A Peek at the Week (and contest announcement)
Be sure to tune back in later this week. Later this morning, I am interviewing my friend, and former star of The Facts of Life, Lisa Whelchel on her new book on friendship.
Lisa joined us last December for a Christmastime interview. She was just finishing up her manuscript then and now her book is hot off the presses!. Lisa has generously donated a couple signed copies to go in a “friendship basket in a box” full of goodies I’ll be giving away. So, tune back in (probably on Thursday depending on Internet access on my trip–read below–) to read the interview and leave a comment for a chance to win!
Hey all!
Hope your weekend was fantabulous! Ours was filled with company and baseball.
We hosted Mitch’s varsity team for a cook-out before heading to a double header at Cooley Law School Park to watch the Lansing Lugnuts.
Yes, I said “Lugnuts”!
That is the name given to our local minor league ball team that is based in Lansing, the heart of automobile country.
I was pregnant with our oldest son Mitch when the team was being formed 15 years ago. I heard they had a “name our new team” contest going and the winner got a big cash prize. My husband and I joked about it at the time since it was suggested they were looking for a “car” related them (such as the racers or the speedsters) I laughed, “A car-themed team? Hey! they could call them the Lansing Radiators or the Lansing Lugnuts!”
Too bad I didn’t enter the stupid contest!
Anyway, our younger son also had a tournament with three games this weekend and then our older one had tryouts last night for his summer team.
Just added some apple pie and several trips in our 1999 Chevy and our All-American weekend was complete!
We wind down the school baseball season later this week as Mitch’s varsity team is playing in Fort Wayne at the national tournament beginning Thursday. Then we wind back up again for their summer travel teams.
Good thing baseball is my all-time FAVORITE sport to watch. My eyes and momma heart just can’t get enough of watching my boys bat and pitch and field.
My fanny on the other hand?
It is already a bit tired of the lawn chair and stadium bleachers. But a serious case of “bleacher butt” is worth it to me!
Have a great week. Tune back in Wednesday for Weight Loss Wednesday and then watch for Lisa’s interview and the giveaway!
Sweet Blessings,
Boy, I can relate to the “bleacher butt”. My baby girl is playing softball. At least 2 nights a week I am working on my bleacher butt. Her season will be over soon. Then it will be onto something else that will help gravity work on widening my bottom!
Yep, I too can relate! With 2 boys playing 3 sports a year (football, basketball, baseball + summer ball) I also have had a bad case of Bleacher Butt for the last 8 years… and I still have 4 to go!! BUT (no pun intended…lol!) I absolutely LOVE watching my boys play sports… win or lose. So much fun. Thanks for sharing your life with us Karen!
I didn’t know how common an ailment bleacher butt was! LOL!!
I used to get it sitting in horse arena’s watching my boys ride BMX bikes. Those were the days…..
Just catching up with what your sweet family has been up to and I can seriously relate to the bleacher butt. :) too funny….