Happy Valentines Giveaway– Times Two!
Sweet cyber sisters–
How I hope this pre-scheduled post finds me happily in Charlotte, NC and ready to appear on Monday evening’s Made to Crave webcast. The webcast is free so log onto www.madetocrave.org at 8:00 pm EST to catch the last installment in Lysa TerKeusrt’s fabulous and motivating series.
Oh, and if ‘ya wanted to whisper a prayer that I don’t cough or sneeze live on the air after a long week with the flu, why that would just be so greatly appreciated!! Your prayers have seen me through and I don’t want them to stop now!!!!
In the mean time, I have two fun Valentines Day giveaways for you–one for you married women and one for the single gals. I guess this is my equivalent of taking treats to school for my friends. :-)
Oh and speaking of treats…..hop on over to my dear friend LeAnn Rice’s site SheCooks.org where I am sharing a favorite treat recipe for Valentines Day–homemade peanut butter cups!
LeAnn is also a guest on this week’s Made to Crave webcast. (Where we will try to encourage you to crave God, not homemade peanut butter cups! But hey…a tiny treat is okay now & then, right?)
Enough chit-chat. Now, for the giveaways:
First, for the married women. A Red Hot monogamy giveaway. It includes:
~ A pack of red hot cinnamon tea light candles
~ Some dark chocolate-covered espresso beans
~ A bright red silicone kitchen hot pad
~ A totally rockin’ retro kitchen apron (Yes…the way to his heart at times is through his stomach. Other times its with a little old fashioned ‘horizontal fellowship’ if ya know what I mean!)
~ A signed copy of my friend (and fabulous speaker & author) Pam Farrel’s marriage book Red Hot Monogamy .
IF YOU ARE MARRIED and want to be entered to win this fun giveaway, simply leave a comment telling us your favorite romantic memory with your hubby.
It can be from yesterday or yesteryear. It doesn’t matter. Just let us know what you consider to be the most romantic thing the two of you have done. (Rated G of course!!!)
And…for now for my single friends. Here is your giveaway:
~ A jumbo milk chocolate bar fit for a Queen (or a prince, as long as he’s charming!)
~ Some P.S. I Love You Spring Fling scented lotion from Bath & Bodyworks
~ A bag of Lindt milk chocolates with white chocolate centers–simply divine!
~ A pretty pair of sterling silver earrings from Kohl’s
~ A copy of LeAnn Rice’s fabulous e-book Sharing Grace. LeAnn is a single, widowed mom with a love for others that is totally contagious!! Her book is full of recipes for blessing your friends & family– both around your table and through your life.
NOW FOR YOU SINGLE GALS: leave us a comment letting us know your favorite way to spend time with your friends. What do you do? Where do you go?
And for those of you who have a suggestion, what are some creative ways married women can make their single friends feel included? That is an area where I’d like some new ideas.
Okay now….leave your comments. I’ll be back on Wednesday to announce the winners.
Speaking of winners….the winner to the weekend’s Sweet Dreams giveaway is:
Ayla; time stamp February 11; 9:44 am
See you all on Wednesday!
Loved-by-Him Blessings,
Other than our honeymoon, the most romantic thing we have done, is when my husband planned an anniversary trip for the two of us. He took me to Maine (we are from Florida). We had a great time there, visited lighthouses, seal watching and had some much needed alone time.
When my husband proposed to me – he just said pick the date. With him being 10 years my senior, and I was already married once, when we met, we knew – after 3 weeks of dating he “proposed” and 3 weeks later we eloped. The week before he proposed, he used an onion ring and put it on my finger – so now when we do eat onion rings, we see if any can fit on my finger and we just laugh at it!
My hubby has been working on being… “romantic” and last week he decided to take the day off work and give me a “vacation day”. I’m a stay at home mom – so he did all the “mom” stuff for the day – taxiing kids, making meals, cleaned and did laundry – then took me out to dinner. Not typical “romance”, but it truly touched my heart!!
To understand the most loving thing my husband has done for me, I need to give you a little background.
I suffer with infertility. I’ve had three ectopic pregnancies, IVF that resulted in miscarriage and two failed adoptions (the birthmom’s chose to keep their daughters). After my first ectopic pregnancy, in 1998, on Mother’s day my dear husband gave me a yellow rose to honor me as a mom even though our precious baby was in heaven. He gave me a yellow rose each year until the second ectopic pregnancy, in 2001, that year he gave me two yellow roses and a white one. When I asked about the white one, he said it was for the hope of one to come. Each year following through all the losses, on Mothers Day my bouquet grew with yellow roses representing our babies in heaven (12 total) and still a single white rose; hoping.
I know that isn’t your typical ‘romantic’ story but it is certainly the most deeply loving thing my husband has ever done for me and I love him dearly for it.
(In 2009, our adopted son was born 11 years to the day of loosing our first precious baby and we were there to receive him. God is good and a romantic as well. He is, after all, the author of our love story.)
My favorite romantic memory is when my husband wrote out 23 reasons why he loves me for my 23rd birthday. Some were serious and some made me laugh out loud. That was years ago, but I still have every one of those little slips of paper and read them every now and then.
after 44 years it is hard to pick just one!!!
Favorit romantic moments: just going out for dinner together to spend time together.
I love getting together at my friend’s house and just watching movies or playing board games and eating desserts! We also like to hang out at the livestock show when it’s in town.
Happy Valentines Giveaway– Times Two!
My husband thinks of himself as a very practical, down-to-earth, land-the-plane kind of guy. In his opinion, romance is not his forte.
Last year at this time my husband was into month 8, serving our country in Afghanistan. Valentines Day was a very difficult time for both of us.
My husband is not much of a letter writer BUT I am fortunate to have 28 of the most romantically, sweet, beautiful and funny voice mails that a husband ever recorded for his wife. He sang to me silly little love songs, whispered sweet nothings, and pledged his love forever.
Now, every 21 days I get notice from my cell phone provider that I have old messages to save or purge. I will never purge! I will save these romantic messages for the rest of my days… …and hand-down my cell phone account to our daughter when I’m too old to see the numbers. ;o) I wish there was some way to record them off my phone!
I can’t really say I have a favorite. Just love all the little things that my husband does to make me feel “special” each day. I am so blessed!
One of my favorite romantic memories of my husband was Valentine’s day 7 years ago. I was about 4 weeks pregnant with my first child. He gave me a present which was wrapped and I just knew it was a new diamond ring! Well, it was a ring, but it was not for me. He gave me a baby ring for our new baby. I was on top of the world, and no diamond ring for me could ever win my heart like this itty bitty baby ring did!
Enjoyed seeing you on Lysa’s webcast. You group of women have been very inspiring to me! Thank you!
Well, this was actually when we were dating, but what he did for me told me he was a keeper. :) My Dad called to tell me he was dating someone (just over a year after my Mom died) and I was shocked. And completely devastated. I was a mess! A big, blubbering mess. My roommates weren’t home, so I called him at his work and told him what I had just learned. After we hung up, I just lay in my bed and cried, trying to figure out why my Dad was DATING when my Mom had only been gone a year. Until I heard a knock at the door. It was my future-husband, coming to give me hugs and to listen to me vent. (He also brought a chocolate bar, since food=love in moments like those). It was one of the sweetest things he has ever done for me. We’ve been married coming up on 13 years in May with 5 children under the age of 10 years. :)
Hmm, my fave romantic memory with my hubby…what stands out in my mind is my first Mother’s Day. He surprised me with flowers when he came home from work Friday. I was thrilled! He does so many wonderful things for me, it’s hard to choose…God has blessed me with an amazing husband, and I am ever-grateful to Him (and him!)!!
My husband had a someone write and record a song about us and gave it to me as a gift. Very neat!!
Enjoyed seeing you on Made to Crave and love your blog.
I really enjoy your blog!
Karen: Love your blog! Thanks!
My favorite romantic memory with my husband is the time we traveled to Asheville, NC to Biltmore Estate. He made me feel like the most beautiful, important, and blessed girl in the world. 10 years later, we’re still going strong.
And I wanted to thank you for sharing the story about your son saying, “They both look like Momma to me.” That spoke to my very core. Thank you so much! God bless you!
Hi Karen,
I really enjoyed watching your segment on the Made to Crave Webcast! Thank you for being so open and sharing your heart.
I’m a married gal – So, I’d like to share a memorable moment with my Valentine. My husband of 5 years drove me to the beach to watch the sunrise, have a lunch and then drive back home. This is one of my favorite things to and he surprised me with this little day trip. It was so simple, yet so wonderful!
As far as spending time strengthening my relationship with my single friends . . . I always make time for us to spend together. I schedule this time in my calendar. I treat that time and with respect, just as I do the time with my husband.
My hubby is so sweet all year, I don’t think I have a favorite
The most romantic time with my husband was when we were in honeymooning in Hawaii!!! It is just perfect to sit in the sand, holding each other, and letting each other know how much we love them, and at sunset!! ;-) 8 years later, we are still crazy about each other!
My husband knows I love lighthouses…so, he found one for us to visit in his home state of Washington!! It is now our favorite place to visit!
When hubby and I were dating, he wanted to surprise me when he popped the question, so even though I knew we were getting married and we were already looking for venues, he kept setting me up and then NOT asking. Harumph. Finally, the day we went to a local venue with an indoor garden, he knew that I was SET on this place, so he said we should enjoy a chocolate where we would be getting married…and as I fumbled to open the box (having NO idea he had planned anything), he got down on one knee, and in the Godiva box were all candies except one missing one where my ring was sitting! :) So we got engaged in the same spot where we got married. He had brought sparkling cider and crystal glasses too so we could celebrate before going back to work. Love that guy!
My husband and I were able to spend four days in Costa Rica several years ago. It was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing (a gift from his employer), and it was absolutely magical. :)
The most romantic thing that my hubby and I have done together is our honeymoon. We had an intimate family wedding and went to St. Lucia for our honeymoon. It was wonderful!