No Discipline

Okay….a few housekeeping items before our regular Weight Loss Wednesday post.

First, congrats to the winner of the girlfriends giveaway from my Other Mothers devotion that ran Monday. She is:

Katie: Timestamp: May 3, 2010 at 4:13 pm

Congrats! Send me your home address at: [email protected] So I can mail you your prize.

Next, I heard yesterday from her sweet husband Steve that Lisa Whelchel is going to be on NBC’s Today show tomorrow (Thursday). If you don’t recognize the name, Lisa is the friend I interviewed last December who was writing a book on friendships for grown-ups and what she missed and learned along the way.

If that still doesn’t ring a bell, I’ll bet you’d remember her from her role as Blair on the hit 1980’s sitcom The Facts of Life.

Lisa asked us to give our best ideas for going deeper in friendships as she was just finishing the manuscript when she was last with us. Well, the book is done and it is wonderful! I am nearly done reading it and Lisa has already agreed to come back and visit us on the topic of friendship as soon as she and I can connect for an interview. In the mean time, tune in and watch her talk on the subject tomorrow on Today. :-)


Now…..for our “weigh-in”. (Not necessarily on the scale, but on how your week went.)

Did you eat well?

Carve out any time for exercise?

Resist any goodies?

Make a good choice when everything within you longed to make the bad one?

Fall of the bandwagon and have a rotten week full of bad choices?

Need to hit the restart button?

We want to know, so leave a comment and tell us!

I have been thinking a lot about the word discipline this week. When you hear it, what do you think of?

A child getting in trouble by his parents?

A dog learning to mind at obedience school?

An athlete working long hours to train for the Olympics?

A twelve-year-old getting a talking to at school and having an infraction sent home for breaking the dress code by wearing an Underarmor sports sweatshirt instead of the official homeschool academy one that is required? (Not that our family has any experience with that this week ;-) Ahem….)

Last fall we as a group of cyber sisters were challenged to memorize a verse on temptation. This week, let’s tackle one on discipline. Here it is:

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11

Yep…that about sums it up! Discipline isn’t pleasant. Its painful!

My legs knew that this past week after just one day of trying Jillian Michael’s 30 Day Shred dvd that I bought at our neighbor’s garage sale.

My taste-buds knew that when I passed up the invitation to load a whole mess of food on my plate at my speaking engagement last Friday and opted for sensible portions of the healthy offerings instead and only a taste of the more calorie-laden (and oh-so-delicious!) ones.

My tired brain knew that when I rolled over and hit my alarm and every fiber in my being said “Sleep….don’t study the Bible!” But I knew I needed to get my perspective right before I began my busy day. Otherwise, I’d be an easy target for Satan and his traps. (mostly in the form of food!)

Yep…NO disicpline is pleasant.

However the results are worth it.



Being trained by it, meaning by the disicipline (rather than trained by our tastebuds).

Yep. Sweet indeed! (and no sugar added!)

So this week, will you memorize this verse with us? Then next week, we’ll pinky swear we aren’t cheating and then type the verse into the comment bar from memory. One gal will be chosen to win a cool prize for doing so!

Okay….now, tell me how your week went!

Sweet Blessings,


  1. Thank you everyone for sharing your triumphs and struggles…It really encourages me to read these. Discipline….ugh…the mere mention of the word causes me to cringe! lol It seems discipline with eating and exercising has always been a struggle for me…

    I’ve been on a new plan though and it seems to be working. I don’t think I will lose a lot this week as I’m having the monthly thing and have felt pretty waterlogged all week. But that’s OK! God is still in control!

    One thing I’m learning in this journey is that I need to tap into God’s strength more. I always have more success when I pray or read God’s word…specifically when I ask Him for help and yes, that dirty word discipline! :-)
    When I rely on my own strength things tend to not end up so well:-)

    Thank you Lord for giving us everything we need to be disciplined!

  2. what a beautiful verse!! I love it! it is just perfect for me…just like Jesus to speak right to my heart! I started a diet and lifestyle change about 3 weeks ago, after spending time thinking about the “three strand cord” blog. I even started a new blog, ( I could always use more encouragment if anyone wants to vist and comment)
    so as to discipline, my husband and I are supposed to be doing this together and he’s kinda, no, scratch that, totally undisciplined and it’s killing me! I know it’s working for me but I need the discipline to stick with the diet and excersize! I covet your prayers!!!

  3. I’m thanking and praising God for answered prayer! He took care of a relationship issue that had been plagueing me. Since I’m not one who likes confrontation, I asked God to make a way to reconcile…and He is faithful. Something like this would usually send me into an eating frenzy! This time I waited, and God found a way! And besides, it’s hard to eat when your stomach is in knots! Hang in there, cyber sisters!

  4. I was up two pounds from last week! In last week’s post, I had lost a pound and a half, but had a couple of dietary indiscretions, so was surprised. I mentioned that I wonder if there is a time delay in weight gain and loss. So here it is – b/c this past week I have been really good with eating and exercise! Yet up two pounds. Seriously??? Come on!!! Now, I will also say that I’m at that bloat time of the month, so maybe two weeks from now if I can stay true, I’ll be down three or four pounds. But anyway….trying not to let the numbers rule me. I am in training for a 5k to be run on May 15. It will be more walk than run for me. I have now reached the point where I can jog for a full quarter mile before going down to a walk. That is amazing! A few months ago I didn’t really exercise at all regularly. Monday I did 3.4 miles in 56 minutes, and that included my stretching time and warm-up walk of .2 miles. I am finding that these long walks alone are really wonderful times to talk to the Lord. Yesterday took my two little ones for a .6 mile walk – just a stroll but at least it was something. I am still hoping to get out and do at least 1 to 2 miles today, and my goal is at least 3 miles tomorrow. The hardest part of the exercise is making the time, and also that nearly all the time I have at least one child with me. Someone asked me this morning if I now like exercising and am finding it easier to find time. The answer was really no. It’s not easier to find time, and I don’t really love it, but I am beginning to hate it less. That’s a start, right? And when I’m alone and can talk to God – it’s a good thing. :)

  5. These past two weeks have been extremely challenging.  I think I exercised around five times, yes, in two weeks.   I don’t know why I give in to temptation so others don’t feel bad when I choose something healthy or to pass the extra serving.
    Wow!  There is no doubt I need to be here.   I have come across this verse so much in the past weeks!   I need to memorize Hebrews 12:11
    No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

  6. I am down 2 #s this week, and I’m thankful. But I’ve been going up and down every week. This verse will help! I’m tired of disobeying my Lord and eating what I want just because I want to, even when I know I shouldn’t. I think the knowledge that I’ve sinned really affects me. Then the fat rolls are a physical reminder…So I want to OBEY! And I need discipline so that I can live a healthy life. I’m seeing a physical therapist now for neck pain which contributes to my chronic migraines. So my Tae Bo workouts have to wait. I need to be walking, though.
    I know I need to get a good bedtime because my body requires a lot of sleep, or I’ll wake up with a bad headache. And I’m waking up before my boys (FINALLY committed to that!), so that I can get ready for the day, pray and have time in the Word. Those things definitely help!
    When my life is more in control and focused on the Lord, my eating is more in control. And the opposite is true…
    Let’s be blessed by the Lord through our obedience this week, ladies!!

  7. I haven’t been near a scale, but I don’t think I’ve done too bad considering. We took the kids to Silver Dollar City in Branson, MO over the weekend for the boys’ birthdays, and walking all day long up and down the hills was good exercise (even if it did take me a few days to recover). I also didn’t eat nearly as much of that wonderful smelling/looking food as I wanted, and when we did purchase food, we all shared so we had a taste. We ate sandwiches at the car from the cooler, and saved lots of calories as well as money. I’m planning on hitting the scale next week, so I’m going to try to continue to stay away from the sweets and overeating. I am a stress eater but am changing my ways :). I love to read all the stories and the encouragement, because like so many of you, it helps to know that I’m not alone.

  8. What a word of encouragement!!! I needed to hear this today. I haven’t posted in a few weeks. Between work, 2 girls in soccer & home life, things have been hectic! Last Wednesday I was down 6 lbs. However, this last week I haven’t been feeling very good (allergies/sinuses/coughing). I haven’t really had the energy to exercise & quite frankly I keep making excuses to not exercise. It’s took everything w/in me just to go through my normal work day. Then on top of everything I haven’t stayed true to my eating healthy! I’ll eat healthy for one meal & then the next I’m back to over eating! So I’ve gained 4 lbs back from last Wednesday. All I can say is I’m a work in progress. Thank God that His mercies are new every morning.

    I’d have to agree with Stephenie…I’ve really slacked on my alone time w/God! I use to wake up an hour early just to pray & read my devotion. It’s sooo easy to get off track but then seems like my body doesn’t like the discipline it takes to get back on top. Please pray for me on this! The Spirit is willing but my flesh is weak. So today I’m getting back on track. I know what needs to be done, it’s just disciplining my body.

    I LOVE reading everybodies posts, it really helps. At least I know I’m not alone! Be Blessed Everyone & have an awesome disciplined week!

  9. Thanks for the encouragement, I have had a break through this week, after our Pastor spoke on obedience, it really spoke to me that I had not been being obedient to the still small voice saying you have eaten enough, or do you really need that, or just want it. I have said sorry , and this morning woke knowing that often I eat when I’m head hungry and not stomach hungary, but I feel free from condemnation, and already feel much better in myself I have no cravings and am not thinking about food except when I do need to eat, and know with Gods help I can go on to be healthier, and slimmer, and I can do it all to the glory of God, with His help. SO Go girls go… we can do it, in His strength!

  10. My week has been okay. I havent exercised in a couple of weeks but have been making decent food choices so I am down a pound and a half. I have been lacking discipline in exercising at home. I have a newborn (2months old). I am a regular at the gym normally but the extra 30 pounds on my frame dont give it away. my 2month old cant go to the gym nursery until he is 3 months old, so thats my excuse of choice right now. I need to stop the excuses and go discipline my body. Praying for you ladies and look forward to reading the rest of the posts.

  11. Started the 30-day shred…OUCH! But I really like this verse and need to put it up on my bathroom mirror and at work.
    Discipline is what I have lacked where my physical health is concerned. Thankful for the accountability in this blog community!

  12. “No disciple seems pleasant at the time, but painful…” I don’t think we would learn from our mistakes if discipline was easy. It’s just not very fun to go through at the time, is it? I will definately be memorizing this verse and posting it on my computer desk.

    During this last week I keep losing and gaining the same 2 pounds which is so discouraging knowing that I have been eating right and working out. The one thing that keeps me going is feeling how baggy my pants are on me!! Isn’t that a good feeling? I even had to throw one pair of jeans in the dryer! So I know this discipling of my body is working. My daughter and I have been eating healthier and working out for the last month and each of us are down 10 pounds!

    Stay strong this week girls!! We can do this together!!

  13. That verse was for me! Just listen to a message on that verse a couple days ago and knew God was talking to me — and now to hear it again. GOD THING!! Not a good week — I am so weak on my own — I am struggling big time!

  14. It’s been a pretty good week for me. I haven’t done a fantastic job as far as food choices go, but I’m becoming more aware of my food choices at the same time. Does that even make sense?! I got on the scale after my workout this morning and I lost a pound and a half this week. My pants aren’t as snug so I know I’m making progress.

    Love that the verse you selected was about discipline. I told my son this week that the Lord those He loves. As for me, I’ve had to get back into the discipline of having a quiet time with Jesus. It amazes me how quickly I can go from daily spending time with him to letting a day off turn into a couple of weeks. Now my focus is on being intentional about my quiet time even when I don’t “feel” like it. So far so good. Have a great week ladies!

  15. Discipline/self-control. Both are strangers to me right now. All sorts of good intentions, but I don’t carry through. After a week’s honeymoon, I’m about 5 lbs up. (How is it so easy to gain that much in a week and so hard to loose 1 or 2 lbs?) And that’s OK this time. I wasn’t trying, wasn’t going to think about it. We had a wonderful vacation. But now I’m home, ready for a restart and have had the munchies really bad for the last couple of days. God, this is back in your court….again. Help! :-)

  16. Greetings everyone! I have been reading Karen’s blog for a while and today I’m joining in with Weight Loss Wednesdays. I just finished participating in the “Losing It” weight loss blog challenge and lost 10 lbs. in 10 weeks. The challenge ended on April 30 so here I am today.

    So this past week went well. I was very disciplined with food and exercise. Since my birthday is coming up (and Mother’s Day too) I know that I’ll be heading to Outback for some Bloomin’ Onion, a steak dinner, and some Carvel icecream cake.

    My story in a nutshell is that I am not depriving myself, just eating less and moving more. So I’m not dieting, just readjusting my lifestyle to be more healthy. My long term goal is to lose 30 more pounds. But I’ve found that I do much better breaking my calendar down into 10 week increments and just focusing on that period of time. Whatever weight comes off…comes off.

    Now I’m off to begin memorizing Hebrews 12:11! Have a great week everyone!

  17. Discipline: Chosing to do what you know you should even when you don’t want to.
    I have been obedient to the goals that I have set this week. I don’t know if it payed off on the scales. I have decided to lay off of them this week.
    I did fight off urges this week. It has been revival week here at our church. Since I am on staff at a baptist church (you know our reputation with food!!) I have been invited to a meal every night!! I have really shown some discipline around that dessert table. So in light of the baptist meals & desserts, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” Amen and Amen.
    I hope this makes you all smile!!

  18. I’ve been convicted over the last few months to take a hard look at discipline/self control. I don’t seem to have much in many areas of my life. I’ll be working for the next 3 years to pay off the loans I had to get to take control of credit card debt. And I’ve been up and down the scales to many times to name. I have been in conversation with the Lord about these matters and He is trying to help me. :) If only I would continue to cling to his wisdom and not go off on the tangents that call me!! Well, this week I’m down 3/4 of a #. Thought it would be more, but PRAISE THE LORD FOR DOWNWARD MOVEMENT!! I made some really great food choices this week, but strained my ankle working in the yard over the weekend and haven’t been able to walk much. It’s better today, so I’ll be back at it. I’m down 19 1/4 pounds and today am wearing a pair of pants that I haven’t worn in more than 2 years!! :) ONLY (haha) 54 pounds to go!! I would not be this far without the strength given me by our great God. How faithful He is!! Thanks for the new scripture! I use the other one a lot and am excited about the new one as well. I really appreciate what you are doing for all of us Karen. God bless you all.

  19. I weighed myself yesterday, and I was down 5 lbs from last week!!! After the first lackluster showing in week one & 2, and no change last week, God has finally sent a small reward for my efforts in obedience.

    This has been a TOUGH week, sisters.

    My best friend, the closest thing I have to a sister in real life, is a stay at home mom, and she has been taking care of my 13 month old while I work. We bless their family with an extra $300 a month. It has been a mutual blessing.

    We got back into town from a funeral on Monday. By Wednesday evening, I receive a text message saying she needs to be done, and we have one month to find another place to take care of my son. That’s it. NO discussion, no real reason. We were totally blindsided by this, and I have been devastated. After much text traffic (they still have yet to TALK to us about this), I am getting the picture that her husband has unrealistic expectations that she is going to get some fabulous job despite her limited education and availability.

    Basically, I felt betrayed, and I have no opportunity to make peace, because they are not ready to talk to us about this. This has been beyond stressful. I immediately went looking for a day care option, because the message was so vague but screamed “I need out”.

    Thanks be to God that I found a church based daycare that actually accepts babies and young toddlers (many of them will not take kids under 2), and they had space for my son. Our child care costs have more than doubled, and I now leave my son with strangers in a strange place.

    I guess God is allowing this to help me understand that He is truly all I need. My son is doing surprisingly well in his first week, and my parents are helping us with extra money and taking care of Conor for the half day I work.

    In all this, I have been really tuning in to the commitment I made to change my eating, use my work breaks to walk and pray, and to trust God more. I pray for His continued strength–it is truly the only thing holding me together now.

    Until next week, thanks for your prayers–I know I need them!

  20. good morning everyone! I am happy this morning even though I am still struggling with some bad choices and the scale showed it. Such a timely topic for me, discipline. I make the plans and then don’t follow through. Amazing how that couch or the computer can just suck me! okay goal for this week–do not hit the snooze button. Pray for me!
    Thanks to all of you.

  21. HI I have just joined your group and have been yo yoing between losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for years, sound familiar?? If I did that 6 times without gaining I would be at my goal weight, but I have learned what works and doesn’t work along the way so I am determined to use what I know and reach my goal by next July, when I turn 50. I have spent the first half of my life overweight (snack time at kindergarten must have put me over the edge since I was thin from 0-4 years and never again….ha, ha)
    Thanks to a ton of exercise, I love to be outdoors so biking and walking are a treat for me, I lost a pound this week even though my hormonal eating was out of control and I was sobbing Thursday at the thought of my oldest graduating high school but I will not let these things get me down. I will get up, dust myself off, and start over each day because I know I can do it. Others have done it, others are doing it, it is my turn!

  22. I’m so excited to see this Weight Loss Wednesday Group. I have been looking for some kind of support group to help with my weight loss. I’m about 25 overweight and live around a lot of skinny people. So I don’t have anyone that understand what is it to have this problem. I do have God on my side and He is helping me but I’m excited to keep coming back on Wednesday and get some encouragement and also learn some more scripture. Thank you and see you next week.

  23. Thank you for the ever-so true reminder and promise! I will use it to encourage me this week and resist temptation. I definitely fell off the bandwagon and made some bad choices this week (hint Little Debbie Swiss Rolls). In doing so, though, I did “up” my exercising program and everything equalled out according to the scales. :) I do desire to be stronger, though, when choosing what to put into my body. Please pray for me! ….peace and righteousness, now that sounds better than those Little Debbie Swiss Rolls…

  24. Discipline- the word makes me shudder as it brings to mind all of my shortcomings this past week. Bad choices galore & no exercise:(. The good news is I know that I don’t have to continue along that path & have started over. Amazingly, after going up & down on the scales, I seemed to have come out about where I was. No loss, but no significant gain either.
    Last weeks post from you about not being a slave to the scales but looking at my obedience really helped me. (Of course I am convicted because I wasn’t obedient last week.But conviction is a good thing.)Going to work on the memory verse. I’m SO thankful for this blog & all of you who understand this struggle! God bless you all this week. In Christ’s Love, Lisa

  25. Great verse Karen! Have it written down to memorize and permeate my thoughts. I have had a decent week exercising a little more discipline over my eating. Particularly by not snacking at night after the kiddos go to bed and hubby and I are watching TV on the couch. Also getting outside more now to walk and bike. Probably down a pound but I forgot to weigh this morning. Blessings to all my WLW friends!

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