Let it Snow Giveaway
Be sure to check out the article I have running over at Candace Cameron Bure’s online magazine Roomag.com. It is on turning Sunday suppers into Monday soups :-) Click here to see it.
I live in Michigan. Usually in Michigan it snows a lot in the winter. Once, last year, after 10 inches fell and blew over night, out my front door it looked like this:
However, this winter, besides one big dumping the beginning of December, it has only lightly snowed a few times, looking more like this:
Snow or no snow, this weekend I am giving away a “Let it Snow” package that looks like this:
It includes:
~ A hat and scarf from Old Navy
~ A box of Dove Milk Chocolate Promises
~ Three packages of Land O’ Lakes white hot chocolate
~ A fun journal to write in on a chilly day
~ A pair of toasty and fluffy socks from Old Navy
To be entered in the giveaway, tell us your favorite memory of snow or, if you are slammed for time, just say “Let it Snow”. Winner announced Monday.
And if you have yet to enter the giveaway fro my friend Darlene ebook The Good Wife’s Guide click here or if you haven’t taken my blog survey to help me as I go forward here in cyberspace, click here.
Thanks and have a great weekend!
I’m not a winter person, but living in Missouri, it happens every year! My favorite winter memories are the times I bundled up and took our faithful old Lab walking at the park. She loved her walks, even in the cold and snow. Sadly, she left us last spring and the walks aren’t the same.
My favorite snow memory was when we got nearly 25″ of snow in Raleigh, NC back in 2000. It was fun to play like kids and have a week of unexpected vacay with my hubby. Of course, that was before kids. I’m not sure I would enjoy it nearly as much these days.
My son has autism and he doesn’t like the feel of many things. For many years, we could not get him to go out and play in the snow. Finally, during one of the blizzards of 2009, he decided he would try it! We were so excited! So, my favorite memory of snow is when he made his first snowman!
Let it snow!
One of my favorite memories of snow is when we sent our then 18 month old son down the sledding hill on one of those snow discs. He giggled and shouted gleefully the whole way down and begged for more. :) Sooo cute!
Let it snow! I remember, when just a young girl, going sledding any chance I got, on the street beside our house; building snow ‘houses’ out of mounds of snow, building forts that we would toss snowballs from behind; making snow angels….and staying up late to see if a snowy forecast would produce a school cancellation!!
Let it SNOW!!
I can remember waking up one morning when I was little to mountains of snow. My parents were still in bed and informed me that there would be no school that day. I was so amazed that they would know before we even listened to the radio that there was no school. I think we ended up with 20+ inches and were snowed in for days!
Here in NC, some winters we do gets lots of snow. This year, sadly none yet. I have several good memories. Some include sledding w/ my children and playing board games and making homemade soups for warming up after cold, wet playtimes outside.
Happy winter….let it snow!
My favorite memory of snow has been the snowfalls my family has seen this winter. My little girl is 2 and a half, and this is the first year that she has gotten really excited about to he snow. She will run from window to window looking outside and exclaiming snow, and begging to go outside. It is so sweet!
Let it snow!
Here is my second on last year when Illinois had all that snow we had a six foot drift right out side our front door that my daughter and Husband after working a 24hr shift at work had to climb over to get into the house. was going to post a pic but it won’t let me.
When I was a kid We lived 8 miles out in the country and used to get snowed in all the time. then the power would go out. So my parents would block off access to most of the house except on bed room the kitchen and on restroom. They would turn the gas stove on for heat and we would all sit at the kitchen table and play board and card games by candle and camp lantern. Fun family times I miss.
I love to watch snow through the windows of my warm home, and I love when school and work are cancelled for this type of inclement weather…until about the third day when the kids are going stir crazy….which makes me go even crazier….with all that said, I’m thinking a handful of snow days this winter will be nice…spaced out nicely, a couple here a couple there, but please, nothing like when we were stationed in Kansas….that was my fondest memory, my new best friend and me sipping coffee and eating chocolate while our boys, also new best friends, were playing in the 18″ plus of freshly fallen snow and in the single digit temperatures, I might add! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
first time I built a snowman with my oldest who is now 26 years old :) thanks
Let it snow!!!!
I am home from work and all cozy at home, so bring the snow on!!!!
Oh, I bet I messed up I just hit reply to enter. Anyway hope I have a chance. I said Let it snow in North Carolina I so want to win this. You have such great give aways and such great suggestions for presents. I’ve used several of your suggestions for Christmas. Thanks again for all your suggestions and for all that you put on your site. I’m making the cake today.
It snowed! We have enough for now :).
Nice giveaway & beautiful pictures of the snow! Let it snow, even in SC where it rarely snows! God bless!!!!!
When I was young I loved making snow forts and listening to the sound of the snow “chrunch” when I walked.
My favorite memory of snow was my daughter’s first snow. She went out and played in it with her dog. Then she fell face forward in the snow and came up looking like a snowbeast child. We laughed. She cried. I’ll never forget it though. I have pictres too!
I remember one crazy big snow as a kid – snow drifts higher than the car on either side of the road to Grandma’s for Christmas – and then sliding down the big drift from the roof! (kids got to do much more dangerous stuff in the 70s)
I ,too, live in Michigan and am not a fan of the white stuff but……Let it snow!
Making snow angels, walking to school in the snow when I was a kid in Montana in the ’60’s!
Let it snow! Love the snow and playing with the kids outside!