Calm in the Chaos

Ever feel like your world is swirling?

Now, I’m not talking about any huge, dire piece of news that alters the course of your life as you know it; not tragedy, sickness, calamity or such.

I’m just talking swirling.

Fires to put out; people to call; decisions to make; responsibilities to tend to.

A too-full plate that includes screaming items beckoning for attention; awaiting a decision.

~ Do we send our 12 year old to his beloved church camp tomorrow although he is still dealing with a lingering cough, due not to anything contagious, but to minor lung damage? Will the doc give him another round with an inhaler? Will it help? And will we even be able to get in for an appointment on a Monday after half of Lansing waited all weekend to “call the doctor in the morning”?

~What do we do about replacing our now totaled 1999 Buick? Our daughter Kenna was in an accident in Charlotte, NC early last week. All people are fine. Two cars are not. Her ‘other mothers’ (my Proverbs 31 sisters) have stepped in to offer a shoulder and direction at the scene; serious lovin’ and even a temporary loaner.

~What do we do about our other two cars here at home, on their last legs…er….um…tires? Both were made in the last century (literally!) and have over 200,000 miles each.

~School starts in 4 weeks for us. I’m teaching speech and creative writing at my kid’s junior and senior high co-op. Might be nice if I got my lesson plans together, eh?

~Other swirlings this week:  a devotion to write; an article due; flower bed to weed; a house to clean; stray garage sale items to donate; a mom needing a ride to the car repair shop….

On and on it goes.

So I’m trusting in God to bring calm to my chaos. I’m straining to hear his quiet voice in the rant and the ruckus.

Things could be so much worse, I know. But sometimes you can’t see past your own life’s swirlings.

My mama always said when you were down in the dumps, remember there is always someone who is even further down.

(Although I used to wonder who was at the base of the “downed dump” pile. Wouldn’t they be at the bottom? Or was it a rotating pile and the guy that hit the bottom was only there long enough to spot someone further down? Oh the wanderings of my grade-school mind! No wonder my teachers said I  “thought”  too much!)

Anyway, today I will peel my eyes off of my self. I will find another soul who is in need of some cheer.

I’ll idle my crazy day for just a moment to bring her a smile.

And maybe that way, I’ll find calm in my chaos.

It is true the only calm is in the eye of the storm.

How about you?


  1. I resemble those remarks ~ swirling and car craziness!

    I’m still “coming down” after She Speaks and while my heart is trying to stay focused on all the good, Godly things I learned . . . my mind is swirling with all the things that are keeping me distracted from the goal.

    One of those things is that we are with only 1 car after my husband was in an accident earlier this year. But, I am thankful we have the one. You’re right, someone always has it worse.

    I am glad I read your post today. I will pray for your swirling circumstances.

  2. Thanks for sharing Karen – great perspective! And I was reading the comments above – to Heather F.: Not sure if you’re in the Lansing area or not – but in my pre-homeschool mom days I was a Pediatric Occupational Therapist in the schools and hospital and have tons of experience with sensory disorders – Maybe you’ve already been dealing with this for awhile and have it all down – but if not I’d love to help you anyway that I can!

  3. Thank you for the reminder to look out for someone else to bless during the times when it is so easy to focus in :) May God bless you with peace today!

  4. Karen, thanks for today’s thoughts. Yeah, swirling is the feeling – I have a mammogram on Wednesday. I think for the rest of my life I am going to be “squirrelly” when I have to go for these. I know God is in control and He has brought me through breast cancer. I just “forget” sometimes and focus the wrong way. (We have a squirrel in our yard and sometimes he runs around like he has been eating mushrooms or something – just round and around in circles, back and forth, and all over the yard. Thus the reason for the “squirrelly”. :D I did say prayers for you when I read your post.

  5. I’m swirling too, Karen. So many decisions and little details to attend to. I love the quote that the only calm is in the eye of the storm. You are so right, I need to focus on helping someone else even as life swirls around me.

    Think of this: A year from now it’s likely that neither of us will even remember what seems so overwhelming at the present moment.

    Praying for you right now!

  6. I’m swirling today for sure. Nothing completely earth shattering, but let’s just say there are things happening that I wish I did not have to deal with – now or ever.

  7. Just in time to know that I am not alone in this summer craziness. That God Is with us and I cannot forget (and other moms who are feeling this craziness too). But I get my boost from HAH always and the encouraging words to know this!! He is with us and we know we are not the only ones and never ever alone in the midst of this chaos nor are we at the bottom of the pile. I will smile cause I know someone else needs encouragement more than I and I will be willing to do something about that!!

  8. I hadn’t heard about Kenz’s accident. So glad she is okay. We too have been dealing with old car issues all summer long and have to get Marla’s LeSabre into the garage today before she heads back to Nashville on Friday.

    Max Lucado has a book titled Eye of the Storm which is encouraging. Remember, Jesus was there, and He knows how we feel.

    Miss you Karen!

  9. Been there, done that, trying to keep my focus as well. My husband lost his (really demoralizing) job in June (he is a music teacher). We are grateful that he found something part-time (but at 1/3 of his last salary, an no insurance). I stay at home with our boys who are 5 and 2. This week I have to figure out insurance for them, apply for WIC, and look into affordable therapy for our oldest who has Sensory Processing Disorder. We also need to re-tool our budget big time. I know that God is here with me, I just need to “let go and let God”. Hard for me as I like to pretend I have control over things. I also like to know what is coming at me. I pray that God fills you with peace this week (and especially today) that He gives you the wisdom to make wise decisions!

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