Making Mondays Stick
Congrats to the weekend’s pile-busting organizational giveaway winner. She is: CMerie. Send your home address to me at [email protected] right away!
How many Mondays have you made a pledge?
A promise?
A pronouncement?
“Starting Monday, I’m going on a diet!”
“Next Monday, I’m gonna get this house cleaned up and keep it that way!”
“Okay…this is Monday. A new week. I am gonna try NOT yelling at my kids this week when they misbehave”
“This is the Monday I’ll finally kick that addiction.”
We’ve all made Monday plegdes and promises.
Why can’t we make Mondays stick?
While I claim to have no magic answers for you today sweet sisters. I do have a few tools and a little quote that might kick you in the pants like it did me yesterday during worship.
First…the tools.
For you who are again vowing to win the battle of the bulge, Lysa TerKeurst’s Made to Crave free webcast starts tonight.
I’ll be there.
I hope you will too! Click here for the seriously simple way to join us!
Next, for those of you who want to be part of Melissa Taylor’s online Bible Study of Made to Crave that begins next week, click here to join us! I’ll be her guest on a conference call on February 3rd.
I am thrilled she is doing this. You will fall in love with sweet Melissa and her encouraging demeanor.
For those of you who need a little push in the “getting organized” area, this Wednesday I’ll be a guest on my dear friend Jill Savage’s blog.
Jill is the founder of Hearts at Home, an incredible ministry for moms. I’ll be presenting a “Workshop to GO” on organizing personalities. Be sure to click over for some motivation & a chance to win a giveaway.
Now…for the “kick in the pants” quote our teaching pastor said yesterday.
We’ve been parked in Romans 8 for a few weeks as part of a series about renewal. When speaking of the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a follower of Christ, he said that many of us get tripped up when we make a bad choice.
When the Spirit is telling us “no”, instead we choose to go.
And when the Spirit is telling us to “go”, we dig our heals in and say “no”!
That pretty much sums up our failures with so many Monday morning pledges doesn’t it?
May we all listen to that still, small voice and “go” when He says go and also resist the temptation when He clearly tells us “no”.
I’ll be praying that we all make the right choices.
Maybe then we can make this Monday stick.
Sweet Blessings,
I’m late at reading this, but I’m so happy that I am. Last night my nightly reading was in Romans 8…all I can say is God is so timely!
Thanks for sharing about Monday mornings. Good word of encouragement!
Thanks for your prayers Karen. Sure need it.