The Good Wife’s Guide Giveaway with Darlene Schacht

I have a new cyber friend for you to meet. She is one of my favorite people I met in 2011 and she’s just written an ebook on marriage.

I LOVE her passion for women to keep their priorities in place so I asked her to join us today. (Oh, and I am totally trying NOT to be jealous of her book’s cover. I have always had an obsession with retro aqua kitchen appliances ;-))

Keep reading for a chance to win a copy of this ebook and to hear about another giveaway I will have for you tomorrow.

Darlene Schacht is an ordinary mom, living an extraordinary life, because of who she is through Jesus Christ.

As help-meet to her husband Michael, she guides and nurtures their four children, leading them toward a deeper walk of faith.

Her work has been published in anthologies by Thomas Nelson, Tyndale Publishing and Adams Media.

She is the author of the eBook, “The Good Wife’s Guide,” as well as co-author with actress Candace Cameron Bure of The New York Times Best-Seller, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Spiritual and Physical Fitness.

You can find her blogging at Time-Warp Wife (

In The Good Wife’s Guide Darlene encourages women to joyfully serve their families. In doing so she offers reasons for achieving a well-managed home backed by scripture and gleaned from experience. As well she provides readers with detailed cleaning and organizing schedules for practical application.

This book encourages women to make faith and family their first priorities from a place of sacrificial love. It reminds women that they were created with a specific purpose in mind, which is that of being a help meet. In supporting our husbands and living in unity we reflect God’s blueprint for marriage.

Find “The Good Wife’s Guide” on  facebook:

I was able to “sit down” with Darlene (via email messages :-)) and ask her a few questions. Here is our interview:

Darlene, what prompted you the write The Good Wife’s Guide?

About a year ago, I came across a copy of an article that was circulating the internet. It was called, “The Good Wife’s Guide.” It looked to be a photocopy of an article published by “Housekeeping Monthly,” in May of 1955, but upon closer inspection, I got to wondering if the article might be a hoax. After checking with a few reliable sources online I discovered that it probably was.

The thing about the guide is that it was so similar to the message I was already sharing with my readers, in particular an article I had written called, “My Desire for Curb Appeal.” I clicked through several of the links, and nearly everywhere the guide was posted, it was up for much ridicule. The thing that got to me most was that our role as a help meet was being diminished by popular opinions that would rather scoff at good family values than face the truth of God’s Word:

“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” Ephesians 5:22-24, (NIV)

I decided to resurrect the “Good Wife’s Guide” in my own words, and according to the role that I hope to fulfill in my life. It started out as an article, but more recently evolved into an eBook because of the interest I saw from readers.

It is no longer a satirical piece written to mock the role of a help meet, but rather a guide that leads women toward a noble character and good family values. I think it’s time that women took a stand for family values that serve to grow and protect the family unit as God divinely designed it to be.

What is your biggest hope for the woman who reads your book?

Titus chapter two exhorts women to love their children and to be keepers of the home. My hope is to enforce that message while teaching them how to do it with joy.

The book may have a special appeal to the stay-at-home mom, but SAHMs and working moms alike can both take joy in serving their families and glean from the lessons therein.

My passion is to encourage women to love and serve their families in hopes that we will all strive to keep our priorities straight. In doing so I offer them reasons for achieving a well-managed home backed by scripture and gleaned from experience.

That’s my passion and my hope. In keeping our priorities straight, we put faith and family first (in that order).

You are offering a giveaway today. Tell us about it.

Oh, I LOVE giveaways, and I love to make them simple too! I’ll give away four PDF copies of the eBook to your readers, and in order to enter, all I ask is that they share this post with someone whether it is through email, Twitter, Facebook, blogging, or word of mouth.

Then, if they leave us a comment below, between now and Sunday night, we can announce the three winners on Monday.

In closing I’d love to thank both you and you readers for having me as a guest. Thanks, Karen!!

My pleasure Darlene!

Okay gals… go tell it on the mountain….or on Facebook…or Twitter…..or on your blog…or send an email…or phone a friend….or run over and knock on your neighbor’s kitchen window and scare the bajeebies out of her.

Just tell someone about this fantabulous new ebook and then come back here and tell us who you told. Then, you’ll be entered to win!

To make it easy for you, below are a couple of pre-made Tweets & Facebook statuses for you to grab. Your welcome. :-)

Oh, and if you aren’t following us on Twitter or are not my Facebook friend yet, go to Twitter and follow me at Karen_Ehman and Darlene at DarleneSchacht or “friend request” me on Facebook at Karen Patterson Ehman so you will be able to tag the names in the post. You can also find Darlene on Facebook at Time Warp Wife.


Have you seen the new ebook The Good Wife’s Guide by Darlene Schacht? Win 1 of 4 copies on Karen_Ehman’s blog:

An awesome resource for wives. Win 1 of 4 copies on Karen_Ehman’s blog! The Good Wife’s Guide by Darlene Schacht:


Head over and hear about the great new ebook for wives by New York Times bestselling author and ordinary mom Darlene Schacht. You could win a free copy on Karen Patterson Ehman’s blog:

Ever feel like you aren’t a good wife? Fear not! Check out The Good Wife’s Guide by New York Times bestselling author Darlene Schacht (who is also a regular mom and probably cleaning her house right now.) Karen Patterson Ehman is featuring this new ebook on her blog and four women will win a free copy. See how:

Okay….now be sure to come back tomorrow when I will be offering a “Let it Snow” giveaway package you are gonna love!


  1. Just shared on Facebook & Twitter!

    This looks like a fabulous book! It’s going onto my list of books to read this year.

  2. I have shared your book and what it is about with my bible study group last night and then with my preschool teacher friends today during our “catch up time” before school started. What a wonderful read it will be…I can hardly wait to read it! Be blessed because you are a blessing!

    Robin :)

  3. I have shared! Let’s just say that I have been married longer then I had been alone. But I love it that way! And thank you. Hope that I win.

  4. I would love to have this book and learn how to be a better wife. Maybe I can read it on the Kindle Fire my wonderful husband got me for Christmas!!

  5. I posted a link to my facebook page. I am fascinated by the Title of this book. Just recently my boyfriend and I were talking about “when” we get married what his expectations are and this book title is right on target with that very conversation. Imagine, (me at 47 and him at 50); talking and praying over how this marriage will be all that God desires. WOW!

  6. Growing up in Texas we used to have four seasons. I remember as a little girl watching the cow out in the snow thinking she must be cold amd may not give us milk

  7. I told a friend – she’s a SAHM and always looking for
    Ways to organize her home/ mom life. :) looks like a great
    Book!! Women who have writing skills amaze me!

  8. So excited to learn more about this topic! Just posted on Facebook. Hope to win so I can be a greater encouragement to my family. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Would love to win a copy of this book and whether I win or not, I will be sharing the info with my friends and hope to purchase extra copies. I am blessed with a wonderful Christian husband and we will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this summer by going on an Alaskan cruise! :)

  10. I posted your blog on my pinterest board, and told several friends about your e-book. My husband and I are very blessed with a great relationship, but I always need reminders to do it God’s way. There is so much out there AGAINST healthy marriages in the world, so much selfishness. We need all the reminders we can get that God has a plan for this amazing bond of marriage! Thanks so much for being that voice!

  11. When God blesses you with a husband and best friend, you should learn to nurture and cherish that relationship. I would love to read this new book. I will share this on facebook. Thanks.

  12. I have shared this with a friend and will share it with more – especially young wives and new Christians as that was me many years ago and I would have loved to have a resource like that. Not growing up in a Christian home, I did not even have an example to follow. Even after 32+ years of marriage there is much I can learn.

  13. I am hoping to win a copy of the ebook. I just started reading the Time-Warp
    Wife blog and am subscribing to the blog. I, too, am a stay at home mom who believes that is what God had planned for my life as a wife and mother. I just shared via an email to a friend who is also a stay at home mom trying to be what God would have her to be. Thank you for all your help leading us closer to God.

  14. I shared on FB. I have recently just found Darlene’s site and am excited at the chance to win. Thank you for being willing to give away one of her books.

  15. I have posted it on facebook, verbally told my two daughters (young wives) and will add the link to Pinterest. The book content looks amazing. I am an old wife of almost 35 years. But I am always trying to learn and be better in everything. So therefore….I hope I could win!!!!

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