Saving Savvy Giveaway with Kelly Hancock
Not too long ago, I received a request to review a manuscript for an upcoming book that was being released. The book was about saving money. I immediately said yes. (Who doesn’t want to save money these days?)
What a delight to get a sneak peek at this helpful manual. I immediately saw that financial genius Dave Ramsey had endorsed it. (The hubster & I love us some Dave Ramsey!) Here is what I wrote after devouring the manuscript:
“Is your menu plan running low on ideas while your grocery costs climb higher than your stretched-too-tight budget can handle? Fear not! Kelly Hancock has crafted the ultimate handbook for saving money and time, both at the market and in the kitchen. Why, this book just might save your sanity as well! Sprinkled throughout with practical tools, inspiring scriptures and clever ideas, she’ll teach you it isn’t just about saving cash. Its about blessing others with the fruits of your frugality. My new favorite go-to grocery (and giving ) guide!”
Well, now you can enjoy it too. This book Saving Savvy, by Kelly Hancock is in bookstores now! If you want creative ideas for eating well on a budget, this is it!
Kelly left a successful career in the corporate world to stay at home and raise a family. In the process of adjusting to a radical drop in household income, she discovered a treasure trove of secrets and strategies for saving money, buying smart and experiencing the joy of giving. She began a blog——that became wildly popular, receiving thousands of visitors each week. Kelly is now a frequent guest on radio and television programs. She and her husband, Bradford, have two children and live in Nashville, Tennessee.
Here is the publisher’s description of the book:
Everybody wants to save money, but sometimes it’s just too difficult and overwhelming. Kelly Hancock, popular blogger and media personality, has done the hard work for those who want to save big!
Her saving secrets will help readers cut their spending half – even before they clip the first coupon.
Kelly was a successful business professional who abruptly changed her mind to stay home after the birth of her first child. But it didn’t make financial sense on paper. So Kelly figured out a way to cut family’s overall spending substantially and their grocery budget by 80%. They not only discovered how to make ends meet, they were able to give more generously to others.
She reassures readers that God will faithfully provide for those who seek to honor.
Be sure to visit Kelly’s site or check out her book on Amazon today. You will save the price of the book on your very next shopping trip. Buy it today! (No, I am not getting a kick-back from those who buy it. I just get a kick out of saving money and helping other do so too!)
If you’d like a chance to win a copy of this money-saving guide, leave a comment here telling us in what part of the grocery store do you drop the most dimes? Meats? Frozen foods? Convenience foods? Produce? Or any money saving food tip you might want to share. Winner will be announced Friday.
Happy saving!
I’ve never tried to figure that out. But I do know that when meat is on special, we buy extra and wrap in meal size portions. I don’t use coupons much as most seem to be on products we don’t use or are on more expensive brand. We garden, can and or freeze what we can.
Meats, Meats and more Meats!
Colleen G.
I definitely spend the most money in the meat department.
I spend most of my money and time buying meat. My husband likes organic meats. If Dave Ramsey endorsed the book, it is a book that all should read. Me and My husband just finished Dave Ramsey financial Peace course at our church, having much sucess. I would LOVE to read Saving Savvy by Kelly Hancock. I hope I win…….
I probably spend the majority of our grocery funds on meats. When I find them on sale I buy what I can and freeze. I would really like to read this book. Any resource that can help us be better stewards of what God gives us is important.
I’ve never really divided it up so don’t know for sure. Meat is expensive.
I think the area of the grocery where I spend the most is probably convenience foods. With 4 busy kids and a crazy work schedule, I’m always trying to find quick & easy meals that the kids (teenagers) can fix for themselves when necessary. I NEED this book!
My greatest expense is surely the meat department. Dating myself, I remember when chuch steaks were .97 a pound and looked better than they do today. Then the produce and cheese deparment takes a big bite out of the budget.
My greatest expense at the grocery store is snack items for the kids and paper/cleaning products.
My biggest grocery expenditure is either meat or produce. It used to definitely be meat but I have been working on my diet to eat healthier and therefore have been cutting back on the meat and increasing the amount of produce I eat. It also helps since I signed up for an organic produce delivery each week. I don’t go to the grocery store as often and that helps me save, too. I also learned to avoid convenience foods due to their high salt and fat content. Now if I could just learn to stay away from the sweets…
May sound crazy, but I tend to spend the most on paper products/ cleaning items/ personal items – more so than food. In the food area, meat is the biggest expenditure. I love convenience foods for their, well, convenience, so they rate high as well.
I lost my sweet husband in May to cancer. So now that I am cooking for just one, it is a hard thing to do so I tend to spend more money on convenience foods. I can’t stand to buy a loaf of bread and have to throw it away because it got stale before I could eat it all. However, at the same I love coupons and saving money now that I live on one income instead of two now.
Blessings to you!
When you buy bread you might put some in a freezer container/bag to keep it from spoiling. Some could be allowed to dry and make croutons or bread crumbs for toppings or …
We spend more on meats than other things, for sure. We actually buy very little in the way of convenience and pre-packaged things. But we also buy the meat in bulk, so it’s a big chunk of $$ when we do it, but we only do it every couple of months.
We raise our own beef which saves me a substantial amount of money on meat, as well as being healthier. My biggest spending is on convenience food and produce.
I spend too much on snacks and convenience items for kids and quick suppers. Although, meat is tough to buy too!
The bulk of my grocery dollars is spent on produce, with meat a close second. The book sounds interesting and helpful.
We just had some radical dietary changes as a result of medical diagnoses of 2 of our 3 children. We definitely spend most of our money in the produce section!
I save by using coupons, shopping the sales, buying generic, and the expired meat section at my grocery store. I would love some other tips. Sounds like a great book!
Produce got me today!! (Why does eating healthy cost so much??) If my husband had been with me, most of the money would have gone to the meat department!
I spend the most money in dairy, we drink a lot of milk and eat a lot of yogurt and cottage cheese!
Meat most definitely! If its not on the plate then it’s not dinner!!
Produce – because it is such a priority for nutrition. I definitely want to read this book!
I spend the most money on produce and snacks for the household. This book sounds wonderful!!
I spend the most money on meat because I use it as a main dish rather than a side dish.
I never buy meat in the grocery store if I don’t have top. We buy our meat through the local 4-H County auction or from local farmers. The cost and the quality is so much better all the way around. My son just started raising chickens for eggs and we live in a nice small neighborhood and have had no problems doing this. We are considering raising some for meat also. I do find that I spend the most money in the produce section of the grocery store. I try to go to the local farmers markets for those items when I can. Again the prices are better and the quality is better. Plus it helps the local farmers. We have 5 kids and 4 of them are boys and they can eat so I do use coupons when I shop for other grocery items. This book sounds really great!!