Will You Weigh In? (pun intended!)
Hey all–
Crazy, busy day today. (My Facebbok Study on my organizing book is going wonderfully, but keeping me hoppin!)
I’ve decided to redirect you to a prior post here for your encouragement today. Click here to read The Stinkin’ Stomach God.
Then, will you return and weigh in on this question, “Would you still like to see a Weight Loss Wednesday feature on this blog?” I’m praying about making some changes here on topics and the days I post and want to gauge interest.
On Wednesdays, at times we have lots of gals comment (50-75 and one time 970!!!) but other weeks it is almost silent. I’m thinking maybe we’ve run our course and I should just post occasionally on this topic rather than weekly.
Your thoughts?
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
I got your Email add & info from a Diet Devotional, Crave God not Food. Since my willpower has seemed to have abandoned me I need all the help I can get. I joined Wt. Watchers in about 1999 & lost 88 lbs. I had just gotten my life time membership award from them & I found out I had breast cancer. My oncologist said I could not diet while going through chemo & so I put 66 lbs. back on. I told him when I was all through that if I get cancer again I’m sticking to my Wt. Watchers eating plan because I don’t think putting 66 lbs back on was very good for me. He replied oh, WW. you said diet. You could have stayed on WW. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since then I’ve not been able to stick to my eating plan. Then in 2006 we moved to FL & I’ve gained another 20 lbs. since living here. It’s too hot to walk outside & that is my form of exercise. When I still lived in WV, My BFF & I walked 4 miles every night. I can’t find anyone that will go walking at night with me here in my retirememnt community. So please everyone I need you all to pray for me in my walk with God to losae my wt. again. Thank you for your time.
Yours in Christ,
Just starting Made to Crave devotional and found your address and comment there…….please don’t discontinue! Some may have learned and moved on into experiencing the victory over food but that isn’t me… .I’ve only just begun and I am desperate for the encouragement your insight gives.
My girlfriend and I just started a weight-loss/exercise program today. It was your post on the Proverbs 31 Ministries a few weeks ago that prompted us to “live more rightly” in this area of our lives. We each felt the nudging of the Holy Spirit…and then gingerly sought each other out about the Devotional that day. What an encouragement to hear of your own journey! We are a long way away from each other but are keeping each other accountable by e-mail. I myself would enjoy the Christian encouragement to “keep it up”…”press on”. I hope you are able to keep up “Weight Loss Wednesdays”…for all us gals. God bless you for your testimony. And for allowing the Lord to use such.
Karen, I just found this place today. I was inspired by your “Encouragement for Today” article & found my way here to your website. . I have looked for a “before” and “after” picture of you & can’t find one. I think that would be VERY inspiring for those of us wanting to lose weight. Seeing a visual really helps me. Would it be possible for you to do this? I’m looking forward to reading all these articles about losing weight. I have lost 45 lbs recently but have about 45 more to lose. It is such a struggle. Thank you so much for sharing your battle with us. Again, please show us a picture to help us visualize what you have accomplished. God bless you!!!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I just found your WLW blog this morning and look forward to using your posts as a tool to help me in my journey. It sounds as though you need to listen to where you are being guided right now, and give as much attention to you, your family and God as you can. I am excited about having your “archives” available and will be using them as my weekly inspiration. Moving forward, i look forward to whatever frequency makes sense for you and trust that whatever you decide is what is meant to be!
I just found your blog, TODAY!. I’ve been reading the past blogs and was so excited about finding this site. And then I jumped up to the top of the list and today’s blog and was bummed to see you may stop or slow down. I’m with all the other people, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read so far and hope you will continue. I have over 100 pounds to lose and could sure you the encouragement!
I just found your blog because of Lysa’s book. I would love to read WLW each week for encouragement. Please continue to post these. I would love to suggest it when the women of our church begin a weight-loss program in a couple of weeks.
My favorite posts are the ones that are in the same vein as your book, A LIfe That says Welcome! Wow. God has just gifted you at making people feel at home and I love the tips about refreshing family and others/ decorating/meaningful celebrations.
I don’t always post and there’s times I don’t get to read ’til the next day (like today) but I always look forward to any kind of encouragement you blog about. I agree with everyone that it will be sad to see WLW go but if the Lord is leading you to move on, I’ll follow you where ever you go! Karen you are such an inspiration to us women! Keep seeking God and He’ll show you what to do. Be Blessed!
I am a lot like the others who wrote in. I always read your blog but many times I don’t comment. Part of the reason I haven’t commented lately on WWL is because I have been doing a horrible job with my eating and exercise habits, but when I read your posts you always encourage me. You need to go where you feel God leading you. Whatever decision you make I will still be a follower of your blog.
By the way, I am really enjoying your facebook study right now. I am getting a lot of great ideas. Thank you.
I love WW (even though it is thursday ;P). I would be sad to see it go. I know for awhile weight loss was the big topic at proverbs 31 since Lysa had her Cravings book come come out. But I just found your blog and have only been part of this community for a few weeks so it is all still exciting and fun for me.
I look forward to the wlw posts every week! I have really enjoyed the things you post. I am down 40 pounds and love the ideas and encouragement in find here….just don’t comment much because my iPad isn’t the easiest thing for typing. :)
I look forward to the encouragement I find on your blog on Wednesdays!
Hi Karen,
Please please don’t stop posting WLW!! It keeps me going and keeps me encouraged. Today your post has really made me stop and think, because I have seriously fallen off the wagon. Too many times this week has my stomach god had me reaching for unhealthy stuff. I am weighing in on Saturday morning and right now, I don’t think I’ll be losing any weight this week. In fact, I think I’ll probably gain some instead.
As for not commenting…. well I read your blog on my phone. It’s connected by some technological wizardry to my Google Reader so I read blogs while I’m eating breakfast, sitting at the bus stop, waiting on the kids at dance class or swimming lessons etc. However, it doesn’t let me comment from my phone. I wish I could as I often see stuff that I want to comment on. However, by the time I have the opportunity to get back to the computer I’ve usually forgotten either which blog it was on OR what I wanted to say!
Keep going hun. I really do look forward to your posts and I’m enjoying having a Christian voice out there encouraging me to treat my body like the temple it is!
Karen – I will pray for you to follow the Lord’s leading in this. Whatever is decided, I’ll be around to read and be encouraged. (Loving the book study – though today I’m not following well due to two sick little kiddos!) To weigh in on my weight – I had plateaued for what seemed like months – had increased my exercise, added weights, and even limited dessert to once a week only (instead of a couple bites a day – I know, weird). But I have now lost three pounds in the last two weeks. I have no idea what kicked it into gear now! My husband has lost three pounds a week for the last several weeks, but since he does not even try it has been a bit frustrating! Thank you for all you do. Your ministry is a true blessing. :)
I thank God for using you, Karen!!!! YES!!!!!!! I would still love to see a post on Weight Loss Wednesdays!!!!! I’m weighing myself monthly now. I’ve lost 10 lbs. In the past month! Please know that I, too, will follow you on whatever time you decide.
Thank you for the reminder in this post. I needed it!
I look forward to your post every time it is in my email in box. I am in my early 60’s and no matter what your post is I always enjoy it.
BTW, the stinkin’ stomach god post was one of the first I ever read on WLW. Thank you so much for redirecting us there today!
I read every Wednesday but don’t always post either. WLW has been such an encouragement to me and I would miss it if God led you elsewhere. But I will always follow you no matter where He leads.
I don;t comment, but look forward to Wednesdays. I have actually lost weight this year and have kept it off so far.
I love your WLW posts. I follow a food plan for my physcial health, but your insights help me with the “spiritual food” I really need. I agree with others who have posted that I will follow you wherever God is leading you.
I see a trend here…I too read your WLW every single week, and I often forward it to my accountability buddy, but I don’t comment much. I look forward to Wednesdays knowing that I am going to get your blog and some encouragement for the week. Between Lysa’s book and study MTC and your blog WLW, I have lost 41 pounds since January. While you might not see results from your blog (in the form of comments) believe me, your blog is definitely benefical to all of us who read it. Please keep it coming.
Amen and Amen! You can get a double amen. I am new to the group and normally don’t comment on WLW and most definitely not every time – but your posts ALWAYS insprire me, so whether you do them weekly, monthly or whatever you decide, I will be right there with you following you and being inspired by you! Thanks! :)
I like WLW and like BethA I don’t always comment, but I read & benefit every week. That said, if God is leading you elsewhere, I imagine we will follow! What I really apprecaite about your blogs is that you do them on a regular schedule and that means I know what days to check and what days not to. So nice in this busy world or ours.
For me, WLW are great! Not commenting doesn’t mean I wasn’t impacted by your post. So keep ’em coming! I still struggle with my weight and can use all the encouragement and tips I can get.