Responsibilities & Priorities Giveaway
Today I am going to be closing my comments and sending you to my friend Glynnis Whitwer’s Living Clutter-Free challenge.
For those of you who don’t know her, Glynnis is the editor of our P31 Magazine and one cool writer whose latest book, I Used to Be So Organized, I was honored to write the forward to. (And she is such a writing expert that she would have known how to word that last sentence so it didn’t end with a preposition. Ending sentences with a preposition is a big no-no. Sorry Glynnis! ;-))
On Glynnis’ site today, I am giving away a signed copy of my book The Complete Guide to Getting & Staying Organized along with a $10 Target gift card for you to buy some organizational stuff for your home or office.
Click here to navigate to her post today which is on responsibilities and priorities and enter the giveaway.
Be sure to catch up on the other posts from this week. My favorite was on technology and how using it affects our brains and ability to focus.
And, if you sign up for her RSS feed in the sidebar, you’ll continue to get the rest of the posts in the series.
I’ll be hanging out on her blog today and through the weekend moderating the comments and answering questions. I hope you’ll join us.
Happy weekend everyone!