Friday Organizing Giveaway–Times Two!!!!
Hi all–
Not a lot of time to post today. I have one of those jam-packed weekends. All good—-but full of activity.
~My boys are having four friends from Detroit over for the weekend.
~My hubby and daughter are headed here from NC. (She’s coming home for a month.Yippee!!)
~I leave for a speaking event at the wonderful Lake Ann Camp Saturday morning (being put on by the fablous gals at Growing Women ministries.)
~Mitch has a double-header Saturday morning.
~The annual Davis Harvest party is Saturday night—hundreds of folks for an old-fashioned-hay-riding-donuts-and-cider eating-bonfire-and-square-dancing grand ole’ time. (My kids love this day almost as much as Christmas!) Todd will be taking the troops there for a fun-filled outing.
~More teens join us (Kenz’s friends) Saturday evening for an overnight, bringing the total count of people in our home to over 17!
~More of the Weekend Magazine radio spots I’ve recorded will run on Focus on the Family this weekend. If your local radio station doesn’t carry this program, click here to listen in!
~I will return home Sunday, hopefully in time for church, but very tuckered out!!
So today’s post is a simple giveaway. Hop on over to my P31 sister Renee Swope’s site where she’s featuring an interview with me about my book The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized. She is giving away a signed copy along with a $10 Target gift card to buy some fun and functional organizing stuff and a box of chocolates. :-)
I am doing the same exact thing! (Mine includes some dark chocolate!) Sooooo…….two chances to win! Simply leave a comment on either (or both!) sites. Your name will be entered.
In the mean time, enjoy your busy–or not-so-busy— weekend.
I’m totally gonna have me one of those next weekend!
In the mean time, please comment telling me what YOUR plans are for this weekend! Your name will be entered in the giveaway. Winner announced Monday.
See you next week. Got some topics to tackle you won’t want to miss! Happy Weekend.
Comment away………
I am hoping to get all three of my girls’ clothes switched out for the appropriate season and size. This always takes MUCH longer than I want, but I’d love to get it all done in a weekend. :)
I could SO use this book (and the chocolate!)!
I just returned from having a garage sale with my daughter. We could BOTH use help with organizing……..LOL
Thanks for the chance
Brenda Schiesser
Would love to win!! Enjoyed your other books but don’t have this one! Please enter me!
Oops… I meant “my home (and life) in order”. :)
Karen, what a relief to have found you! I am so very ready to finally have my home (and life) but it’s been difficult to figure out how on my own. My husband is gifted in that way, but he’s been working 50+ weeks and just doesn’t have the time or energy to do it. My heart’s desire is to make our home a place of peace and rest for him and others.
Boy, could I use some help organizing my life. More importantly, I could use some direction in saying no, decluttering our house, and learning to sit with God for a while. Thanks for having this contest! I enjoyed visiting your site.
Your weekend sounds like my life! My husband has a gift of hospitality – which means we always are either having guests or are going somewhere as guests.
I (on the other hand) am a slow plodder – doing things well, but slowly. Needless to say, there are parts of my house that just don’t get touched (particularly the closets!)
Which is why I need your book! :-)
Celebrating my birthday!!! Giving much thanks!!
Hi, Karen –
Thank you for this opportunity! I just found this particular book of yours a couple of weeks ago online and was looking at the table of contents and first pages on Amazon. It looks very useful!
This weekend, we’re actually planning on doing some cleaning and organizing! (The organizing is wayyy over due after having my son many months ago.) We’ll also enjoy the hopefully cooler weather coming along and spend some time together as a family (a commodity that is lacking during the week).
Hope your busy weekend goes well and is joyful!
In Christ,
My favorite things to do are to be out of doors and worship. We’re putting the two together this weekend and Saturday night we’ll have a small worship team at a park to watch the sunset. Then Sunday I will probably have lunch and spend some time with my 2 brothers and their families. My niece is getting married next weekend so the excitement is building!
I’m in for a busy weekend– Running a 5k, 2 birthday parties back to back on Saturday and going to church on Sunday.
This weekend’s an easy one (always subject to change). Football, grocery and errands, church and a delightful singer doing a program at church Sunday evening.
I’m taking stuff to a mommy consignment sale later this afternoon and have been tagging like crazy all week. Tomorrow I can just hang out with my kids andmaybe get some yard work done, but then Sunday afternoon I have to pick up whatever doesn’t sell – hopefully, it won’t be much!
It’s good to know that all of us Momma’s are super busy :)
cosying up at home tonight as autumn finally sets in; friends to prayer lunch tomorrow; an engagement party; church; and making crab apple chutney!
Boy do I need this book!!! It caught my eye on your facebook post.
My sister in law comes into town on Sunday for a week, to say we’re excited around here would be an understatement :) I’d love to get organized …
Saturday morning – community yard sales
Saturday afternoon – clean, read, and try to relax during naptime
Saturday evening – picnic at the park
Sunday morning – get chili started for the cook-off, nursery, and church
Sunday evening – teach piano lesson, special church service, chili cook-off and church fellowship
Sunday night – football
All with two toddlers! Life is never dull!
Cleaning, football, and Church:)
My weekend: I am starting early by taking Friday afternoon off from work, and my plan is to get a Starbucks pumpkin latte and a good book or magazine and just sit somewhere for an hour or more and relax. Not at home though because I will just end up doing housework. I need some time to just sit. Tomorrow morning I am going to a leadership seminar at my church, and Sat afternoon a funeral for my best friend from grade school’s mother, who passed away last Sunday from leukemia complications. She was 79. Sunday I am going to church. That’s as much as I know so far for the weekend.
Thanking God for His love and grace and mercy today!
Wow, you have quite the weekend!! Thought mine was bad. I love your organizational tips and your blog. Thanks for sharing your wisdom!
chocolate is always wonderful… and I am really TRYING to get organized. Started out by selling a few things on Ebay. take care
I have two of my sister and their husbands visiting from NC and we are thrilled to just be breathing the same air, rejoicing in the Lord’s blessings.
AAAHHH>..the weekend……soccer games, church, errands, family time, and trying to get my house Organized…….(which will take more than a w/e, unfortunately!) Love your blog!!!
Wow! What a busy weekend you have planned. Will pray for you. Mine is calm with empty nest, grandkids nearby and more ids and grands moving close by shortly. Housework Saturday (and hopefully organizing stuff), church Sunday and planning for the week ahead on Sunday afternoon. Blessings!