Hospitality For Teens

NOTE:  I am guest posting today over at Nicole O’Dell’s site on hospitality for teens. Link is below near the end of the post.

Welcome to those who’ve popped over looking for our online hospitality slated to start next Monday March 19th and run for 15 weekdays. I’ll thrilled you’ll be joining us!

I have over 15 awesome guests joining us offering ideas, recipes, & great giveaways! We’ll have your share your questions and recipes and tips too. Why, if I can figure out how to do it, we’ll even have a link up to any of your blogs!

(Pssst… and, if you do have a blog, could you grab our study’s blog button from near the top of my sidebar and post it on your site? Thanks!)

To join the study just takes a minute.

First, sign up to recieve my posts via email by clicking on the envelope icon in the sidebar or entering your email in the box just below it. (If you don’t want to keep getting my posts after the study, simply click “unsubscribe” in one of the emails.)

Second, get a hold of a copy of A Life That Says Welcome: Simple Ways to Open Your Heart & Home to Others. Don’t worry if you don’t have it by the first day of the study. You’ll still be fine. You can find the book here, and here, or here or here or even here.

A new post will go up each morning with a guest and a giveaway and we will interact through the comment thread throughout the day sharing ideas and asking questions.

Although the study will be here, I do have a Facebook page where we’ll have interaction and quick giveaways (like, “The first person to tell me the decorating idea listed on page 132 wins a Starbucks card”) Head over and “Like” Karen Ehman’s Book Studies on Facebook to connect there too by clicking here.

Now, if you’d like a little taste of the study, hop over to Nicole O’Dell’s site where I am guest posting today on spontaneous hospitality for teens and tweens. Click here to see the post.

And, I almost forgot, the winner of the giveaway from over the weekend is Roseanne. Congrats! You’ll be getting an email from my assistant Kim very soon asking for your mailing address.

Come back tomorrow when I’ll give you a peek at the guest list for my hospitality study. It is gonna be a blast!


  1. If I’m already receiving the daily emails, am I enrolled for the Study? Or do I have to repeat the sign-up process?

  2. I’m so excited and have been waiting for this study. I’ve subscribed, but when I click on the link that was sent to email it went to error page.

  3. I am impressed and like what you propose to offer. I have been hosting lots of friends but I now want to join the hospitality group at my church and open my home to men and women of GOD. Your invite caught my eye. This is sure my answer from GOD. I live in Zimbabwe (Southern Africa) and I am not too sure of where I can get a copy of your book. I want to participate in the study. Do you by any chance have soft copies of the book?

  4. So all I have to do is purchase the book which I am getting the ebook version and subscribe to the blog then I can start the online bible study?

  5. I signed up for the Bible study before I saw that it was around the book. I am not able to buy the book-will I be able to “get” any of this study. I only work 7 hours a week at my church. Thanks!

  6. I am doing this with my Pastor’s wife. I was a Pastor’s wife and understand the pressures of the “job”. We already have our books and are reading the first 4 chapters together. Thanks for this much needed study.

  7. Karen,

    I just went to the link on your invitational email to purchase this book, and found that it is on Back Order till Mid- April!! Do you have this book in e-format available for download?

    1. No, I don’t. Be sure to check all the links above. I know Amazon is waiting for copies but other places still have it.

  8. Is it possible to buy this book in the UK?
    I’ve looked on Amazon but it’s not available here.

  9. Karen – thank you for leading this in a flexible way that allows those of us with littles to participate too!

    I am really looking forward to this! I read this book as my then four and a half year old was recovering from open heart surgery. It made a huge impact on me and made me feel that even in the midst of those overwhelming and challenging circumstances that I could be making little plans to be hospitable when she was allowed visitors and it kind of spiraled from there. Now we live in an area where hospitality is almost unheard of, and we just keep trying to invite people over.

    Thank you for your book, it really had a huge impact on our family.

  10. This will be my first on-line bible study class. I am super excited about starting it…just got my book in the mail yesterday :)

  11. Just downloaed the book to my Nook….. I use to be really good at having people over and so forth and I just slipped out of it and became more of a me staying home doing nothing person. So this study is very exciting for me…. God bless..

    1. Because, as it says above, I am guest posting about that at Nicole ODell’s site. The link is there where I mention it above. :-) (It says “click here” in third paragraph from the bottom)

  12. I am not good at hospitality, but I know I should practice it, and I WANT to. So looking forward to learning ways to make it come easier.

  13. Hi!

    Is there a blog today somewhere concerning “Hospitality for Teens”. I am not seeing material specifically for that. Sorry! ;-)

    1. No problem. It is above where, in the third paragraph from the end of the post, it says “Click here to see the post”

  14. I am having my web gal look into the sign up. It seems to be working for most people. Can’t figure out why it is not for others. We’re on it!

  15. I tried to sign up for the online Bible study but when I clicked on the box a place to add my email address never appeared. Can I sign up this way?

  16. Hi Karen,

    i’m really interested in attending the online sessions but would like to know what time it is being held.

    thanks so much!

    1. Tina–
      I will have a blog post each morning with a guest and giveaway and women can interact through the comments throughout the day. :-)

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