Survey Says…..
A few weeks back I asked you to hop over and take a survey about my blog. (If you didn’t yet, I am still checking the updated results weekly so click here to take it)
I found out some interesting things.
Some were just as I suspected.
Others surprised me a little.
I thought I’d let you take a peek at some of the results, and the resulting changes I am going to make.
First, who you are:
~ 40% of you are at home full-time
~ 35% of you work full-time
~ 16% work part-time
~ 9% have a home business or work from home
~ 79% of you are married for the first time
~ 13% of you are remarried after divorce or widowhood (making 92% of the readers married)
~ 8% of you are single (2% widowed; 3% divorced; 3% never married)
Those of you with kiddos:
~ 59% send your kids to public school
~ 29% of you homeschool
~ 9% of you send your kids to a private school
~ 3% of you (like me) have kids in more than one educational setting
~ The “average” gal is between 36-45 years old (32% of those who responded are in this age bracket. Less than 1% are under 25 and less than 3% are over 65)
~ The biggest block (27%) have a household income of between $40,000- $60,000. (although, on the far ends of the spectrum, 11% make less than $30,000 and 16% make more than $100,000 per year)
~ 100% of you are loved and appreciated by me!!! (just thought I’d throw that in :-))
Now, about the blog:
The top three topics you like to read about:
~ Spiritual growth (86% of you love to see posts on this topic)
~ Posts about home management (organizing, hospitality, holiday ideas–83% of you enjoy these)
~ Posts about relationships (marriage, friendship, raising kids–76% of you want to read about this those topics)
What you like least:
~ Posts about getting started speaking or writing (although almost 100% of you who checked that box said it was simply because it didn’t apply to you)
Top ten topics you’d like to see addressed in the future: (NOTE: I cannot speak with expertise to all of these, so I will find guests who can :-))
1. How to grow my relationship with God by studying the Bible
2. Prayer (how to pray; how not to be distracted; why should I even pray?, etc…)
3. Home organization (getting my stuff in place and keeping it that way)
4. Time management (how to get more done in less time; when & when not to multi-task)
5. Friendships (how to make & maintain healthy ones; drawing boundaries with freinds)
6. How to discover God’s will in situations
7. Biblical marriage/respecting my husband
8. Hospitality
9. How to have confidence and not doubt myself all the time
10. (all tied!) How to stop being controlling/mothering tips/creative ways to celebrate throughout the year/finding my calling in life
The most polarizing topic:
~ Posts about health/weight loss (26 % said to not write about it because you feel it is being overdone and/or the information is available on other great sites. However about 58% wish I talked about it more!)
Other random stats:
~ 47% wish I would lead online book/Bible studies more often
~ 75% of you want me to still blog 3-4 times a week
~ 15% of you want me to only blog once a week because you read so many blogs you have a hard time keeping up with them all!
~ 29% of you think I should keep the main colors turquoise and salmon
~ 39% of you want more interaction (video-blogging; downloadable tools, discussion topics for you to chime in on, etc…)
~ One of you said “Just please don’t vlog. Those videos are the most grating blogs around!” lol!!)
Well, there you go. I am still sifting. sorting and processing all the comments you also left in the “other” parts of the survey where you can comment directly.
And, you will be pleased to know that if you tune back in tomorrow, I will have an announcement that has to do with one of the “requested topics”that turned up in the top ten. And it will be tied to two giveaways!
Have a great Thursday!
I participated in the survey, but just want to say that I always enjoy your blog. You have an anointed insight into the lives of women and a delightful sense of humor. I look forward to your blog because I know I’m going to smile or laugh (most days) and I know I will learn something (everyday). May God bless you as you continue to be Jesus to all you meet.