On Bawling & Announcing
Sweet sisters—
I am sitting in a coffee house in greater Detroit bawling.
I never dreamed choosing a winner for the Cecil Murphy scholarship to our She Speaks conference would be so overwhelming.
Your reasons for wanting to come; your stories of heartbreak and triumph; your desire to reach others with the message and hope of Christ; it has touched me to the core.
And ripped my heart nearly out as I realize I can only chose one of you.
So, in trying to make this decision, I hit my knees—- and then I hit the phone. I asked several of my speaking ministry sisters to help me read through the submissions and chose.
Now, before I tell you who the winner is, let me tell the rest of you a few IMPORTANT pieces of info.
First—so MANY of you are excellent writers. I can tell from your entires. Please hop over to our director of writers Glynnis Whitwer. There is still time to enter her contest for writers.
Next, PLEASE consider trying to raise funds on your own by visiting our She Speaks site and clicking on the “Scholarship Info” tab for how to do this, including a sample letter.
I have seen women on Facebook who have already raised their support. Some in less than three days!!!!! Be sure to read the testimonies there too from women who have raised support to attend.
Finally, if you follow the She Speaks conference blog, you will be informed of the remaining 9 Cecil Murphy scholarships that will be given away.
I know, I know, you may be tired of trying. But someone has to win those remaining scholarships, right? Pray about whether God would have you enter again.
And please, if God makes a way for you to attend the conference, I’d LOVE to meet you and put a face to your story.
For the rest of you who don’t win or can’t go to the conference, I simply MUST give you something.
So, I am going to be hosting a conference call at no charge to you (except for the cost of the actual phone call) where I’ll give a little “How to get started speaking 101” session and then leave plenty of time for Q & A.
If you’d like to participate in this, please send an email to me at [email protected] with the words “Free Call” in the subject line. I’ll contact you later with the day, time and phone-in instructions.
All right…..now, let me blow my nose once more (folks in the coffee shop are starting to wonder if I’m okay) and announce the winner of the Cecil Murphy Scholarship. She is:
Heather Ablondi
One anonymous, generous friend of mine came forward to say she would like to provide a scholarship for another gal whose entry touched her heart. That entry came from:
Rachel Piferi
Congrats girls! Please email me soon at [email protected] so we can get you all set to come.
Please remember there is still time to win the website hosting package if you’ve ever wanted to blog. Click here for details.
Bawling Blessings,
Thank you so much! And also thank you to all the ladies that left words of congratulations. I pray that I get to see each one of you at the conference!
This is awesome news Heather and Rachel!! Congrats!
Karen, you are such a generous soul and so thoughtful to conduct a special session!
So happy for Heather and Rachel – God has a powerful plan for you….make the most of every minute :-).
Congratulations to Heather and Rachel!
You are in for a real treat!!!
Congratulations Heather and Rachel!! I know you all have to be very excited! I love to see the blessings of the Lord rain down. :-) I pray, if the Lord wills, that our paths cross at She Speaks in July!
Congratulations to these ladies! Enjoy every minute of it!
Congrats Ladies! And thank you again Karen and Cecil for the opportunity! God Bless You Guys!
Congratulations ladies!
I so wish I could do a scholarship for someone! Maybe next year I can work toward that.
Congratulations ladies! I hope to see you at She Speaks. I know that I will be there with you. I feel God’s annointing all over this and He has a plan even when I don’t. Praise the LORD!
Heather Ablondi
Rachel Piferi
May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you! You have been blessed by God. Walk in it. He makes a way when there seems to be no way. In Jesus name!
Kingdom Blessings,
Janet Powers
How awesome! Congrats, Heather and Rachel!
Congrats Heather and Rachel! So happy for you!