What’s Happening

Today ‘s post is like a bulletin board.

No profound ponderings.

No clever tips.

No “gotta try it” recipe.

No giveaway. (Sorry. But there will be two more this week!)

I just wanted to use today to bring you up to speed on some happenings and ask for your prayers on a few things.

So, random items in bullet point form to follow:

  • First, I am in the process of overhauling my blog. The new look should be done October 1st. The fantabulous Vicki at Bytes of Blessings is working as fast as her “awesome-website-designer-but-still-a-homeschool-mom” fingers and brain can work.
  • For content, I want to continue to provide ideas that will help you as a woman, wife and mom, but most of all as a one of God’s gals trying to live out what the Bible says we should. Not always easy, I know!! (Spoken after blowing up at her 19 year-old daughter for no good reason and hanging up on her. Yep. Had to ask for forgiveness for my ‘mama mouth’ on that one! Thankfully, she is as grace-filled as her patient daddy.)
  • As for frequency, I am going to try to be a consistent Monday, Wednesday, Friday blogger. I usually do 3 posts a week, but not always on the same days. I’ve looked over my new fall schedule (teaching speech and creative writing at my boys co-op this year) and have decided I think MWF will be a good fit. Of course, during our 3rd annual 12 Days of Christmas GIveaway, I’ll post 12 days in a row. Or, I may have a special occasion or holiday to post on that is not on a MWF. But for the most part, those three days are when you’ll find new content here.
  • I’d like to begin to gather ideas for some projects I am working on. So, occasionally I will ask you for ideas or feedback on such things as these: friendship; marriage; mothering; weight loss; dealing with extended family (oh, buddy!); how not to be a control freak; how to be  a woman who trusts God; what does gossip look like and how do you know when you’ve crossed the line; in the Christian life, what is the difference between an absolute, a conviction and a preference; what are some great busy day recipes I can feed my family; organizing; hospitality; making memories through celebrations; finding your life’s calling.
  • I‘ll also try to find guest bloggers on topics I see come up repeatedly in the comments. For example, last Friday when I asked what “on the back burner” project you’d most like to get to, “Scrapbooking” came up repeatedly. So, I have already twisted the arm of a dear friend who is the scrapbooking Queen. She will guest post soon.
  • I would like to gather a group of women who will be my cyber circle of friends who will help my ministry in a couple ways. First, by praying for requests I send them. Secondly, by being ones I can bounce ideas off, ask for feedback on book titles, stories or examples that go with my content. It will be done by email.
  • If you are interested in the above bullet point, please send an email to [email protected] with the words “Cyber Circle of Sisters” in the subject line. The actual email can be blank if you are in a hurry, just make sure the subject line reads this way.
  • Finally, could I ask you to please pray for our P31 president Lysa Terkeurt, her assistant Holly and our executive director LeAnn from now until Wednesday evening? They are traveling to my Michigan so Lysa can record her new dvd video series for her new book Made To Crave that releases in December.

Well, that’s about it for now! Random bulletin board is now closed.

NOTE: Tune back in Wednesday when I’ll feature an interview with one of my P31 sisters, Rachel Olsen,  on her first solo book–an AWESOME “how-to-do-life-and-do-it-well” book. She’s giving away a copy WITH a Starbucks gift card! Then, Friday there will be another giveaway based on an Encouragement for Today devotion I’ll have running. It too involves a book and TWO gifts cards!

Finally, the winner of the weekend organizational giveaway is Marty; timestamp August 28, 7:34 pm. Send your address to me at [email protected], so I can mail you your goodies!


  1. I came to the site, I read, I am pleased. I am trying to stay above the depression of my grandchildren moving 2000 miles away (the other side of the u.s.a.) and health issues. Please pray for me. Thank you!

  2. I love your list of upcoming projects. I saw several things that really interest me.
    I’m not much on scrapbooking but I love many of the other ideas….”dealing with extended family” hint hint!

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