Second Chance Giveaway
The winner of the baking giveaway from over the weekend is: Ginger B. Send your home address to [email protected] so we can get you your prize. :-)
Well gals, I’m taking the week off of blogging. Mainly I am finishing up writing the curriculum Bible study companion guide for the dvd series for my new book due out this fall.
I’m also going to watch my son play baseball at the Michigan Whitecaps minor league stadium in a showcase day.
And, I’m trying to help the hubster with some landscaping he is doing since he has the week off. (NOTE: In this 90+ degree weather, “helping” may be consist only of occasionally bringing him a homemade blackberry iced tea. Just keepin’ it real!)
In my absence, I am offering a second chance giveaway.
A while back, I offered this giveaway designed to help you hide scripture in your heart for those days when you so desperately need it. It is pictured here:
It includes:
~ A journal to record thoughts, prayers, etc…
~ A Bible highlighter
~ A nifty index card folder with 100 cards for writing out verses to memorize
~ A pack of large sticky notes to write out longer sections and stick them on your car dashboard or at your kitchen sink or bathroom mirror
~ A Dayspring mug and some blueberry herbal tea bags
~ The Passion of Jesus Christ by John Piper
~ Some P.S. I Love You lotion from Bath & Body Works (God’s feelings about YOU!)
~ Some dark chocolate covered pomegranate bits. Hey—come one—–pomegranates are in the Bible, right?
Well, the winner never claimed the prize even after multiple attempts to reach her via email. So, while I am gone this week, leave a comment with what you will be doing on the 4th of July. I’ll randomly choose a winner of this giveaway and announce her on Monday.
Me? I’ll be the one hauling iced tea out to the hubby like a good wife should. ;-)
And you?
I too will be helping the husband, fix the pool deck, trimming some bushes and helping our boys with their 4-H projects. It will be loaded with a lot of sweet tea and probably ice cream. There will be fireworks in the evening!
I am going to be spending my holiday off preparing something for the she speaks conference. I just signed up a few days ago at the prodding of our Lord and to be quite honest, I haven’t a clue as to what I am doing!! I’m signed up for the writer’s track and truly, I am not a writer….but God seems to think that this is where I should be heading……I’m hoping to discover why while I’m there! So….writing! That is what I am doing on the 4th!! I hope you enjoyed your week off! Lisa
We are going to have a quiet day at home with family and good food.
My family was invited to spend time with a church family… have dinner and watch the fireworks. It’s our first time to visit with this family and we are looking forward to the 4th of July to have fellowship with them.
My girls and I recently discovered those chocolate pomegranate candies- yummy! We are spending the day with family and making pizza with my Granny.
I’ll be taking my 84 year old mother to visit my brother in Montana. I will miss my hubby and grand kids, but I’ll be making memories with my mom and brother.
it is supposed to be 100 degrees but i will attend a parade to salute the veterans and hear the high school bands play patriotic songs
I’ll be bbqing with my family.
we will be having my sis-in-law for lunch. gonna have spaghetti. and garlic toast. just so thankful for so many things.
oops, i couldn’t find the first post, so i goofed and have a second one. just ignore one of them if that’s what is needed. i want to be fair to everyone.
we will be having my sister-in-law over for lunch. she lost her husband in March to cancer. he went fast once he found out he had it. but she is doing good. i my self have some health problems, but i am so much better off than most. i just am very thankful. we will be having spaghetti and garlic toast. yum, yum.
Awww…thank you for second chances! My July 4th holiday will be spent at the neighborhood cookout and trying to survive the heat :) Many thanks for your blog!
We will be spending the fourth with our daughter, son-in-law and brand new grandson!! Because our son-in-law and daughter are in the Army, we have not been with them for 8 years on the fourth, so we are very excited. We are cooking on the grill and then watching fire works on base at Fort Meade, MD. Even plan to spend the night at their house. God is good.
Being home alone while other household members went to a family party was the original plan. Due to party host’s hospitalization (nothing horribly major just bad timing) that event had to be cancelled. Now it looks like hubby and I will be going to his brother’s place for a few hours. The kayaking is about the only thing that’s got me not looking for a way out. I know that sounds horrible, but I’m just being honest here.
We are going to go over to some friends’ house and swim in their pool and each delicious food. No fireworks this year as there is a ban due to the dry weather, but I am ok with that. Should be a wonderful time of fellowship and relaxing.
My husband and I will be shooting a fireworks show for a small rural town in Arkansas. We love doing it together. Everyone seems to enjoy the show so it makes us feel like we did a good job. Hope everyone has a safe 4th.
I’ll be at work (in Canada) but for Canada Day this past Sunday, I spent time with my family in the celebrations downtown! My young daughter enjoyed the long parade and sat on the street curb for over 2 hrs! It’s precious to us since my husband previously worked weekends and holidays so it was a blessing to be able to spend this day as a family!
We will be with our church family having homemade ice cream and desserts and watching the big city fireworks display
Planning a relaxing 4th with family & friends. We have a local fair so will probably hang out there for awhile and then enjoy the fireworks to end the evening.
I’ll be spending the day with my family and neighbors.
We live by a beautiful lake and there is a sailboat association that puts on a 4th of July sailboat parade, which is very fun to watch from the beach where we will BBQ with friends and family and watch the fireworks show later thatnight that is put on over the water. A day of spectacular sights in Gods wonderful creation.
I’ll be spending the day with my sister & her family. Since losing my husband, mother, brother, and father all in a 6 month period–my little family has gotten so much smaller. I have one sister, 2 children & 3 grandchildren. But we know the importance of family, faith, and living each day to it’s fullest. Each day is precious.
We will celebrate at home. Play with the kids. Husband will golf. I’m hoping to scrapbook. At night we’ll watch the fireworks on TV.
We plan to watch fireworks at Lake DeGray and maybe make homemade ice cream!!
I will be working at the hospital, However with all of the ravaging storms that have taken most people’s power and water in the scorching heat….it is the least I can do. It makes me realize how much we take for granted, AND how quickly things can change. People’s lives were changed and many lost in an instant…so thankful to serve a God that can make a way when there seems to be no way. AND not to mention how desperately grateful I am to our service men and women on this day we celebrate our country and our freedom! Me, working…oh well. Truly, no big deal! :)
We are sending our kids to church camp on the 4th then that evening we are getting together with some other parents for a cook-out and to watch fireworks. Looking forward to the relaxing evening. Thank you Karen for the second chance giveaway. Will be praying for you as you finish your writing!! Have a wonderful & Happy 4th of July!