money for my plane ticket (which i booked). I know that I know that I know God will provide a way for me to be there, I wonder if this scholarship give-a-way is it. We’ll have to wait and see. My prayer is that, and I know it will happen, who ever God has in mind to win this will! Praise God for providing for us all in His way in His time!!

  8. Got up early today, woken up by the sounds of my friend’s young boys squeals of excitement of a new day at…6:30am. I should take cue’s from them! I have never been to the P31 website until today, directed here by the “Cantcookalick” blog.

    In 2004 I was living in New York and working as a Sign Language Interpreter at a University. Kingdom Bound was coming to town (a Christian Music Festival) and I had the privilege of interpreting various events, concerts and speakers.

    One afternoon I was scheduled to interpret for someone at the main concert stage. It was mid-afternoon and as I stood on my interpreter platform, I looked over at the stage and had an incredible urge to be ON it. I didn’t even know what I would say! I just stood staring with this desire stirring in my to BE a speaker on that stage.

    Later that day I prayed about that desire and told the Lord that if this was His desire for me one day, then to lead me through the steps to get there. Perhaps this conference is one of the steps. Much has happened and IS happening since that time…my journey continues, as does my healing. All of which I have felt called to speak and write about. I’ve just never know HOW He would take me to that place. We’ll see what He does next! Oh, and no…I was laid off from my job in March so if I don’t win, I will continue to pray for a way to get to the conference!


  9. For 9 1/2 years I have walked the road of breast cancer treatment. I have had the disease five times during this time, but my story is not about cancer. It is about God’s amazing grace, love, provision, strength, comfort, peace,and joy in the midst of the battle. I love sharing all He is and all He has done for my family during this journey. I believe God wants me to speak and write about my story to encourage others with the hope He offers in every situation. I passionately desire to attend She Speaks with my 15-year-old daughter, but we cannot afford it. If it is God’s desire for us to attend, He will make a way. He always does. I thank God for Proverbs 31 Ministries and the opportunity to apply for this scholarship!

    SJ Johnson
    [email protected]

  10. I can honestly say that I’ve been in the Refiner’s fire for the last few months. But God does nothing without purpose. I would love to learn more about sharing what God is teaching me and feel called to attend this conference. I signed up for the conference’s blog to find out when registration began, but haven’t been able to register, so this scholarship would make that possible. If it’s His will, I KNOW I’ll be there!
    Christy Perry
    [email protected]

  11. As I type this comment, I’m full of pain and sadness. It appears the Lord is testing me or training me in the areas of loss and long suffering. Testing or training…. Right now I don’t know that one is any better than the other.

    I know what the words of Galatians 6:9 read, and I also know, without a doubt, that I’m so close to fainting.

    I’m the last person who would ever voluntarily want to speak, but I felt the call to speak to women many years ago. My story, my path toward speaking has been much like yours, Renee. I wrote my first Bible study and led a small group of women through it back in 2008/2009. Looking back, I’ve never been happier than I was during the time I did this.

    Just days ago I sat with a friend who was preparing to bury her father. She was a member of that small group in 08. She told me I have no idea how much she talks about and references our nine months together. Listening to her speak of how God used me (a flawed leader and wannabe speaker) and the lessons I penned out of the depths of my own life to impact her life even during this time of loss and pain somehow refueled my desire to speak, teach, and lead women. Somehow…in the midst of my own pain the ministry of my heart took on a face. It became real.

    I’ve entered a previous scholarship contest for this conference. When I didn’t make the winners circle I chalked it up as another loss and God moving me away from my quest for validation. I’ve wanted to attend the conference for at least the past 6 or 7 years. At the end of the day, I believe I’m just thirsty to be around other women who share my passion for pouring into the lives of our sisters. I saw the announcement for the scholarship for writers, and although writing is a large part of my calling, today out of the abundance of my heart my mouth wants to speak.

    I realize the winner will be randomly chosen, but I know God already knows the outcome. Maybe it truly isn’t for me to attend this year, but I won’t stop until the conference doors open and I do or do not walk through. Then and only then will I know God’s perfect will. In the meantime, I’ll continue striving to speak.

  12. I have only just learned of the She Speaks Conference and could not think of anything more perfectly suited for me. I accepted Christ in October and what he has done for me, and through me are quite simply too many to mention.

    I would love to be a part of this conference but there is one little snag… In accepting Christ, I have owned up to all of my past transgressions and one of those has led to my being sentenced to jail. I will be turning myself in on June 10th in California (I live in Michigan) and I am to serve a 6 month term in the Santa Barbara County Jail. BUT… I was told that I am eligible to apply for electronic monitoring that can be served in Michigan and then I can be granted permission to come to your conference.

    I am a 41yr old suburban mom, housewife, and making amazing strides with Christ by my side. I am also getting baptized at my church on May 12th and could not be happier at the changes.

    I have several degrees and as a ten year breast cancer survivor… have been a motivational speaker for breast cancer and know I can answer His calling for me to speak to a group of women to show what is possible when Christ is in the picture.

    For more of my story….please visit my blog with just one entry (with more to come).

    I would be very honored to win and participate in this conference and if not chosen to win this year…. I will definitely be there next year. Look for me. =)


  13. I’m so excited there is another opportunity for a scholarship! I’ve been wanting to attend a She Speaks conference for the last two years. Winning the She Speaks scholarship would be an amazing blessing to me and would allow me to finally get the direction I need to get to the next level in my speaking goals, as well as be a clear indicator to me that this is where God wants me at this point in my life. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

  14. Not too long ago, I was sitting quietly with God, praying. I asked him for discernment and guidance as I entered a new phase of life, becoming a mom who works outside the home. I was also praying about the desire to write and speak that He placed inside of me, wondering what He wanted me to do with that. He led me to Habakkuk 2:2-3 And the LORD answered me, and said, “Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” (NKJV) Although I have felt a calling to write for a number of years, in the past year, God’s given me a couple of opportunities to “dip my toe” into the speaking world both by leading women through Bible Study and by speaking to them at women’s ministry events. Out of obedience, I did what I was asked to do. As hard as it is to believe that God wants to use me as a vessel to encourage and exhort others (those are my spiritual gifts, along with service), I’ve finally started to embrace it. I’m working to develop the discipline that writing requires, started a blog, and am using every opportunity I have to speak God’s truth into the lives of women, my children, and my husband. God is so good! If he wants me at She Speaks, He’ll find a way to make it happen! Though it tarry, I continue to wait for it! My God never disappoints!!!

    [email protected]

  15. For as long as I can remember I have felt called to speak for the Lord. The Lord has taught me so much this His love letter in His word and I just can’t keep it in. I love speaking to woman and seeing the Holy Spirit move in their hearts. I have been blessed to teach womens conferences all over south asia and in some places in America and find it a true joy. Attending She speaks would be such a dream to recieve training in this calling and I cannot attend without either a scholarship or God’s people giving. What an awesome ministry!
    Jenn Hand
    [email protected]

  16. I saw the information for this conference for the first time last year, I was pregnant at the time and my husband was home, knowing he would be deploying soon and I would have 2 children to find care for rather than one I really wished I could go then but there was no way we could afford it and nothing happened to make it possible. At the time I thought “maybe next year” but knowing I would have two children and a deployed husband I kind of pushed it from my mind and forgot about it until I started seeing blog posts about it this year. I didn’t really let myself get excited about it because I now have two children and a husband in Afghanistan so not only can we not afford it I would have to arrange for childcare (and it would be the first time I left my baby). Then I saw this contest. WOW, I actually teared up at the idea that it might be possible. If I’m supposed to go to this conference I KNOW God will provide the way, the money, the childcare etc. Perhaps this is how He will provide the money I don’t know. But I do know that if I win He will also provide arrangements for the children.
    What does it mean? What is my passion? Well, I’ve always LOVED both writing and speaking And I think I’m good at both honestly. I have done speaking/training in my job (secular) before and LOVE being in front of a room full of people. I currently need motivation and direction to get going in this area. I need practical tools to make my writing/speaking organized and meaningful. I love sharing information, I get all fuzzy inside when people ask me a question about anything that I have an answer for (seriously I get excited about diapers lol). I currently don’t have the confidence to write/speak about my faith, I’m afraid of being wrong and then telling everyone else something wrong. I know this is something I can and should get past I just need help! I would love to have the confidence to lead a group of women in Bible study or speak at an event! Thank you for this opportunity!
    sobyn at hotmail dot com

  17. have been a “closet writer,” so to speak, for the past twenty years. It was this past June, after facing unemployment for the first time since I was 15-years-old, that I attended my first ACW Conference. Though I still consider myself a beginning writer, I am making quick progress and currently write for five monthly online publications.(for free, of course) I also will have my first write-for-hire book published later this year for Atlantic Publishing. So, I am pleased with my progress with writing so far.

    But it is time to go deeper. Think bigger. Take more chances. To get out of the boat and test the waters and see if Jesus will help me walk on them.

    My goal is to share the true stories that can change lives. I long to be able to do this through face to face contact as well as through the written word. I consider this a weakness of mine, and would appreciate the opportunity to attend She Speaks so that I may strengthen my ministry. Though I have taught junior high girls classes at church for years, I am in no way polished or professional enough to do so in large groups without my voice quivering or fidgeting at the podium.

    The testimonials that come from this conference prove that God is very much a part of the process, inspiring those who participate to go further than they ever dreamed possible.

    Thank you for your consideration.

  18. I have been praying for an opportunity to attend a She Speaks conference! I would cherish the blessing of beinga ble to attend. It would be a timely affirmation for me!!
    I’ve been writing for almost exactly a year now on my blog and speaking a bit here and there. I truly feel God’s calling to uplift and minister to women.
    It has been a very difficult year for me and my family and I feel like the Lord has much to share through my adversity. I would be so grateful for the gift of a scholarship to attend.
    Blessings! Michelle

  19. What a responsibility! What I first embraced as a passion to speak and write for my loving God, I now hold so very dear to my heart and I want to walk both faithfully and carefully down this path that God has made for me. I know God has called me to speak and write for Him and I taking each little baby step that I can with Him and embracing with this journey every open and closed door—trusting that God knows best and is leading the way.
    I have researched ways to sharpen and better equip myself and I have not found anything like “She Speaks.” I have been praying about attending the last couple of years and honestly, the funds are tight and I have not been able to fork the bill on top of the airfare. If I am chosen for this scholarship, I will know that God desires to use the women at the conference to inspire and equip me to serve for His kingdom. To God be the glory, amen.
    Julie Lane

  20. I am resigning my teaching job to enter into the field of Women’s Ministry at our church. Bascially, I am designing the program from the ground up and need help a lot of help. Without a teaching salary I will need financial assistant (my husband and I have had three girls in college at the same time – our twins are graduating this year so money has been tight). I am desiring to train other women to be leaders as well as lead them myself through workshops that equip them, events that encourage them, and skills that will help them be better evangelists. Blessings on all that you do for the Proverbs 31 Ministry.
    Sara Quick [email protected]

  21. What would it mean to me to attend the She Speaks Conference? The sustaining of new life stirring. The continuation of a mysterious story God has been weaving in dark places. God used a brilliant study on the creative process to clarify my gifts and callings. Doubt has since crept in, telling me that the dreams he stirred in me were just lofty dandelion fluff. “He’s not THAT good. My gifts aren’t THAT valuable.”

    If anyone believes in us to the death, it is our mothers. Today mine was fighting tenaciously for me while I dusted her with my doubts and unbelief like the heavy pollen raining down outside my window. Mom mused, “I held you on my lap in church when you were three, and I sensed that God had a special call on your life. My mother’s heart ached as I thought of the suffering it might involve and how it would take you far away.” I listened half-heartedly, pulling up the She Reads blog as I got ready to hang up the phone. Two powerful words arose from the screen. She Speaks. Tears ran at the sound of “my name”. Jesus made me to speak, to read, to write! Mystery still surrounds my story, but I need to tend it with my words, so that when it is full, I will be equipped to share it!

    [email protected]

  22. YAY! I managed to go 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning. I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to get up, my back hurt, I didn’t sleep well, I could think of plenty of excuses, but my i-pod was calling me with that beautiful worship music. It gets easier every time. Praise the Lord!
    I really enjoy your site and this place to share. If I didn’t weigh 250+ I would be able to stand taller and feel more secure and I would go to events that require flying. Right now I am too uncomfortable in the airline seats.
    I have always wanted to write, and can be a cut-up in front of people when speaking, could this be my hidden talent?

  23. never thought speaking was for me, just the thought of it filled me with fear. A couple of years ago, a friend challenged me to not say no to anything out of fear. Several weeks later I was asked to speak to a group of seminary students. I can’t even tell you how I felt when I finished! Only God could turn my fear into the kind of excitement I felt. Later I had to opportunity to speak at a women’s retreat and conference in Nigeria. Since then I have been asking God to open doors and for me. I read about the “She Speaks” conference and told my husband that someday I would like to attend, maybe this is my “someday”.

    April 21, 2010 4:22 PM

  24. What would I do if I were not self-conscious? I would passionately tell how God is more than enough to meet your every need and desire! I would like to attend the conference to gain the tools to take my dream to the next level. I want to speak and write for Him!

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