Those Nasty Numbers

Hey Weight Loss Wednesday gals! I sure hope you had a fantabulous week and, if you didn’t, that you will find encouragement here today!

After reading our post for the day, please hop on and leave a comment. We care about you, your progress and you are an important part of our group, so don’t just read….write!!!! :-)

My week went pretty well. After staying off of the scale for over a month (while God worked on other issues in my life and started to break me of my need to find my identity from a stupid number on said scale) I hopped back on two weeks ago and began to weigh-in weekly again.

Tracking my progress the last two weeks has proved to again be an emotional roller coaster ride.

Last week, after doing great in my eating and working out 5 times, when I hopped on, I had lost 6 pounds. In a week!


Then, this week, after doing great in my eating and working out 5 times, when I hopped on, I had lost 1 pound.


While I try to keep the chant in my head “I am defined by obedience, not a number on the scale”, still, that stinkin’ scale defines me.

However, if I had just hopped on today, after two good weeks of eating and moving, and saw the display flashing a number that was 7 pounds less than two weeks ago, I would have been thrilled!!! Seven pounds in two weeks (which my brain quickly deduced is a 3.5 pound loss per week rate) would have made me smile.

HELLO!!! It is the same thing!

Why, oh why, do we women get our worth from a number on the scale???????

Instead I should be asking myself, did I eat right?


Did I make carve out time to exercise?

Uh, huh….

Do my clothes fit a bit better and zip up easier?


Okay then….progress. Right?

Can anyone else relate?

While the scale does track our progress and give us an overall, big picture of how we are doing (meaning, my number on the scale is 30 something pounds less than when we began in October and my jeans size is smaller than then), the little week to week progress isn’t always reflected in the scale. We might be retaining water; gaining muscle from weight training, etc…

So don’t let that nasty number trip you up. (I am talkin’ to myself here on this one ladies!)

Don’t give up and reach for a donut (or two or three).

Keep going.

And pray about how often you should be hoppin’ on the scale in the first place.

I’m thinking every two weeks might be better for me. Yes, maybe that is the ticket. Check in weekly with you; every other week with the scale.

Your thoughts? Do you have the same love/hate relationship with your bathroom scale?

I can’t wait to hear how your week went and to pray for you…..

Scaled-back Blessings,


  1. Lost 2.8 pounds this week. It is always easier for me to exercise than watch what I eat. So, I’ve been exercisign well, but eating not as well as I should be. The number is encouraging, but I could do better if I could be obedient in not just one area! Thank you Karen for your encouragement today! I really look forward to reading this on Wednesdays.

  2. This past week was very difficult for me diet-wise. I went on a mission trip to Mexico and my eating was all over the map. I’ve been trying to “eat-clean” but when in Mexico it is just not possible. You eat what the families put in front of you so that you don’t offend them and they love it when you take seconds. You also need to clean your plate because they spend 3 – 5 days worth of salary to feed the “grupos.”

    That said, the food we were given this past week was so awesome I couldn’t stop eating it! I belonged to the clean plate club every meal! And then in the evening we all went for ice cream. Ugh! So as soon as I got home I cleaned out my refrigerator then went to the store and restocked my shelves with healthy foods. I also rode my bike to work (10 miles each way). I rode my bike only once this week, my goal is to increase it to 3 – 5 times. I haven’t noticed my clothes getting tighter so I think I’m okay. Since I only weigh myself at my platelet donation appointments every 2 weeks I won’t get to a scale till May 8th so I will tell you my numbers then…

  3. Karen, I was a little discouraged this morning when I leaped upon to the scales to weigh myself, because I was sure that I had had a good weight loss. I have bumped up my exercising, by adding another day of walking. Had been walking 1 1/2 to 2 miles on M-W-F. Now walking that distance on M-W-Th-F. Eating exactly the same, by staying within my alloted healthy foods that dietician has given me. No Cheating. The scale said I was up .6 of a pound. Yesterday I was up .4 of a pound. I use to only weigh every 2 weeks and that was at Dr. office or dietician office. As I started losing more and more, I got excited and started to weigh at home every other day and now I am weighing every day. I feel the Lord spoke to me today through you in the words about your putting to much importance on the number on the scale. I am doing everything right. I have lost 52 pounds and that is to be celebrated! I am going back to just weighing in at the medical professionals offices every 2 weeks. I am sliding the scale back under the bed. I WILL NOT let a number define who I am and what mood I am going to be in for that day! Thanks Karen for just the right words of encouragement to this discouraged lady! God Bless You.

  4. Crystal, I am with you on people being really far off centre with their eating ideals – maybe they are working for the organic farmers! :-)

  5. I meant to say the group met on Monday. Not sure why I typed Sunday, instead. And if anyone has an encouraging word for me – I’ll take it!

  6. I am down a pound and a half this week. Doesn’t sound like much, but I had been stuck for the past several weeks, even though I had been exercising regularly, and eating mostly pretty healthy. I almost think that eating and exercise behaviors (at least in my case) do not show up on the scale right away. I had a small ice cream cone last night, so I wonder if this will show up next week in a gain! Ha.
    Carissa – I feel for you in the loss of your husband’s grandmother. It sounds like she is at peace in heaven now. Our family was dealing with the death of a friend – funeral was last week. Although we did not have such a long drive for the funeral, it cost us money we don’t have. We were making 140 mile round trips several times a week to visit as his health was failing. Many of those trips then came along with a meal out – generally fast food to save money. And last week we had to pay a sitter for the day of the funeral, to the tune of $70. And…the funeral luncheon ran low on food, so we ended up eating the few tidbits there that we could but then ate at a restaurant on the way home.
    My moms’ group had a speaker on Sunday about healthy eating and exercise. Does anyone else feel like some people are really far off center on healthy eating? Maybe I think that because I do not have the time or money to put into buying everything organic (it’s at least three times more money to buy organic for the most part); and I definitely do not have time to make everything homemade. I have one friend who makes homemade graham crackers! Granted, she does not have to work outside the home for money, and I think she really likes to do these things – but when I compare myself to people like this, it makes me feel like I’m not a good mother. Monday’s big deal was how most of the yogurts on the market are just FULL of sugar. People were talking about getting organic plain yogurt and then stirring in a spoonful of their homemade jam. Because we certainly would not want to feed our children storebought jam. When you make your own you know what’s in it. More power to them – but I no longer have the luxury of spending a day to drive to a farm to pick fruit, and then another day to jam it. I am happy if I can get a full night’s sleep!!!
    So to summarize – I’m feeling fairly good about that “number on the scale” but feeling fairly bad about all the “junk” that I’m still eating, if I listen to this nutritionist. And to think I thought I was doing really great by skipping the chips and the refined sugary treats….


  8. The scales were not my friend this week! But I have been eating better and walking some during my lunch hours. I’m going to just enjoy the fact that I fit into my jeans and check again next week.
    God bless all of my Sisters!

  9. Thanks for that Karen,

    I have not weighed for afew weeks as I felt led not to , but I am thinking of weighin in the morning just as a check to see how I am doing, as I don’t feel any different. I must admit I am preparing myself not to be to disappointed, and to remaind myself that whatever it says, that it is also about alot of other things NOTJUST WHAT YOU WEIGH, but also about healthy eating, exercise, and asking the Lords help.
    I have many friends who are very slim , yet they eat far more junk and volume than I do, so there insides must be not so good!
    So yes the scales can be a help as you said , but the clothes we wear say alot more when they dont fit properly ‘either way’ any more! God Bless, and on we go!

  10. Hi Everyone,
    I am checking in late. I had a good week this week. I am down 2 pounds. Whenever I lose no matter how small I try to see it as a good thing. I sometimes feel as if I am addicted to my scale and the number. I need to remind myself that I am more than just a number on a scale. Trying new things or getting involved in project or group seem to help me focus more on me and not the scale.

  11. Hi All,
    This week God has shown me that one of my problems with this whole weight loss thing is my arrogance. I have a good week and think that I have it sorted and that I can do it by myself, which of course, I can’t and I always have a bad week when that is my attitude!
    Lovingly God gave me a verse in my quiet time this week… ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the body is weak’ – Matthew 26:41. Sometimes though it is not just my body that is weak, my mind is not too good either!! :-)
    Danette – you can do it!! I understand the shame that you feel, I too was similar until God showed me that I needed to loose weight to be the best me that I can be and to serve Him the way He wants me to. So far I have lost nearly 40kgs and have only 3.5kg to go to my goal weight. I am doing Weight Watchers.
    I find the weekly weigh in good and bad. It can affect the rest of my day and week. But without the accountability it would be disastrous! :-(
    I am down 1.3kg this week.
    Take care.

  12. So ladies…I also have to not be defined by numbers. I started working out at a gym in Jan. Going 2-3 times a week. I have a 2 and 4 year olds and the gym only has sitters MWF 9-12. The 4 year old goes to school MWF 8:30-11; and the 2 year old goes to play group every other Friday morning. So that is what I get, and by evening I am spent, and my hubby needs to go to the gym then too (he has his own weight loss goals and I need him healthy). So far I have lost 4-yes you read that right 4 stinkin’ pounds!!!! However, I am down a size. And even those pants are getting loose :) I have more energy and stamina. When I see people I haven’t seen in a while, they all say how good I look. I fail at eating only “good foods”. I am an emotional eater and love my ice cream (well blended yogurt now). I am working on small changes as I know I will totally rebel if I take all of my sweets away. Adding more H2O one week, more veggies the next, using my kids bowls for ice cream (and filling the bowl with fresh banana before the ice cream-makes it look like more without being more). I know that I have gained muscle, and the weight loss will come one day. Like Dori from Finding Nemo-just keep swimming; just keep swimming ;)

  13. lost 2 lbs this week but’s its only the second week
    I couldn’t resist my craving tonight and had my bowl of ice cream. I am determined to make the next week a good one!

  14. My week was kinda crummy, it included a birthday party for my child and a lunch fundraiser at church… both included more desserts than I should eat. I dont know when to stop. Once I have one bite I keep going till I feel sick and pathetic. I have found some success with quitting sugar completely, I need to get back to that. I dont have the level of control to stop after a bite. I did lose half a pound but feel worse because of the bad food choices and lack of sleep. Take care this week and you will be in my prayers.

  15. I have just recently found this blog through Proverbs 31 daily devotions. I have also recently become a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. My biggest struggle after 6 months of Weight Watchers is still EMOTIONAL EATING. When I realized this is what I was doing and when you stop emotional eating, guess what? Yep, you have to deal with the emotion.

    I have started typing my journal on the computer. I can type faster than I write and sometimes my thoughts are coming so quickly I can’t get them on paper fast enough but I am able to type them. Some suggestions for emotional eating are to replace the eating with something else to distract you. I have chosen to deal with the emotions. It is not easy, but it is worth it in the long run. Once they are sincerely dealt with and given over to God, I don’t have to worry about them anymore.

    Beth Moore’s new book So, Long Insecurity has been an amazing journey for me. I was able to attend the simulcast she did this past Saturday and it was amazing. Over 300,000 women were joined together through this one event. I am praising God for being so faithful and helping me deal with emotions that I have not wanted to deal with.

    One thing my WW leader shared was to say we remove weight not lose it. If we lose something we want to find it again. I DO NOT WANT TO FIND MY WEIGHT AGAIN. The other thing she shared was to compare .25 weight removed to a stick of butter. When you have some visual comparison I believe it helps. I lost a total of 17 lbs, which might not seem like much to some, but I compared it to a bag of dog food. I can’t imagine caring that bag of dog food around all time, but that is exactly what I was doing.

    I love WW because I didn’t have to give up any of the foods I loved. I had a friend tell me she couldn’t believe I had lost my weight without eating salads. Salads are definitely not my favorite food. But I just told her that is what was great about WW I can still have my chocolate, just not as much and I truly enjoy it when I eat it now.

    Keep up the fight and know that all of you women here will be in my prayers. I am so happy to have found this blog.

  16. Hello all,

    Good thing we have a great God who can handle all of our stuff! I feel like I’m in a holding pattern lately. One of the ladies at my church said to me that maybe I don’t need to have a number in mind of where I want to be but that women should have a waist smaller than 35″ if they are medium build. Anyone heard of that? I’m usually consitant with exercise but know I eat more calories than I should if I’m really serious about losing more. I don’t go in for my yearly check up until August so I’ll work at getting more active over the summer and see what happens!

  17. Ok so a few weeks ago I started to swell and I still don’t know why went to the doctor and she did not prescribe me any medicine which is totally depressing because of all this water weight out of the blue I weigh more. My clothes fit me better or looser but the scale keeps going up and I am afraid that I will go back to the awful number that I once was. Which cause me to be depressed and because I am depressed I don’t eat healthy. Need you prayers so I can pull out of this cycle and keep going despite the water weight.

  18. Thank you Karen for the reminder about the numbers of the dreaded scale. It’s easy for me to be obsessed with it. So far the protein diet I am on is working. I’m on track for losing 3 lbs this week (my second week) although I’m having doubts about the program. I understand why they don’t allow the carbs but can I have just a simple apple every now and then?! lol For a carb and sugar addicted person I think this will be a good plan for me…it’s just real hard. It’s a really good lesson in self control and realizing how much bad stuff I was putting in my body :-). So far I have been on plan 100% with the exception of the 1 Frito chip I had yesterday. Man, I chewed the life out of that one! lol I’m thankful for God’s strength in this process:-) Thank you all for the encouragement!

  19. Thank you for posting this today, Karen. the Lord knew what I needed to read here. I got on the scale this morning and I gained a pound, after I lost one and a half punds last week. I have been good about getting a workout in, but healthy easting not so much. I hosted two birthday celebrations for my son complete with desserts. And I may or may not have given in to the temptations that make themselves known at a certain time of the month :)

  20. Went on vaca down to North Carolina and Tennessee all last week and gained 5 pounds! Darn that “Sweet Tea” :-) Fortunately, I got back to eating right and my water aerobics and am down almost 4 out of the 5 that I gained. I can so relate to the love/hate relationship with the scale. The weight is so so easy to put on and so so hard to take off. It just doesn’t seem fair. However, like some of you ladies, my clothes are fitting better so I know I am doing something right. I will continue to celebrate any loss (including “only” 0.8 or 0.6 or 0.4 or 0.2) and keep going forward. God Bless and keep up the good work!!

  21. Hi! I just found your website. My daughter-in-law sent it to me. I am a pretty private person so this isn’t easy for me. First of all I want to tell all you lovely ladies out there that God loves you so much. Just as you are large or small.I am having problems also with weight. I have had four major surgeries in two years and have gained a lot of weight. I am finally starting to feel better some days and I feel now I can start on myself again. The enemy is mighty but God is Almighty! Please pray for me. The devil has been attacking my mind and this is not an easy thing to have to deal with everyday. May God bless you and keep his hand of protection over each and every one of you.Thank you God for this website.

  22. Before I get on the scale I say out loud, “This number is not going to determine how the rest of my day (or week) goes.” And I don’t recommend weighing daily if you have Wii Fit. I don’t like being told something that I already know…my BMI says I’m obese…and it says it out loud! I have to remember to mute the TV!!!

    Everyday tell yourself, “Change is possible, and I’m following a new plan. I am worthy of self-respect.” I copied that from an article into my journal. Whenever I come across something I want to remember (I write prayers too), I write it down so when I’m having a bad day I can reflect on it.

    Read Lysa’s “Dear Bathroom Scale”…out loud if necessary!

    The scale isn’t moving, but I’m going to have a great week anyway!

  23. Hi all you BEAUTIFUL WLW girls! I bounded out of bed today and began praying for all of you. My prayer is that God would equip you for the journey you are traveling. I prayed that we would make the right choices about what we eat. That God would remind us to follow his lead by sacrificing (our food, our frustrations, whatever it might be), that he would allow us to have self-control as we exhibit all the qualities His word tells us to have. This past weekend I heard a message at church that was about the Ultimate Goal. It is the # on the scale, the size of our dress, or even how we look for feel. The ultimate goal is to LOVE. To love each other, to love God, to love ourselves- it is after all God who created us in his image and he creates the most beautiful precious treasures.

    I thought I had a good week and got on the scale and had gained 3.5 lbs in 1 day. I was like- what happened? I guess it was mostly water weight as it has come back down over the last three days but it amazes me that it can up so drastically and then take its sweet time to come back down.

    I am going to a new Dr. tomorrow to see if they can address some of the underlying health issues so if you would lift that in prayer I would appreciate it. I am hoping to find the missing puzzle piece that will connect the whole picture.

    Make it an amazing week girls. You can do it!!!

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