Moms Giveaway & Upcoming Online Study
A heartfelt welcome to those here after reading my devotion at Proverbs 31 Ministries or on If you haven’t read it yet, click here. Be sure to come back for a giveaway & announcement!
So, have your hats got you frustrated?
Wife, mother, lover, chauffeur, cook, maid, worker, referee, nurse, counselor, and Facebook friend!?!?!
Tired of switching back and forth throughout the day?
Growing weary of the delicate balancing act that nearly topples them all over and sends your emotions crashing too?
Ever want to chuck them all, let your hair down, grab a good novel and head for the beach…..all alone!!
Try these 5 tips for Maxed Out Moms:
~Make your motto “I’ll do what is next, not what is easy.” Too many times we gravitate toward what is easiest rather than what most needs attention.
But activity does not always equal productivity. Determine the next chore that should be tackled. Then, get started on it, even if it is unpleasant. You’ll gain momentum from just getting out of the chutes.
~Plate Scrape. Twenty years of parenting has taught me an important lesson about moms who do too much. We must plate scrape.
Ask yourself why you are doing what you do. Is it to be liked? To appear to be Wonder Woman? To feel needed and included? Because you’ve always done that task or held that position?
Hold your too-full plate up to God, ask His opinion then get a rubber scraper and rid your schedule of what He has not called you to.
~ Don’t Freak Out. Instead, Farm Out or Opt Out. Don’t try to wow your friends and amaze the church ladies with how you “do it all”. It will make you freak out. Realize is okay to farm some things out. And sometimes, to opt out all together!
Whenever someone seems to imply that they don’t know how I “do it all”, I look them straight in the eye and say, “Why honey….I don’t even try!”
Yes, I am a homeschool mom of three. One is grown. The other two have co-op classes taught by other parents as well as me & a weekly math tutor who is worth her weight in dark chocolate. I do what I can do (speak & write) to get money to pay her to do what I can’t (Algebra & Geometry). This, I farm out.
Secondly, I do not scrapbook. When I tried, it was pitiful. My kids’ books? Partially finished. But hey, all my childhood pictures are in an old trunk in my mom’s house and I haven’t needed professional therapy. I love looking at others’ scrapbooks and am in awe at their talent! It just isn’t my gig. On this one, I opt out.
Housework? I don’t clean bathrooms or do laundry. My theory is that if a 12-year-old can work an Xbox controller, they can run the washing machine and fling a toilet brush! These tasks? Farm out to the kiddos.
You see ladies, trying to “do it all” will only do yourself in. Pick what you are gifted at and hire, beg or barter to accomplish the rest. Hey, even the woman in Proverbs 31 had servant girls!
~ Carve out calm. Running at break-neck speed with a frenzy of activity all around makes our spirits restless. Slow down. Get alone. Turn off the noise-making gadgets. Listen to nothingness for a while. God is in the silence.
If you are a mom of young children, find another mother who will partner and swap with you. You take all the kids one morning so she can be alone. The next week swap. This practice saved my sanity when my kids were small & still does now that they are all teens.
~ Don Your Crown First. As I said in the devotion, perhaps the points on our tiaras as daughters of the King keep all the other hats in place. Trying to tuck God in around the edges of our day rarely works.
Time gets away; family fires need to be extinguished; out the window go my best intentions.
My P31 sister Luann Prater recently said in a conference call with our team that when we think of having time alone with just God and our Bibles each day, we must think of the word “non-negotiable”.
Crucial. Mandatory for a successful life. And necessary if we want to keep our hats in balance!
Now, I have two practical take-aways for you today to help you juggle those hats! First, a giveaway!
One gal who comments will receive the following:
~ A copy of Holiday Cooking with Kids by Williams Sonoma.
~ Colorful kitchen gadgets including a rubber spatula, pan scraper and cookie dough ball maker.
~ 2 warm vanilla sugar Bath & BodyWorks melting tarts.
~A signed copy of my book The Complete Guide to Getting & Staying Organized.
~ A fun shirt given to me by a sweet gal at a Hearts at Home conference. The front says “What’s Your Day Look Like?” with the verse Prov. 31:30 on it. The back sports a long list of all the P31 woman did “Get up before dawn. Prepare breakfast. Plant a vineyard. Bring food from afar. Speak kind words. etc….” Size XL
Finally, beginning June 1st, I’ll be hosting a free 4 week online study designed to help busy women get their acts together. What better time to start than at the beginning of summer? Turn those lazy days into an opportunity to finally get your home in order and your time under control!
This will be based on my book The Complete Guide to Getting & Staying Organized. (So if you haven’t got a copy you’ll need to get your hands on one). We’ll have discussions on concepts and ideas in the book (de-junking, time management, handling paper piles, cooking, cleaning, involving kids, etc), giveaways, practical take-aways, a few evening conference calls, guests and goodies all inspiring you to get those hats, and your homes, in order!
Since this will be done on Facebook, you can hop on at your convenience to comment, enter the giveaways, ask questions and share ideas and struggles. There will be a few evening conference calls that are optional. And, although we’ll hit the topics from all the chapters, it won’t be tied to a strict reading plan so you can go at your own pace.
If you’d like more information, head over to the Facebook page where this will be happening by clicking here. Click on the “Like” button and you’ll be set!
Get started reading and mark your calendar for June 1st when we launch the official 4 week study! Oh, I can’t wait!!
Now, don’t forget to leave your comment here to be entered in this moms giveaway! Winner announced Monday (along with the winners of this post, and this one too. You can still enter both!)
And finally, if you have a few minutes and want a good laugh, check out my Hats of a Mom skit here. Have a fabulous Mother’s Day!!!
Happy Hat-Juggling!
This 4 week study really sounds like something I could benefit from! Count me in!
Thank you for the tips Karen. I recently subscribed to your blog, and I love all of your posts and the comments as well. I hope you have a very Happy Mother’s Day!!!
Your devotion today was just right on time. I am at a season in my life with 5 children under the age of 9, including 18month old twins. I feel alone in this at times, trying to be that Proverbs 31 woman, while juggling all these hats. I want so much to please the Lord and accomplish what NEEDS to be accomplished without burning out! You are absolutely right though, we have to seek His Kingdom and His way of doing things and all these things will fall into place. Thank you! :)
As a mom of a 10 year old daughter and 2 little boys (4 & 2) and a wife of a Marine. .My hats sometimes miss my head as I toss them up. Wanting to do it all I get burned out very easily! This devotion was what I needed today! Thank you! Look forward to your upcoming Bible study.
I would love to have your book. My kids are still young, so trying to keep up with my house, and help at church, and I babysit and tutor, since my hubby lost his job. I get overwhelmed easily! I will take all of the help I can get!
Im in!
Thank you for this post. It is very timely. As a single Mom I do prioritize my daughter’s activities but the housework and office/filing gets a little jumbled so it’s time to get organzied. Any pointers/ tips in bite size doses are appreciated – don’t want to fill more overwhelmed but make conscious choices to improve. Thanks again for sharing. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. YSIC
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful devotion that hit this mom right between the eyes. So looking forward to participating this summer with the study and getting my “act” together. It has taken me 18 years as a mom to finally learn how to say the word “no” to all the requests that come my way.
Busy day, but I’m in!
Thanks for the suggestions…and for the chance to win! I pray God blesses you today.
Great post with great ideas! Thanks!
This is so timely. As a single mom to a special needs child who works full time outside the home, my plate is overwhelmingly full.
Wow Florence! You have got your hands full. Jesus sees & understands! Thanks for commenting and have a great weekend!
Getting input on staying organized sounds great, as I clean, turn around to see the house look like a whirl wind came through immediately after. I love the scripture you shared- But I trust in you, O Lork, I say, ‘Your are my God. My times are in your hands….’ Psalm 31:14-15a – So true and encouraging to know my time is in God’s hands- makes sense he should be first priority!
Hi Karen, really enjoyed your post! I think here in Alabama we have all been so down due to all the destruction from the tornados and everyday trying to do what we can to help others! I’d love to be entered in your giveaway. Looking around my house, I need some organization! Hugs to you!
Many prayers have gone up for you fine folks in Alabama. So much devastation!
Our son’s baseball team just lost a close game in the homeschool world series. I was bummed, until I realized the team was from Alabama. I was happy for them. AL needs some good news! Now I’m rootin’ for them to win the whole thing!
Wow! Have you been reading my mind or do you have a hidden camera here in my home??? I am a single mom of four boys- three are still at home. I work nights to try and “juggle” my other responsibilities. Along with all the hats you mentioned, I also, at times, have to wear a hat that resembles a “dad”. Thinking of me wearing a tiara/crown makes me chuckle! I have never been much of a girly-girl, and I am sure that is why God gave me boys. Thank you so much for this great devotion! I truly needed to hear every word! I am SO excited to start your online study!!! Thank you for making this one free! God bless!
Thanks Karen, are you sure you don’t know me – you described me to a “T”. My children are now adults and it seems I have less time now than when they were small. I want to put my Crown on first – love it. Thanks
I loved the tips for maxed out moms and can completely relate to you on the scrap book level. Glad I am not alone. It seems the older my daughter gets the more I feel stretched/pulled in many directions. Oh how I long for more quiet time – I need to find my way back to the feet of Jesus. Thank you for this blog – thank you for letting me/us know we are not alone in this battle.
Thanks Karen! I enjoyed the devotional, it is very easy to get overwhelmed with everything and everyone and take our eyes off of Christ.
I love reading Christian women’s blogs like yours because it reminds me that I am normal. It is so easy to feel like something is wrong with me because I can’t get it all done. I really appreciate women like you that are honest about life. And I would really love to win your giveaway! Thanks.
I must admit that the devotion stepped on my toes and pointed out things in my life that I need to look closer at. Thansk.
Love your blog! This is really great & practical advice! I have learned through many trials that I have to put God first and the more time I spend with Him the more I want.
Love the tips!!! And I can’t wait to start the online study. Heading over to the facebook page as soon as I finish this comment. Happy Mother’s Day!
i enjoyed your devotional today. apparently, God is trying to drive home matthew 6:25-34 to me. stressed out yesterday, i prayed and asked God to help me. i randomly opened up my brand new life application bible to those same verses. the notes section of my new handy dandy bible includes this “worry immobilizes, but concern moves you to action”. immobilized is how i’ve felt and lived for several years. a huge stronghold in my life is perfectionism. because of it, i became a procrastinator and have been paralyzed for years. things just piling up around me. rarely being or feeling productive. rarely if ever feeling good enough. that’s been the lie satan has been shouting at me my entire life. i’m determined to overcome it though. i’m blessed with being a natural-born organizer, but struggle terribly with time management and follow-through. i have june 1st on my calendar and look forward to learning and more importantly APPLYING that knowledge to my life…to make it better for my daughter, husband and i. thank you for what you do, karen!
Thanks Karen! The tips for Maxed out Moms sure hits the nail on the head for me. I’m a mom of 3 small girls and boy have I been getting frustrated lately, wearing too many hats and feeling like I have to have it all together. You always have amazing giveaways, and this is one I’d love to snag! The t-shirt is really neat! Keep up your writing, I love to read your down to earth style, it’s a like having a friend to talk to.
Truly enjoyed this post and it could not of came at a better time. As a single mom and NannaGirl I wear many hats and soemtimes I just want to throw them all up into the air and only wear the one that lands on my head. You have given some much warranted insight into taking time out and just relax and allow God to lead you to what is needed next. I am learning that it is okay to say; “no” or “not right now”. I am realizing that I too am important and that I need to just rest and relax and allow myself to re-engerize. I also am making myself comfortable with coming to terms that God rested and as His child He wants me to rest as well. So, thank you for confirming for me that it is okay to rest. Have a God filled Mother’s Day to you and all Mom’s.