In Pursuit of the Proverbs 31 Woman Giveaway with Amy Bayliss

Hey girls–You are in for a treat!

I’ve asked my cyber friend Amy Balyiss to guest post today while I work on my edits to my latest manuscript (and hang out with my youngest who has a snow day today)

See? Here is the view this morning from my back deck:

So, while I fix some coffee for me and some hot cocoa for the man-cub who will be packing to go on our church youth group’s ski trip this weekend, you can enjoy her post.

Don’t forget to leave a comment. You may be one of SEVEN winners of her new e-book!

Now, meet Amy:

Amy Bayliss is a small town Cajun girl living life in the big city. She and her husband Ryan have four children, all boys, ranging in age from toddler to teen!

Amy is a writer, blogger, and she has been “following” Jesus since before Twitter made it cool.  She is the author of Pursuit of Proverbs 31. You can visit her at her personal blog, Cajun Joie de Vivre.

From Amy’s Heart: I gave my life to Christ at the age of 21 but it took me several more years to grasp what that really meant.

I got caught in a vicious cycle of “doing” in hopes of pleasing Him. I thought the verses in Proverbs 31 were my ticket to holiness.

What I discovered was that it isn’t just about the words on the pages. It is about the heart behind them.

Our Father never intended for us to mimic this lady the way we have. He created each of us uniquely. Why would we confine ourselves to a template?

On my journey to discovering the Proverbs 31 woman I found Jesus. He loved me, taught me, and at times, corrected me.

I realized that as long as we pursue Him and have a “fear of the Lord” then the natural outcome is that the work of our hands is blessed. It doesn’t happen the other way around.

We each get different results because we are unique individuals with different gifts and callings but the common thread is that we make God our priority. We acknowledge Him above all else.

In this book I cover the traits that come as a result of putting God first. We are blessed with clarity to be the best wife to our husband, the best mother to our children, the best homemaker in our home, to top it off, we are resourceful, creative, and yes, even organized. Each result is uniquely yours.

I wrote Pursuit of Proverbs 31 in the hopes that other women would be freed from the bondage of good works and freely receive the love our Savior has for them and the abundant life He has promised.

It is my hope that you find yourself, the person God created, as you read through these pages.

I would like to give away 7 copies of Pursuit of Proverbs 31. In order to enter you need only comment here, on this post, and let us know what questions come to mind when you think of the woman of Proverbs 31.

Although that is the only requirement for entering, I’d be thrilled if you’d consider subscribing to our updates, “liking” our page on Facebook and “following” us on Twitter.

Thanks for having me, Karen!


  1. I think there’s more to the Proverbs 31 woman than people initially realize when just reading the passage. I’ve incidentally been reading a new book by Dr. Tony Evans and his daughter, Chrystal Evans Hurst called “Kingdom Woman” that has given me new insights. Right off the bat they talk about the Proverbs 31 woman being the hallmark of kingdom women, “But the Proverbs 31 woman is not the model of a perfect woman. Neither is a kingdom woman called to perfection. Women, you can be a Proverbs 31 woman and more – but that doesn’t mean you do it all at the same time.” They talk about life flowing through seasons and about getting help, not trying to do it?all. It’s really eye-opening. If you’re interested in Dr. Evan’s book, they have information and even free devotional downloads at I hope it blesses you as it has blessed me.

  2. All of the things she manages to do seem overwhelming…when I strive for those things, I end up in the pursuit of perfectionism…but I realize I try to do them in my own strength…not really the point of that chapter, I’m sure.

  3. I’ve heard a number of comments about the Proverbs 31 woman, one being that the woman was near the end of her life not a newly wed! Sanctification takes time! I have also heard that the reason she keeps her lamps burning was that that was her only source of fire to light lamps and fires etc at the beginning of the next day. She didn’t stay up all night with it, just made sure it had enough oil to still be burning the next day. The modern equivalent would be paying the power bill I guess! I would like to be encouraged and hear others encouraged to pursue her attitudes of seeking good for her husband, her family and her community, all under an attitude of genuine fear of the Lord and an understanding of the grace which Christ brings to this picture.

  4. I love your contributions to this site. They help me in my daily walk. I’m trying to be more hospitable. I shared pie with my Mary Kay salesperson this week! It’s a beginning.

  5. Proverbs 31 is full of information for both Men and Women. The first 10 verses outline the man of God, the King’s son who is to not abdicate his responsibilities or behavior in a manner that “forgets” his duties to his people. He is to uphold righteousness and justice as well as be a voice for the poor and needy in his kingdom. The wife of this man, is to support him in this work, and her LIFE is sketched out with its many different areas of influence, all of which start in her own home. May we raise men and women who hold to God’s truths and be grateful for the opportunities to die to self and live to Him I am ever thankful that I can only do this in God’s strength, which He so graciously provides!

  6. I strive to be like, but fall short of the proverbs 31 lady. It can be overwhelming sometimes. Im interested in reading this book and getting a new perspective.

  7. I was raised in a Christian home and have heard & read the Bible all my life. It was not until 9 years ago that I was introduced to the Proverbs 31 woman and she has inspired me ever since. I love to read everything written about her. Thank you for the give away.

  8. This sounds like a wonderful book. I think the hardest thing is just remember everyday and every minute to be in Go’ds presence and be aware of His love for me. It is so easy to get distracted thoughtout the day with mindless thoughts and other details that are trivial.

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