You’re Already Amazing with Holley Gerth
The winner of Letters from Leanne & a $10 Bath & Body Works card from Tuesday’s post is: Lyn. Send your home address to [email protected]. Be sure to tell her what you won!
Ever feel the pressure to be perfect?
Look perfect.
Have a perfect marriage.
And perfectly behaved children.
A perfect house anyone?
How about a perfect job, extended family or past?
In the best-selling book You’re Already Amazing, popular blogger and cofounder of (in)courage Holley Gerth helps women understand and embrace the fact that they don’t need to do more, be more, and have more–because they’re already amazing just the way God created them to be.
As a licensed counselor and certified life coach, she knows what readers need to hear.
Like a heart-to-heart talk over coffee, reading this joy-filled book encourages women to forget the lies and expectations the world feeds them, instead believing that God made them for a purpose and that he loves them right now, at this moment, and always.
Holley takes readers on a journey of the heart to discover their strengths and embrace all God created them to be.
This fabulous author and regular girlfriend has agreed to give away a copy of her encouraging book to one of you who comments on this post. And you may also pick one item from the Holley collection from Day Spring. Click here to see it.
Tell us this, in what area of life do you most feel the pressure to be perfect?
Winner announced Monday.
I am constantly comparing myself to others. I even feel that I need to have it all together in front of my family too. It has made it hard for me to make and keep friends.
I feel the most pressure to be the perfect Mom. I think that is just something I’ve put on myself and not something anyone else is expecting from me.
The pressure comes when taking care of my husband who has Parkinson’s Disease. I feel everything should be done with a smile and no harsh words. Unfortunately, many, many times it doesn’t work out that way.
In all honesty, it would be in all things. Each hat I wear has pressures of earthly perfection that weighs me down. I try to remind myself that I am not measured by how clean my toilets and porch are, but I often get weighed down by the perception of perfection. God is working on me and showing me the worldly lies and revealing the truly important areas to improve in my life :)
perfectionist perfect wife mother ect
Id love to win the book! Feel the pressure to have perfectly behaved kids and a cleeeeeean house, all the time!
I definitely feel the most pressure to be the “perfect” housewife (cooking, housekeeping, etc). Thanks for the chance to win this book!
You’re kIdding! Right?! I don’t guess I have an area in my life that I don’t feel pressure to be perfect!!?! I live with many things that limit my ability to keep up & I probably make my performance worse looking through that lens. I try to overcome my limitations, & i end up staying over busy & forget that God doesn’t require that of me. I have a question? When is something good enough when we are suppose to give our best to God?
As a newly married woman in a foreign country (Mexico), I feel pressure to adjust to a new culture, different lifestyle, challenge of unemployment and STILL keep my faith when the sink is full, laundry needs to be done, dinner to be prepared, be a fantastic and not lose myself in the process.
Having a perfect house.
Most definitely in being a good enough Mom, especially when I get into conversations with other ostensibly “perfect” parents with “perfect” kids … but I see from ALL of the comments above, that I am in good company with this feeling! We have to step back, count our blessings and trust in His Grace to cover us AND our kiddos!
To do to much and to do it perfectly!
I learned a long time ago that trying to be perfect is like chasing after the wind….you’ll never get it. (Ecclesiastes 1-2). It doesn’t mean I don’t try to do things well, it just takes the pressure off trying to live up to a standard I won’t be able to reach. I mess up sometimes, but thankfully His mercies are new every morning.
Raising my children…
I feel pressure to be good at my job of stay-at-home mom. I stink at most aspects and put a lot of weight on myself to be perfect. Daily battle.
Sadly, most areas of my life.
House and lawn!
As a working mom I know I pressure myself to always be there for my children, I want to be a good Christian role model to them and my husband~ not so easy! But I just want to buy this book for all my girlfriends b/c I think they are amazing! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Where doesn’t the pressure come from? My house is a mess. My kids are a mess. Relationships are a mess. Need to be the perfect employee. Need to be the perfect volunteer at church. Some days I would rather just stay in bed and hide under the covers and tell the world to leave me alone!
I feel the pressure on being a perfect mom…a perfect wife…sister n law….daughter… And sister .. And end up feeling overwhelmed with all of it. Thank you for your words today and I plan on purchasing your book… It sounds like an answer to my prayers that I have asked God for…
I have always had a problem with perfectionism….in all aspects of my life. I feel the most pressure to be a “perfect” homeschool mom to my kids too… I was always one who said that I would never do it b/c I’m not patient. Well, guess what? Be careful with “never” statements!:) God led us to homeschool and I know that it’s to change me and to draw me closer to Him. I feel like I fail constantly trying to be the best I can be and I don’t rely on Jesus enough. I am so thankful that He isn’t nearly finished with me yet. I am so grateful for grace…all day…everyday… GRACE!
I was driving home from work the other day and realized I had no place in my life that I excelled at anything. It was all mediocre or less. Work is so difficult, I was already behind and now I have two positions to cover. I’m missing so many deadlines. My secretary is in the same position as they gave her more work. We can vent to each other but have little time to help one another. I am caring for a grandson with a disability as best I can and work full time. I went through a divorce less than a year ago. There are so many days at work that I just want to cry. I feel so far from perfect or even mediocre that the weight of work is the biggest pressure. I need my job to pay the bills as my meager income for supporting my grandson, my dog, and I. The struggle for survival weighs heavy so often. I am not good at seeing my strengths and need a mental makeover…lol.
hi Karen,
I wrote Proverbs 29:25 from one of your recent posts on a card and put it on my bathroom mirror to remind myself that pleasing others is not what I need to be concerned about. However, I do still struggle with taking what people say about me too personally. I am a pastor’s wife and church folks are not always very kind and there is a huge amount of pressure to be who everyone expects me to be. (Everyones opinion is different, of course!)
Rebecca Ann
Definitely the homeschool mom area, but also the pressure/discouragement regarding weight and appearance.
Motherhood. Inherent guilt since I went back to work. I know the negative feelings didn’t come from the Lord. I really don’t like to let down my kids.