The Buddy System

Hey Weight Loss Wednesday gang.

Hope your week went well in the eating and exercising areas. Please leave a comment today letting us know how you are doing and what we can pray for.

I myself have had a great two weeks and let me tell you why.


While I love our little cyber group, for me it also takes someone with whom I can go one-on-one. When I originally lost 100 pounds, it was the gal behind the Weight Watchers counter. Then for a while it was my Weigh and Pray group at church where I had to weigh-in in front of someone .

Since our group at church stops for the summer, I was left with no one to weigh in with.

Then, two weeks ago, my dear friend Mary and I came up with an idea. It might seem strange, but it is working for us.

Each week we take a picture with our cell phones of our scales while we are standing on them. Then we send the picture to each other.

Now, this was a bit scary for me. I don’t like ANYONE knowing what I weigh. Why, I even ask the doctor to look away when I weigh in at his office! So you must find a tight-lipped, trusting and non-judgmental friend, who will both encourage and inspire you.

It really works.


I’ve lost 8.8 pounds in two weeks!

Grab a friend and try it!

Now, check in here and let us know how you are doing. Do you do anything beyond our cyber group for accountability? If so, what?

And don’t forget to hop back over tomorrow for our big summertime give-away!! It is a basket-in-a-box of summertime treats!



  1. Hey there! I’m soo late in posting….The last few weeks have been busy. My husband is my accountability partner and I have a great coach with the program I’m doing….We did a happy dance this last week as I am under 200lbs for the 1st time in almost 4 yrs! I’ve lost 32lbs total…last week I barely squeaked out a lb. I blew it one day when I caved to some brownies. lol If I’m being honest I will admit how much I miss my old carby friends! Praying for us all that we will make healthy decisions for our bodies and rely on God’s strength in resisting temptations. Hope you all have a great week!

  2. Hi all! I just wanted to hop on quick and say how proud I am of those of you who are hanging in there and commenting each week. I am praying for you. You can do it! Have a wonderful weekend :-)

  3. Yesterday, I forgave those I resented for not meeting my own expectations of them. Thanking my Heavenly Father for His grace in Jesus’s name. That same day I asked a friend if she would keep me accountable. She said yes!!!!! :D

  4. Prayed for all of us.
    We got back from visiting our dads. And everything went downhill because I didn’t go grocery shopping and we came back to a full schedule of activities.
    My Father knows how many times I’ve asked ladies to keep me accountable. Even my own family doesn’t mention when they notice I’ve lost or added weight. Except for my teen son. Yes,I am so thankful for him! Aside from him I haven’t found one who isn’t too busy for me or cares to tell me the truth in love even if it hurts me.
    This is why I keep a checklist to keep myself accountable.
    I’ll stop complaining and will try again.

  5. I’m up two pounds over the last two weeks. :( Not a huge gain, but still the WRONG direction!

    Congrats to you, Karen! I’m hoping to search your blog for the verses you shared before that have helped you with your weight loss; I’m going to print them up and put them around the house (probably mostly in the kitchen!).

  6. I tried to post last night, but it site would not even go to the comments section. It popped up that it was “full.” Not sure what that means. Anyway, I am away from home here for two days, but weighed in at the hotel’s fitness center and am down a pound. Last week’s little increase got me moving again. I need to get back into measuring and writing things down, but it is truly amazing how having everyone home from school and my increased work schedule for June (really ow for the foreseeable future :() eats up my time. (no pun intended) I do not have a buddy – and not sure who I would get. While I’m away from home for this seminar I’m attending, the hotel has a full breakfast buffet (hot and cold). I am happy to report that I am having oatmeal – the healthiest choice they offer. We were given a boxed lunch and I ate my sandwich and chips, but am taking the candy bar home to my kids. At snack time, I chose an apple over the candy, cookies, and chips. for dinner I went to Panera and had the strawberry salad (1/2 portion)- low cal, but in all honesty I was hungry again in a few hours.

  7. No WW weigh today as I have my son home from school. Probably a good idea as was away for the weekend and ate with abandon. It scares me how easy it is to shut out the Holy Spirit’s prompting…’Should you really be eating that Kylie!?’
    Andrea, I will pray for you.

  8. Thank you Ruth and Mary Ruth for your specific prayers, and Please all of you know that you are on my heart as well.

  9. I am really struggling with weight loss right now. I am staying away from sweets and trying to make better choices with my meals, but I still seem to either gain a little or stay the same. I jog in the pool M-F mornings at 5 am (ach) so I feel like I am exercising enough but the weight just doesn’t seem to want to come off. I have prayed to give it over to God and have begged him to help my body to work for itself instead of against itself. I have prayed that if I stay faithful to the eating and exercising that God would stay faithful in helping the weight to come off. I don’t have a weight buddy that I can join up with but I do go to weight watchers. They just tell me all the things I already need to know about losing and keeping off the weight. I am sitting here crying just typing about all of this. I just want to lose some of the 220 lbs I am carrying around. Please pray for me.

  10. The idea of accountability is a big one for me. I’ve lost almost 50 pds (PRAISE GOD) but now, I’m stuck. Although I know I do look and feel a lot better than before, I still have more to lose and I need help losing it so . . .

    I weigh in on Wednesday (in conjunction with Weight Loss Wednesday!) and I’ve begun printing my weekly weight onto a full size sheet of paper. I post that paper up in the house where others see it(!!) As the number changes (up or down) each week, I have to be accountable to others and and to myself!

    When the number goes down, it feels great to receive the compliments, but when it goes up, eww, not so good!

    I also take a picture of that paper and make it the screen saver on my cell phone. Carrying that “paperweight” around with me–my cell is always with me, you know–is a constant reminder of how I need to stay engaged in the weight loss battle at all times!

    Blessings in your continued journey. You’re never alone!!

  11. Ann, I also prayed for you.

    I think with summer schedules most people aren’t online as often or may read and not post, which is what I often do.

    However, that doesn’t mean people aren’t out there rooting for you, Girlfriend!

    Weight loss is a process just like getting your finances in order, decluttering your home or helping your teenager learn to drive — all four I’m doing today. WHEW!

    And I’ve lost this week due to my wonderful buddy! Before getting a buddy, I hadn’t lost in a month and had even gone up in weight.

    So hang in there, Ann. And keep posting!! And I’m praying you find the perfect buddy to walk you through this process that we’re all going through.

  12. I haven’t posted in about 3 weeks. My life has gotten very hectic and it seemed as if I threw out all of my good exercise and eating habits. So I am starting over today. I actually weigh a few pound less then when Karen first started Weight loss Wednesdays, so I can be thankful for that but I have gained back a lot of the weight I had lossed.

  13. My husband’s ministry had us in Tennessee for several months, and we didn’t have internet access. Now I’m back in Michigan, have internet access, and am ready to reply again! Ann, I’ll pray for you as you face your hurdles. As for me, I went to the doctor today to check up on my hypothyroidism, and my levels are good. I’ve been on thyroid medication for about eight months now. Weight wise, I am still pretty much right at the same mark I was last time I posted here. Not gaining (thank goodness! The gaining for no reason part was killing me before I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism!) but not losing either. Starting in July I’ll be doing a First Place 4 Health Bible study at church. Lord willing that will be a time of growing closer to God and shedding weight with friends all at the same time. Blessings to you!

  14. I am sad to see that there are significantly less people posting on Wednesdays. I myself have been so far off the mark I am sad to have to post anything, but to know that I am being prayed for anyway makes it worthwhile. Last week I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I weigh 255 lbs 5’4″ and have other health issues as well. I see my doctor today to get on meds. My plan is to continue to TRY. Try baby steps-one little thing at a time, which I am doing. Try to get more exercise. Try to remember that God has this all in his hands. Try to remember BEFORE I eat for emotional reasons to check and see if I really just need a drink of water. I am trying right now to pray for all those who haven’t posted today to hop back on and stay in the group. Be Blessed each and every one!

  15. My husband and I have been working together on eating healthy and losing weight for the past four months. While I don’t easily share how much I weigh with him, it has been a blessing to have him as a partner. Since we eat many of our meals together it has been a motivation for me to shop for and prepare healthier foods…I’m not the only one doing it now.

    Of course, he has been losing weight much more quickly and easily than I have, and I try not to let that get to me! I am just so glad that we can do this together!

  16. My boyfriend gave up smoking when I agreed to start losing weight. I know that if I give up on my weight loss program, he will start smoking again. And I really hate smoking. So that motivates me. I do weigh in at work in front of the nurse who is a dear friend in accountability and buddy in weight loss. I’m not afraid to tell her how much I weigh and we celebrate our losses and mourn our gains together! The countability in these places and here has really helped. Although I didn’t have a great week. I had to bake 17 dozen cookies for our VBS last week and had about 4 dozen that didn’t turn out quite right so they’ve been laying around the house. I did manage to lose about 1/2 a pound because I have excercised and made good choices at meals. And I really am seeing so much progress in other areas. Last night I went to Fazoli’s and while I was waiting on my friend to show up picked up their nutritional info and looked through it. I had already decided what I wanted to eat but was floored by the calories. So I made a plan to still get it, but only eat part of it. So I ate about 1/3 and now I have the rest in the refrig for another time. I was so floored by how easy it was. I no long obsess over what I’m going to eat today. Food is FINALLY starting to take it proper place in my life. It is such a good feeling to not be controlled by food. I still have a long ways to go, but the progress to date is really fun and encouraging. It’s taken me so many years to get to this place. PTL I couldn’t do it without Him.

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