Tomorrow I turn 40-something. A “something’ a little closer to 50 than to 40 is all I’ll say.
I told my hubby I don’t want any gifts.
(Although I wouldn’t balk if he fell into some money and bought me an Ipad! I’ve often thought I need to go to group therapy and boldly declare, “Hello. My name is Karen. I have Ipad envy.”)
Today, I want to give some gifts to you and invite you to my upcoming “party”.
The party is our online study of hospitality that starts March 19th based on my book A Life That Says Welcome. Wait ’til you see the great line-up of guests who will join us and the stunning giveaways they are offering!
But to participate, you must do two things: Get a hold of the book and start reading. (Yes, you’ll need the book. You can often borrow it from a church or public library) And then, sign up for my RSS feed in the top of the sidebar here so the posts will arrive automatically to your email. We will also be doing some fun connecting on Facebook too so head over and “like” my Karen Ehman’s Book Studies page.
Now, for my birthday givewaway.
I can’t think of anything I’d rather give a cyber friend than the gift of God’s word. So, here is a package that includes:
~A NIV woolen Bible in dark gray with a whimsical button closure. Cute!
~ A blue Bible highlighter designed not to bleed through the pages.
~ A copy of the DVD teaching series of Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl by Lysa TerKeurst and a participant’s guide. You can study alone or grab a few friends and host a study at your home.
Ok– to be entered to be gifted with this gift package, tell me what cake you would pick to enjoy on your birthday?
I love coconut cake. The from-scratch kind laden with coconut all over the thick, white frosting my mom used to make me.
And you?
NOTE: Be sure to mark your calendar and catch me next Monday on Focus on the Family talking with John Fuller and my friend Dr. Juli Slattery on Practical Tips for Organizing a Busy Home. :-) We had a blast recording it. I just love the folks at Focus!
I would like homemade strawberry shortcake w my grandma’s sticking white icing…she used to make these when I was little with my uncles fresh strawberries.. since she passed my mom makes them….special and yummy
My favorite cake for my birthday would be a German Chocolate Cake with coconut and pecan icing. My Aunt when I was a kid would always make me one from scratch. Now they have cake mixes but they will never taste as good as my aunts. She always made it specially for me..
Happy belated birthday!!! I would be picking out an ice cream cake!!!
Happy Birthday Karen! My favorite cake is a chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting. Yum, might need to make one!
My favorite Birthday cake is my Mom’s homemade Red Velvet Cake w/ her homemade Cream Cheese Icing. I miss her Red Velvet Cake, but miss her the most as she went home to Heaven Jan. 2011. But my Husband and I still make Red Velvet Cake using his family’s recipe. Brings back a lot of GREAT memories for me.
Happy birthday. My favorite is an all in one pan chocolare cake. It has vinegar in it which makes it really moist. Then top with caramel pecan coconut Yum!
Happy Birthday a few days late! My favorite cake is german chocolate cake.
I love coconut too. My favorite birthday cake would be German Chocolate!!! I now have celiac disease and a dairy allergy, so making cakes is more of a challenge. But, with the two conditions, I almost have to make my own food all the time. It’s ok, it’s gotten me back into the kitchen. I was becoming a frozen dinner junkie!!!! We share close birthdays!! Mine is the 12th of March. Happy Birthday Karen!! (And I am over 50….closer to 50 though, but one day the tide will turn too!! So hard to believe I’m in the 50’s, you always feel the same age I guess:) )
Happy belated birthday, Karen! I love my iPad. I hope you are blessed with one sooner than later.
Happy Birthday! I’m am really looking forward to this study. I really need help with hospitality and being ready for visitors and getting my home organized and always friendly. My favorite cake is not a cake. I don’t like cake. I love banana pudding. That’s my favorite.
A carrot cake !!!!!!!!!!
I would love an ice cream cake for my birthday. It doesn’t even matter what flavor, as long as there is cake and ice cream… YUM….
Ice Cream cake. I love it! Happy birthday to you!
I married a man whose last name is Schwabenland, so of course my favorite cake is Black Forrest.
I really don’t eat cake much, so for our birthdays (only 5 days apart) my husband and I usually splurge and buy a gourmet cheesecake. We like the chocolate sampler! : )
I would love a caramel cake!
Janet W.
Happy Birthday!!! 40 is the ruby year, so get yourself something red! My favorite birthday cake is actually pie… pie, to be exact! I’m not much of a cake lover, but pretty much any kind of pie will ALWAYS make me a happy camper. Enjoy your day & may God continually bless your socks off in the upcoming year!!! =)
My favorite cake is german chocolate :) My bday is at the end of March so I am ready for cake now :) I love your website, FB page and I just got a chance to listen to your Focus Broadcast. Thanks for your tips!
Happy Birthday!! My soon to be a lot closer to 50 birthday is coming also. I sure hope the guys make me a double decker chocolate with peanut butter frosting cake!!! Thanks for being such a blessing. Love your blog! xo
After reading all these posts of favorite cakes, it’s hard to figure out which is MY favorite. They all sound good. But I like anything with raspberries in it. I used to have a recipe for an angel food cake, cut in thirds with raspberry cream cheese filling and whipped cream icing. Chocolate is always a good choice too!
Happy 40-something young lady!
My mom’s 3 layer chocolate cake!
Happy birthday!! I would pick a yummy homemade angel food cake. My fav!
Happy Birthday!
I’d like an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen or Baskin Robbins, with chocolate chip or mint chocolate chip ice cream.
My cake of choice would be chocolate cake with chocolate frosting – made by one of my kids. They both have recently found that they enjoy baking. :-)
Happy birthday! Strawberry cake w creamcheese frosting is my fav! :)