Organization for Busy Families

Hey gang!

Head over to my friends at Focus on the Family today to hear a broadcast about organizing for busy families and getting kids in on the act.

Many of the ideas are taken from my book The Complete Guide to Getting and Staying Organized.

I recorded it last October when I was there at Focus’ headquarters in Colorado Springs speaking at a Hearts at Home conference. I’ve always treasured each time I’ve been a guest on their show but this time especially, I had a complete blast visiting with John Fuller and Dr. Juli Slattery!

And remember, there is still time to join us next week when we start an online study on hospitality based on my book A Life That Says Welcome. You can click here for info.


And, If you have a blog, please grab the button from my sidebar that tells about that study and add it to your site.


We’re are going to have great guests, giveaways and lots of link-ups and idea sharing! More about that tomorrow.


For now, plan to join me sometime today and listen to the Focus on the Family broadcast. To do so, simply click here.



  1. Subject: : For the frugal (cheap but smart)
    Use a comb to hold a nail while you hammer it to hang a picture.
    Rub walnuts over scratches in wood to cover them.
    Use bread bag clips to label tv and computer cords.
    Glass bowl makes a great amplifier for your IPhone while you are listening to Focus on the Family.
    bathroom tissue cardboard tubes work great to organize cords.
    Lay a wooden spoon over the top of of cookware to prevent water from boiling over.
    Wrap Christmas lights around a clothes hanger, and they will never tangle.
    Use a Pringles can to store dry spaghetti.

    all were tips from an e-mail I received. hope it helps some one out there.

  2. I love this book! I got it last year at Hearts at Home and it is really helpful!

    Loved hearing your voice again. I won’t see you at H@H this year, but can’t wait to hear all the great testimonies and numbers of moms refreshed!

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