Why I Wear a Toe Ring
I remember in 5th grade begging my mom to get my ears pierced.
Only one other girl in my class had hole-less lobes so I pleaded my case, “But Mooooooom! EVVVVV-ERYONE has their ears pierced but Heidi and me!”
My super-conservative mom told me if God wanted holes in my ears, I would have been born with them.
I retorted, “Well, if he wanted me to wear clothes, then I would have been born with them on too. So, tomorrow I am going to school nude.” :-)
Mom was bluffing. She took me to the Meijer Thrifty Acres grocery store on my birthday that year where a nice lady in the jewelry department pierced them for me.
The pain was worth the cool.
In college, my friend Carmen and her best friend each got one ear double pierced (cool for that time). They said it would be to remind them that they belonged to the Lord; that they were His slaves.
Exodus 21:5-6 says about slaves (who would be bound to work for 6 years and then could go free):
“But the slave may declare, ‘I love my master, my wife, and my children. I don’t want to go free.’ If he does this, his master must present him before God.Then his master must take him to the door or doorpost and publicly pierce his ear with an awl. After that, the slave will serve his master for life.”
I loved Carmen’s idea. An earring to remind me I want to serve God and my family.
However, I am a wimp. And the pain of the first go-round of ear piercing was enough for me!
In fact, I am so thankful I am not a missionary in a country where, if you don’t have your nose pierced, it means your husband beats you. Or, that I don’t have a hubby that thinks I could totally rock the cute-tiny-diamond-stud-nose-ring look.
If either of these were true, I would use a Barbie stick-on earring there instead!
Well, a few years ago, while speaking at a resort on St. Simon’s Island, GA, a group of us from the retreat went shopping downtown on our free time. There, we each bought sterling silver toe rings.
I wear it to remind myself that I am a voluntary slave of Christ. And that I love my Master and my husband and children.
When I see it, I am able to realign my thoughts at those times I want to put myself on the throne. Or, when I grow weary of the serving, and running, and working that is required to be a Christian wife and mom.
I have become so concerned with the many women I meet (and some I know in real life) who have decided the grass is greener on the other side. So, they chuck their families (and sometimes God too!) and venture off to finally “Be happy.”
Now, I am not one who will just sit and wag my finger at them thinking “For shame, you sinner!” God has gently chided me when I have done that in the past saying, “Karen, that could be you someday, you know. Be careful. And prayerful”
Marriage and mothering the way God commands is hard work! It takes patience, time, tears and forgiveness. It requires that we regroup and restart—-sometimes over and over again.
But my toe ring reminds me that this is for life. I am a slave of Jesus and a willing servant of my family. (And it is not a one-way street. They love and serve me too.)
Yes, I am free to do as I’d like. There are no laws in my country against chucking my family and running away. (Come one….you know we moms sometimes dream of running away!)
However, my toe ring reminds me of this:
“Live as free people, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves.” 1 Peter 2:16
Will you sign up to be His slave?
I love giveaways but I love your wisdom more:)
never thought I’d want a toe ring. Now I do ! My husband and I will be celebrating our 44th anniversary this week. He will ask me what I want and I will say a TOE RING …. from Kohls!
great idea!!
For most of my growing up years, I dreamed of a ring….one that would go on my left hand. At 37-years-old, that hand is still bare. But after reading this post, I am reminded that, not only am I a slave to Christ, but I am Christ’s bride–left hand ring or not. I used to wear a toe ring (sometimes two!) but stopped wearing them a long time ago–not sure why. Perhaps I need to get a new one and look at it as my “real” wedding ring. :)
I could use a reminder myself! Thanks for sharing!
I love this idea. I used to have one ear pierced very high and had to take out the earring because my hair was long and wrapped around it,., because of this post (and my hair being very short) I am considering wearing it again!
What a neat idea! Never thought to wear a toe ring for that reason! Love your blog!
Karen, I love this post. I’ve always wondered about wearing a toe ring – what a great reason to try it out – and to help remind me to have the heart of a servant! Even if I don’t win – I’m going to buy one!
(I do have to echo an earlier comment though – do you wear it in the winter with shoes? Probably a silly question, but I’m a toe ring novice!) :) Thanks for the post! Blessings to you!!
What a neat idea. I hadn’t heard anything like using a toe ring (or earring) to remind me of being a voluntary slave to Jesus. I have a dove ring my mom gave me when my third child was born (Three children, 3 yrs and under). She said it was to remind me of God’s peace. I wore it a lot the first year. I still wear it occasionally and it help to remind me to rely on God and not myself.
Thanks! I had my ears pierced when I was younger & as I have gotten older, I’ve wondered how God felt about me doing that to the body he gave me! I have never read that scripture in the bible. I think I feel better now! LOL!
I love the idea of jewelry meaning something special…When our son started dating a non Christian I found a sterling silver pinky ring when we were at a Craft Fair…it reminds me to pray for her…she has yet to give her life to our Lord but I think her heart is softening…..
Karen, love your idea of using a toe ring as a reminder that I am a slave of Christ. I wear a toe ring too so now I’m going to use your idea! Thanks for sharing.
Darlene Biega
[email protected]
I got my toe ring out earlier this week and put it on. At the time I put it on because I like wearing it, I like the way it looks and it makes me feel pretty. Now I have a whole new reason to wear my toe ring. Thank you.
Beautiful reason to wear a toe ring!
I LOVED your idea of the toe ring! We are called to be “brides of Christ” so we should wear a ring for our Lord! what a great concrete reminder of that idea. thanks for sharing.
What a nice reminder and, yes, a painfree one as well. Now that it is sandal season, it is a great time to start wearing a toe ring as we walk along His bright path!
Dear Karen,
When my husband and I were going through a very rough patch, every day I would wear the earrings he had given me for our 10th anniversary. It took awhile before I could wear any other pair because they reminded me of his love for me and gave me hope for our future together. We got through it, and I wear lots of different types of earrings now, but I like the idea of wearing something that reminds me of my voluntary commitment to both my husband and my Lord.
I have had plans for a tattoo on the bottom of my foot that says “Adonai” for years! I always thought of it with the idea that I am signed by my creator, but I love even the idea of being “branded” – I am God’s. I really need to do that soon!
Karen I love this story about getting your ears priced. I had laugh at what your my said about if God wanted you to have holes there he would have made them.My dad would say the same thing .I got mine pirced to. I just loved what you said about going to school with no close that was a great come back. We joked alot in my family too. Just to funny.
Loved your story :)
Wow! I was just thinking today as I was driving our van full of children home from town, how I love Jesus, and that is why I serve my husband and children to the best of my ability! Of course, I love them, too, but there are times when I need to remind myself why I do the things I do. Right now, I am wearing one of those rubbery wrist bands that says, “He lives!”, and another one from a motivational speaker that reminds me to live each day to the fullest. I pray to live and walk in forgiveness and love each day.
A daily reminder of that very fact is important. I love jewlery and also wear a toe ring. I had three poppys tattooed on my right foot. One in bud form, one starting to bloom, and one in full bloom. Below it is written “be transformed” Romans 12:2. I need reminded often that I am to live in this world but not be “of this world”.
Thank you for sharing your visual reminder of whose you are.
Thank you for the different perspective. I was not familiar with the verses you quoted, but I will definitely research them now.
I love the idea of the reminder that I am a slave to Christ and a willing servant to those He has blessed me with. Thank you!
You are so honest, Karen. Thank you for letting so many women know that they are not wack-o (sp?) when they feel like running away. It’s wonderful how you weave the Christiaan messages that we need to be reminded about – that Christ is the answer – as you share real life experiences. We are all blessed by the gifts God has given you. I was pleasantly surprised by the message a toe ring can convey. How wonderful! And what a great opportunity to witness when someone compliments you on the toe ring, and you can share its meaning.
My dear Karen…How on time your devotion is today. As our family is having some really rough times right now…it seems all is falling apart. I spend a great deal of my time looking down instead of upward. I had never thought of a toe ring in the way you described. It would a constant reminder (as I am looking down) that I should look up and know that I am a slave to my blessed Lord. He is the one that is in control of all things….
Thank you for your time and words…they provide such uplifting spirits when I need them most. May you be blessed and I look forward to your new book too!
Smiles & Blessings,
Robin :)