Girlfriends Giveaway with Mary Snyder

Hey friends.

Today I am up to my elbows in cookies and fudge (literally!). Cranking out neighbor, teacher and publisher gifts. What a perfect day to have you meet my friend Mary Snyder and have a chance at winning her new book, a Starbucks gift card and a funky luggage tag.

Why a luggage tag?

Well, Mary is an adventurous girl. And works for a cruise line. And she loves friendship.

What a great combo!

Here is a short post from her:

Girlfriends.  I wanted girlfriends.  Not just women to spend time with, but true-blue, laugh-so-hard-you-have-to-cross-your-legs girlfriends.   Women who would link arms with me and do life together; women I could trust with my hopes, dreams and my fears.  I needed girlfriends.

These feelings were the beginning of the journey the Lord had in store for me – a journey I call the great girlfriend adventure.  An adventure filled with incredible times in Bible study with girlfriends to devastating lows when I learned of the betrayal and manipulation of someone I considered a friend.  Through it all God has shown me His amazing grace.

I share all of this in God, Grace and Girlfriends: Adventures in Faith & Friendshipalong with fun ideas for finding girlfriends, figuring out just what kind of girlfriend you are and I also share my love for getaways!

I have everything from a quick night out ideas to suggestions for week-long road trips.

It’s all about the adventure – in faith and in friendships.

This adventure is a part of my life and I hope that it’s a part of yours.  The girlfriend adventure is about relationships in life – relationships with the women you know today and women you’ve yet to meet.

Each day is a fresh opportunity for a new adventure- grab on to this adventure of faith & friendships!

Today Mary is giving away this package. it includes:

~ A copy of her new book

~ A $10 Starbucks gift card

~ A luggage tag (which, by the way, perfectly coordinates with the whimsical cover of her book. She’s all matchy-matchy like that. I dread her seeing my piece-meal luggage set when I travel with her next month!)

So…leave us a short comment with the place in the world you’d most like to visit with a girlfriend or two.

Or, if time you are crunched for time, just say, “I’m in!” (I realize you may be baking cookies today too!)

Winner announced tomorrow and …..speaking of winners….the winner of the giveaway from Tuesday is:

Valorie Raica

Valorie–send your home address to my lovely assistant Kim at [email protected] right away!

See you all tomorrow :-)



  1. Locally – Gingersnaps Cafe (The chicken salad is awesome) Close to home – Helping Hands Resale shop to take items I no longer need & discover things I can’t live without. Price is no object? – a really nice spa in Gatlinburg, Tn.

  2. I have very few “special” girlfriends in my life and I try to make sure how much they know they are appreciated. Their love has led me through some deep, dark times. If I could choose a place to “vacation” and enjoy some girltime, I would choose Australia for an adventure….my favorite girlfriends have not been able to travel very much and I think it would be a blessing and amazing to see their faces. Another area would be Europe so that we could visit some of the sights which have changed history over the years.

    Thanks for sharing this blog post today. I found it amazing and I do need to find some great girlfriends who are true-blue and not just fair-weather friends. Amazingly, I’ve found many of them through the online bible studies on Proverbs 31 Ministries. So grateful and thankful!!! Thank you again for posting this. I will definitely start following her blogs. I need some advice in that area! Much love ~Kristi

  3. I could be content going anywhere with my two closest friends. But, dreaming I’d say an Alaska cruise, Maui, London, NY, CO, the mountains, shopping. Pretty content with their company, laughter, love, doing life.. I’ve even driven one hour away with my best friend to see Lysa TerK, what fun.

  4. I would be most blessed to be able to take a trip to Vermont in the fall, a mountain cabin or Disney….any place with my best friend and sister would be wonderful. We don’t get to see each other much. She lives in Michigan and I live in Georgia…last time I physically saw her was 7 years ago…much to long ago!

    Smiles and Blessings to you!

    Robin :)

  5. Yes I love girlfriends…especially sisters in the Lord. I so agree…nothing like an adventure with my sisters in Christ. It makes the journey so much richer. Hmmmmmm…well I went with my girlfriends to Italy for a getaway. Next up, a cruise sure would be amazing. Maybe Alaska? Or how about an African Safari. Yes…that’s it. Except I might like to go with my hubby for that one. Keep on travelin’

  6. I’d love to go to Seattle and Branson, I’ve never been to either place. I too am praying for a close girl friend who lives near by.

  7. Cruise. Anywhere, anytime. We love to cruise. I’ve been on 2 cruises with my best friend. This year my husband and I went on a cruise with two other couples from church.

  8. I would love to take my girlfriends from Mississippi (and the south) to NH (and New England) and show them the sights. The Atlantic Ocean, mountains, country roads, changing seasons. I’m where God wants me, but I do miss my NH places.

  9. I have been blessed with a “kindred spirit” for over 20 years. We’ve often gone on vacation with our families., but if I had her “to myself” I’d love to go to a new spa bed & breakfast about 2 hours away.

  10. I’m not really writing to receive the giveaway, I know there are so many women who would love it, and it’s hard for me to receive it, anyway, living in Australia. Talk about girlfriends always strikes a cord in me, though. I don’t know if anyone is even reading this, but I felt to share anyway. I have been praying for special girlfriends for a long time. I know God will answer, and probably is answering, but I always feel such a deep longing when I read of other women’s special relationships with each other. I don’t feel I have had a close girlfriend since I was in my early 20’s, (I’m 34 now). Even then, it was really only one and wasn’t that close. I feel like there is something wrong with me sometimes. My faithful God is quick to remind me that it’s not. I just can’t imagine myself being a close friend to anyone. I feel so alone sometimes. I have a wonderful relationship with my husband. I have great blossoming frienships with my 5 children. I have been praying for at least one close godly woman to be my friend for a long time. Dear me, I sound pathetic. I’ll close now with one question, if anyone has even read this far into my rambling. How does a woman who is flat-out busy and tired raising and homeschooling 5 young children go about cultivating a friendship with someone else who is probably flat-out busy doing the same thing?

    1. Alex — girl, you are in such a busy season of life! My heart aches for you because I remember praying the very same prayer — just one woman to come alongside me. God was faithful and He delivered not just one, but many. And I remember those busy days of raising little ones (however, I only had two not five) — I didn’t have any hours left over at the end of the day. To answer your question — how do you make time to cultivate a friendship. Ask her to join you in daily life — maybe you join forces to grocery shop together or take all the children to the park together. It’s not ideal, but it’s doable. Keep praying and keep seeking Him.

      1. Thanks so much for replying to me, Mary, I appreciate that you took the time to write, understand and encourage. Sometimes, as a busy mother of 5, I feel invisible to the world around me. I feel like noone sees me and the only thing I am worthy of is keeping my home (which I find such joy and fulfilment in). I will continue to pray, not only that God would provide me with godly women, but teach me how to cultivate those friendships too. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration. I hope to be able to read your book one day.

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